Ad Delivery & Performance

My ad wasn't approved. Why?

If your Facebook ad isn't approved, you should edit it so it meets the advertising policies. Editing your Facebook ads and saving your changes will resubmit the ad to be reviewed again. You'll receive an email from Facebook that explains why your ad wasn't approved, so you should use that info to guide you during your editing.

For example, if your ad wasn't approved because you're advertising alcohol in the United States and your audience includes people under the age of 21, you'll want to go to the Targeting section of the ad set and increase the age range of your audience to start at 21. Your ad will go through a review again when you save your changes.

Note: Some reasons for not approving an ad won't allow for that ad to be edited any further. If you can't edit an ad, you can create a new ad or you can learn more by submitting this form.

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Appeal your disapproved ad

If your ad has been disapproved, you won't be able to change the status of it yourself. If you believe that your ad was disapproved by mistake (based on our Advertising Policies), you can appeal this decision using this form.

We'll review your appeal and determine if your ad was wrongfully disapproved.

Keep in mind that if your appeal is successful and your campaigns are active, your ads will start delivering. You ad will be in the same status as your campaign, if we approve your appeal.

Change the status of your campaign

You can also turn off your campaign and ad set. If you decide to turn off your campaign or ad set, you'll also turn off all the ads that are within the campaign or ad set.

To stop or start your campaigns, ad sets or ads in Ads Manager, click next to its name.

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Ads that run on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network are subject to a review process that looks at the amount of text used in your ad. Based on this review, ads with higher amounts of text will receive less or no delivery at all (unless they qualify for an exception). People are more likely to engage with ads that have less text.

Click here to use our tool to determine if your ad's reach may be reduced for having too much text on the ad image before you run your ad. While the accuracy of the tool may not be perfect, you should use the tool as a guide to help you run ads that more likely to be approved.

How we review different ad formats

  • Carousel ads - We review each image within the ad to see if they all comply with our text guidelines. Keep in mind that even if one image in the carousel has too much text, it'll affect your entire ad.
  • Video ads - We review the thumbnail to make sure it complies with our text guidelines.


  • Click here to check your images, before you try running your ad.
  • If you need to include text in your image, try reducing the font size of your text. Keep in mind that if your text is too small, it may be difficult to read.
  • Make sure most of the text you use is in the text box instead of directly on the ad's image.
  • Avoid spreading text all over the image.


Facebook ads that contain images with little to no text tend to cost less and have better delivery than ads with image text.

Image text can fall into one of 4 categories:

More visual examples

Preferred Text

These ads are considered ideal because all the copy used for these ads is in the text box, instead of directly in the image.

Low Text

These ads are considered to have moderate text. Each of these ads has most of their copy in the text box, but there's still some copy directly on the images in each of them.

Medium Text

These ads are considered to have heavy text. Each of these ads has about half of their copy in the text box and about half of their copy on the images used in their ads. The delivery for these ads will likely be severely limited.

High Text

These ads are considered to have too much text. These ads will likely not deliver.


We understand that sometimes, you'll need to use an image of a text-based product for your ad (calligraphy, infographics, movie posters, etc.). For this reason, your image may qualify for an exception.

Legal text, like "terms and conditions" also count as an exception (as it applies to the product in your ad).

Examples of text that won’t limit delivery

  • Book Covers
  • Product Image

    Note: For product images, we don't allow close up or zoomed in images of logos. Your image must show the entire product.

  • Games
  • Entertainment
  • Examples of text that will likely limit delivery

    • Text-based logos - Any logo that is primarily text is counted as text regardless of its size or alignment. Grapic-based logos are exceptions.
    • Watermark - Watermarks are considered as text, even if they're mandatory or as per their brand guidelines
    • Numbers - All numbers are considered as text

    Learn how to troubleshoot other factors that impact under-delivery.

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    My ads aren't running? Why?

    Before ads show up on Facebook or Instagram, they’re reviewed to make sure they meet our Advertising Policies. Typically most ads are reviewed within 24 hours, although in some cases it may take longer.

    If you get an email or notification from us saying your ad wasn't approved, take a look at our policies to understand how you might revise your ad and try again.

    If you're worried your post won't be approved on time, you can always schedule your post early. In the How much do you want to spend? section of ad creation, click Set a start and end date next to Schedule. You can set your ad to start at anytime in the future.

    Sometimes we make mistakes. If you think your ad follows our policies and shouldn't have been disapproved, please let us know.
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    Want to learn more about how our auction and delivery system works? Interested in live broadcasts on the subject with the opportunity to ask questions to a panel of experts? Join our FB Auction Live group.

    If your ad isn't receiving the number of impressions you expect (or none at all), here are a few things you can check, such as your account status, budget, or ad relevance.

    Check this first:

    Is your campaign, ad set or ad active?
    If your campaign, ad set or ad are not active, you can fix it by turning your campaign, ad set, or ad back on
    Did you reach your spending limit?
    Was your ad approved?

    We review each ad you create before we start running it to check that it meets our policies. The most common reason ads aren't approved is because the images in the ads are more than 20% text. If your ad wasn’t approved, you can edit it and resubmit it.

    Is your ad scheduled to run in the future?
    • Check that your ad isn’t scheduled to run in the future. We'll only run an ad during the time periods you specified. To fix it, change the schedule for your ad.

    If your ad is active, but still getting too few impressions:

    Is your budget too low?
    • When the budget is too low for the size of your audience, it can make it hard for your ads to compete with other advertisers who can spend more money to reach the same audience. As a result, your ad may reach fewer people than we predict.
    Did you edit your ad multiple times in a short period of time?
    It takes our ad delivery system 24 hours to adjust the performance level for your ad. It can take longer when you edit your ad frequently. To fix it, let your ad run for at least 24 hours before you edit it again. Learn more about how long it takes for your changes to happen.
    Are the same people seeing your ad over and over?
    Ads that are shown around 3 times or more tend to decline in performance, even if they were initially very successful. We recommend creating a new ad with a new image or text about once a week. Make sure to stop your previous ad before running the new one so that they don't compete with each other.
    Is your ad is relevant to your audience?
    • Once your ad has more than 500 impressions, you can check your relevance score. Your ad's relevance score is based on several factors, including positive feedback (such as clicks or shares) and negative feedback.
    • A low relevance score means that either your ad has performed poorly with your audience, or that lots of people are clicking I don't want to see this on your ad. Because more relevant ads perform better, we’ll always prioritize an ad with a high relevance score over an ad with a low relevance score when the ads are bidding the same amount.

    Other scenarios

    One of my ad sets is performing better than another
    • Check that your ad sets are targeting different audiences. Our delivery system means that if 2 ad sets are in competition for the same audience you'll most likely see one set performing better than another.
    • It's normal for one ad to perform better than another. Ads are optimized so that ads with more engagement, such as clicks and shares, will run more frequently to deliver the best performance for your budget. As a result one ad may get more impressions than another in the same ad set. Learn more about why similar ads can perform so differently.
    My target audiences are overlapping
    • Consolidate some of your overlapping ad sets. If some ad sets are targeting very similar audiences, you could see better results by consolidating them into one with a larger budget.
    • Refine your targeting. Take advantage of location, age, gender, interest and/or behavior-based targeting to ensure each ad set has a specific and distinct audience. You can also try creating separate Custom Audiences (from a pixel or your customer data) or Lookalike Audiences (of people similar to your best customers) for each ad set.

    Additional Resources:

    Still having problems troubleshooting your Facebook ads? Find additional support on our resources page.

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    Facebook posts containing stories about Notes, change of Profile Pictures, or new Life Events are not eligible to be boosted.

    There are many reasons a boost might be unavailable. Check out the list below for some of the most common issues.

    You may see Boost Unavailable in the following situations:

    • Expired offer: You can't boost an offer that's expired. Create a new offer.
    • Past event: You can't boost an event that's in the past. Create a new event.
    • Page role: You need to be either an admin, advertiser, moderator or editor on the Page to boost posts. Reach out to an admin on the Page to request they update your Page role.
    • Unpublished Page: You can't boost a post if you haven't published your Page yet.
    • Photo Album: Some photo albums aren't eligible to be boosted. Learn how to boost a photo album and what type of posts containing photo albums can be boosted.
    • Post is too old: Posts published before June 21, 2012 can't be boosted.
    • Disabled shared login: Another admin on the account likely upgraded to Business Manager. You'll need to contact the other people you shared the login with and have the person who transitioned the account send you an invitation to join Business Manager.
    • Ad Account closed: If your ad account is closed, you won't be able to boost posts. You can reactivate a closed ad account by going to your Ads Manager, clicking Reactivate at the top of the Page and following the steps on the next page.
    • Ad Account Flagged: If your ad account was flagged for unusual activity, you won't be able to boost any posts. To check the status of your account, go to your Ads Manager.
    • Changed profile picture: Page posts for changing a profile picture are not eligible to be boosted.
    • Notes: You can’t boost a Note or a post containing a link to a Note.
    • Mobile app installs: mobile app install posts to your Page are not eligible to be boosted.

    Learn more on how to edit a boosted post.

    Manage your Ads

    Keep in mind that all boosted posts must adhere to Facebook's Advertising Policies. If your post doesn't meet any of the guidelines, your boost won't be approved.

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    You can turn your Facebook campaigns, ad sets and ads on or off in either Ads Manager or Power Editor.

    Keep in mind:

    To turn your ad on or off:

    1. Go to Ads Manager or Power Editor.
    2. Click Campaigns, Ad Sets or Ads.
    3. Click next to the name of the campaign, ad set or ad. If the is blue, your campaign is turned on. If the is gray, your campaign is turned off.

    Tip: If you have multiple campaigns, ad sets or ads, you can use Quick Edits in Power Editor to turn them all on or off. Click to check the box next to each campaign, ad set or ad in Power Editor, click Quick Edits and then choose Turn On or Turn Off.

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