The Two of Us: Amelia Frid and Yulia Zlatkin

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This was published 8 years ago

The Two of Us: Amelia Frid and Yulia Zlatkin

Psychologist Amelia Frid (left), and learning and development consultant Yulia Zlatkin, both 41, have been best friends since arriving in Melbourne by boat from Russia as five-year-olds and meeting on their first day of school.

By Mihal Greener

YULIA: My first memory of Amelia is starting prep together in Melbourne and saying, "Good morning teacher Vivian." They were the first words we learnt in English. We both had mushroom haircuts and the joke was that our parents had sent us to the same barber in Russia.

I always had a key around my neck, on a red string. I would let myself into our flat after school, eat the food Mum had left out and practise my reading until my parents came home. Amelia's grandmother was always waiting for her, ready with some food.

Amelia Frid and Yulia Zlatkin.

Amelia Frid and Yulia Zlatkin. Credit: Thom Rigney

Amelia and I shared a connection around the Russian culture and mentality but we never spoke Russian to each other, ever. It got to the point where we'd be embarrassed if we had to speak Russian to our family in front of each other.

When we were 14, Amelia got the role of Cody Willis on the TV show Neighbours. Suddenly she was receiving a ridiculous amount of attention whenever we went out. We couldn't go anywhere without people yelling, "Cody, Cody, Cody."

I didn't know what to do about that initially; it was quite confronting. I was also overweight at the time while Amelia was beautiful and very much in demand. But I also knew deep down the frustration that the attention was giving her. We've always known each other's vulnerabilities. I became very protective, acting like a bodyguard and trying to shield her from the madness.

For my 16th birthday, I organised a party at home, which my parents had just finished building. I was worried no one would turn up, so Amelia and I would yell, "Party at 2 Bent Street this Saturday night" out of the school bus to groups of boys in school uniform. Yelling out of the bus was our social media then. By 9pm over 300 people had gatecrashed the party. People broke down doors and graffitied the whole house. I found a cat in the washing machine. Amelia and I ended up on our hands and knees scrubbing tiles with a toothbrush until 5am.

We went on holiday to Thailand when we were 25, and organised a day trip to a nearby island. We were out in the middle of the ocean on a tiny, overcrowded speedboat when a storm hit. I can't swim and there weren't any life vests. We were riding 10-metre waves and I was hyperventilating; I couldn't breathe. Amelia just talked me through it all.

Amelia can sometimes come across as living in la la land, but she then does things that require such strength and willpower, like working in the prison system and moving to Sydney by herself.

Amelia has three kids and has had to consciously work on things like time and planning. It's not a natural strength of hers, but she has become better. We'd make plans to meet and she'd always be late. I think I've become more like Amelia. I've tried to let go of stuff and be a bit more spontaneous, and she's moved more into my space.


AMELIA: Since our first day of school there has always been a lot between us that was mutually understood, especially when we didn't have the words for it. The Russian-enmeshed parenting style, the cuisine and language; it was something we just got about each other.

Being a latchkey kid was a lot of responsibility for Yulia but she always rises to any challenge that is set for her. My parents barely let me out of arms' reach but would always say, "Look how responsible Yulia is."

When I was on Neighbours, Yulia was one of the few people in my life who didn't bat an eyelid about it all. She would remind me not to get swept away with the attention and affections of people I hadn't known for long who were perhaps approaching me because of my "stardom". Long before Neighbours she had that role in my life; she's always been the grounding influence.

When I was on Neighbours, Yulia was one of the few people who didn’t bat an eyelid about it. She would remind me not to get swept away with the attention.

Amelia Frid

Yulia's 16th birthday party would have ended up so much worse if it had happened today with social media. Hundreds of young people turned up and they just went nuts. The guy I was seeing got punched in the nose and was sitting upstairs in Yulia's parents' empty spa with a frozen chicken on his face. I don't think I'd ever seen anyone hit before.

I will consider anything a possibility, while Yulia is incredibly grounded. Maybe it's because I'm so flighty but I don't understand what drives her to plan so far ahead. The moment you suggest anything, her mind goes "whoosh" and it feels like she's jumped ahead two weeks, while I'm there saying, "Who cares? We're about to lose this moment."

We lost a very dear friend to suicide when we were 25 and a few weeks later I broke up with my long-term boyfriend. Yulia was extraordinary. She took me along on her holiday to Thailand with her then-boyfriend and opened up her life to me, making sure that I was okay. She really sheltered me from much of the shock of being on my own and having to reconfigure everything in my life.

Yulia is still very much a rock for me, although now I like to think it's more mutual. We can go a week without talking and then sit down and go straight to the deep stuff. There's nothing like saying to someone who has known you since you were five, "I've just had one of the worst days of my life", because they really know what that means. They just get it.

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