Two of Us: Gus Worland and his son Jack

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This was published 8 years ago

Two of Us: Gus Worland and his son Jack

Gus Worland, 47, a host on Triple M Sydney, has made an ABC series about men’s mental health. He has learnt men are good at hiding their feelings, so now, when he asks his son Jack, 16, how he is, he doesn’t simply accept, “Fine”.

By Rosamund Burton

Gus: I'm a big communicator. I love to talk, and I cry and hug a lot. Jack was like that until about 14. Now it's when our sports team scores a goal, or a try, that we turn to each other and have that big hug, which is awesome. But there are other moments when I'm sitting there waiting for it and I don't get it. And that's just because he's a teenager.

Thank God he loves sport, because it means we spend a lot of time together, which I love. I feel that I've probably got as close a relationship with a son as anyone I know.

Gus Worland and his son, Jack.

Gus Worland and his son, Jack. Credit: Nic Walker

About three years ago, he came home with a whole lot of pen marks on his hand. He started crying, and said, "I've been called an idiot 23 times today." He had made a mark on his hand every time it happened. I handled it badly. I rang the headmaster and told him the perpetrator's name but I should have listened to Jack and just taken a breath. Later I admitted I made a mistake, and he said, "You actually made it worse." It's me learning as much as him.

Last year Jack was refereeing a soccer match and a dad was questioning his calls. Jack took the coach over to the father, and said, "I am not refereeing this match if this gentleman keeps talking to me in this way. I'm 15 and refereeing to the best of my ability." I was about to go up to the dad, and I thought, "Don't do that, cool down." Jack just defused the situation.

He was made a prefect recently and also was asked to mentor younger referees, so he's getting responsibility, which makes me proud.

I made the series Man Up [which starts on ABC and iview on Tuesday, October 11], about men's mental health, because a friend of mine, Angus, committed suicide. He was successful, always positive, and I wanted to find out why he took his life.

While making the series I learnt how good men are at disguising their feelings, and that has changed how I communicate with Jack. When I ask him how he is, I don't accept, "Fine." I ask him to tell me about his day, and listen until I feel satisfied he's not fobbing me off. I continue asking questions if I pick up that something might not be okay.

I show vulnerability and emotion. My dad's got asbestos on the lungs and is in Canberra Hospital. I was crying on the phone to him, and Jack came over and gave me a reassuring tap on the knee.

Sometimes I want to try to bring out the extroverted side of Jack because he's reasonably reserved. His one-liners are very funny, but he doesn't want to be the centre of attention. He's not like me in that way. I'm a bit too full-on at times and I embarrass him, but we love each other. It's still father and son, but I think we're mates, and that's really cool.


On Father's Day I did The Bloody Long Walk charity event with a group of mates. I crossed the finishing line after 35 kilometres and Jack gave me a big hug, and said, "I'm really proud of you, Dad." He knew how hard it was for me.

Showing him that I'm trying to live a good life is much more important than telling him.

Jack: When I was seven and my sisters were five and three, Mum went away for a week with her friend. She rang Dad from the airport and said, "Make sure the kids eat healthily, and don't do anything stupid." Two days into her holiday, Dad rang her to report we were all eating pizza and had just acquired a chocolate Labrador puppy, Scooby, who is now nine. It says a lot about Dad.

Dad is not scared of crying. He cries a lot. The fact that Dad shows emotions helps me feel more comfortable with emotions.

Jack Worland

He lives life the way he wants to – positively and happily. When he's at home he's dancing and singing and making everyone laugh. When we're with family and friends he is always the one talking. He's the life of the party.

I'm more reserved. He's always trying to make me be more like him – more confident in myself – and able to talk to people like he does.

He's very emotional, especially for a man. On Father's Day he was tearing up reading mine and my sisters' cards. He's not scared of crying. He cries a lot. He'll have a tear in his eye when an animal dies in an animated TV show. I'm not the most emotional person. I walk around the house shrugging and sighing, but the fact that Dad shows emotions helps me feel more comfortable with emotions than I probably otherwise would.

We spend a lot of time together, mainly revolving around my soccer training and games. We also go to watch the Sydney Roosters NRL team and used to watch Liverpool play at Anfield when we lived in England. Dad's a Liverpool supporter and a Roosters supporter and I support all his teams.

Sport is probably my biggest passion. I watch sport all the time and love playing sport. We've shared that passion since I was four or five. That's what brings us together the most, whether it's going to a game or sitting at home watching one. We went to a Barcelona football game last year, just him and me, at Camp Nou. It was one of the best days of my life, watching some of the best players in the world.

When we're out he doesn't care what anyone thinks. When I was younger I just laughed. But now when he starts dancing to the music playing in a shopping mall, I think, "Please stop it."

We are still as close as we were when I was younger. Dad is recognising that I'm growing up and he's giving me more freedom, and that's helped the relationship to remain strong.

In personality I don't think we're too similar, but seeing the way he lives his life makes me want to do the same.

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