Ad Account Settings

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In order to keep Facebook safe for people, we review advertising content. In some cases we disable accounts that don't follow our Ad Policies. There are a variety of reasons an ad account may get disabled, so we recommend reviewing those policies and our Terms of Use.

If you think your ad account was disabled by mistake, and that it follows our policies, please let us know. If you were notified that your ad account was flagged for unusual activity, you can contact us with this form.

You can also go to your Ads Manager, and follow the instructions in the red box at the top of the page.

If you've already contacted us, we appreciate your patience while we investigate.

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The following information is about deactivating a Facebook advertising account. If you are looking for information on how to close your personal Facebook account, go here.

What it means to deactivate your account:

  • The primary payment method you used for ads is removed.
  • All of your ads stop running.
  • You won't be able to create ads using the ad account. If you want to create new ads on the ad account, you need to reactivate it.

Directions to deactivate your advertising account:

  1. Go to Facebook on a desktop computer.
  2. Go to your Account Settings in Ads Manager. You may be asked to re-enter your Facebook password.
  3. Scroll down to the end of the page.
  4. Click the Deactivate Ad Account link at the bottom of the page.

  5. A window will open asking you to confirm the deactivation. Click Deactivate Ad Account in the bottom-right corner of the window when you're ready.

Things to keep in mind before deactivating your account:

  • Any outstanding balance on your account will be charged to your credit card. The credit cards on your account will be automatically removed after your outstanding balance has been paid. This process may take up to 2 business days.
  • You'll need to wait until your ad account is deactivated (or closed) and your balance is paid before reactivating it. To reactivate your ad account, click the Reactivate link at the top of Ads Manager. You'll be prompted to complete a set of steps before your ad account can be reactivated.

Having trouble closing your account?

  • Check what your role is on the advertising account. If you aren't the admin of an ad account, you won't be able to deactivate it.
  • If you have a current balance, there may be a delay in closing your account if we're not able to successfully charge your payment method (ex: your credit card is expired). You may need to add a new payment method to pay your balance. Once your balance is paid, all payment methods will be removed and your account will be deactivated.
  • If it's been over 2 business days since you paid your balance and you still can't deactivate your ad account, please find additional support on our resources page.

Want to reactivate your account?

  • You'll need to wait until your ad account is deactivated and your balance is paid before reactivating it. To reactivate your ad account, click the Reactivate link at the top Ads Manager and follow the steps.
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I need to update my account

You can change the currency you use for Facebook ads in your Ads Manager if you don't have a current balance once every 60 days. Keep in mind that the payment methods available to you depend on the currency you use.

If your Business Manager account has several other accounts associated with it, it's not possible to change your currency. You'll need to create a new account from Business Manager with the new currency.

To change your currency:

  1. Go to your Account Settings in Ads Manager.
  2. Under Time Zone, click Change Currency / Timezone.
  3. Select your new currency and time zone and then click Create New Account.

Things to keep in mind about changing your currency:

  • When you choose a new currency and time zone, you'll create a new ad account. Your old ad account will be visible in the Account dropdown in the top left of your Ads Manager, but it'll be closed and all ads created with your old account will stop running. Any ads you had running on the old ad account will be billed in the old currency.
  • Your Currency and Business Country must match. For example, if you select BRL as your currency, you should select Brazil as your country.
  • If you select a currency other than BRL when you create your ad account, you won't be able to change your country to Brazil later.
  • If you select a currency other than BRL when you create your ad account, you won't be able to change it BRL later.
  • The payment methods available to you depend on the currency you choose.
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You can change the time zone for your Facebook ad account from Ad Account Settings. When you change your time zone, this closes the existing ad account and creates a new one, and stops running any ads on your old ad account.

Note: If your ad account is a part of Business Manager, you won't be able to update the time zone.

To change the time zone for your ad account:

  1. Go to Ads Manager or Power Editor.
  2. Click .
  3. Click Ad Account Settings. You may need to re-enter your password.
  4. Next to Time Zone, click Change Time Zone and select your new time zone.
  5. Click Create New Account. The default time zone for new ad accounts is Pacific Standard Time (PST), so make sure your ad account's time zone is correct before you create new campaigns.
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Note: Your Business Manager can host a maximum of 5 ad accounts. There's currently no option to request additional ad accounts.

If you want to manage an ad account, there's 3 ways to add the add account to your Business Manager.

To add an ad account to your Business Manager:

  1. Open your Business Manager Settings. Select which Business Manager you'd like to work on.
  2. Under the People and Assets tab, click Ad Accounts.
  3. On the right side of the page, click Add New Ad Accounts.
  4. Choose one of the 3 options: Claim Ad Account, Request Access to an Ad Account or Create a new ad account. See below for additional information.
  5. If you choose to request access or claim an ad account, enter the ad account ID. Learn where to find the account ID.

Note: Deactivating an ad account doesn't delete the ad account from your business. A deactivated ad account still counts towards your ad account limit.

More on the 3 options:

  • Claim Ad Account: Claiming an ad account moves it permanently into Business Manager. You must be both the owner of the ad account and an admin in Business Manager to claim the ad account. Please note, once you claim an ad account and it's moved into your Business Manager, this action can't be reversed. All management of your ad account must be completed within your Business Manager profile. You can't claim an ad account that's owned by another Business Manager. If you still want to work on an ad account that's owned by a different business, you can request access to it.
  • Request Access to an Ad Account: If you request access to an ad account in Business Manager, the admin of that Business Manager can grant you permission to work on it.
  • Create a new ad account: If you create a new ad account in Business Manager it'll permanently belong to that Business Manager. Once created within Business Manager, the ad account can't be transferred to an individual owner who doesn't own a Business Manager.

If you can't add an ad account to a Business Manager:

  1. The ad account you're trying to add has already been claimed by another business. An ad account can only be owned by one Business Manager. Instead, you can request access to the ad account.
  2. You have already added a personal ad account to Business Manager.
  3. You've reached the 5 ad account limit for adding new ad accounts to your business. There's currently no available option to request additional ad accounts. Your ad account limit increases based on your advertising spend.
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You may not be able to add an ad account to Business Manager for a few reasons:

  1. The ad account you're trying to add has already been claimed by another business. An ad account can only be owned by one Business Manager. Instead, you can request access to the ad account.
  2. You have already added a personal ad account to Business Manager.
  3. You've reached the limit on the number of new ad accounts you can create.

Check your ad account limit by:

  1. Opening your Business Manager Settings. If you have multiple Business Managers, select the one you want to manage.
  2. Click Business Info.

  3. Under the Business Manager Info section, view your Ad Creation Limit.
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    How do I add someone to my ad account, and what are the roles I can give them?Browse more about Ads Manager, Business Manager and Power Editor.

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