Matthew Evans on tackling a long-distance relationship

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This was published 8 years ago

Matthew Evans on tackling a long-distance relationship

Former Sydney Morning Herald food critic Matthew Evans, 50, met Sadie Chrestman, 49, on a blind date in 2007. The relationship was tested when, shortly after, he moved to Tasmania to become television’s “gourmet farmer”.

By Stephen Lacey

Matthew: I met Sadie on a blind date in 2007 at a bar I was reviewing. I told her I'd be the tall guy who used to be skinny. She said she'd be wearing long boots. The first thing I noticed was her huge smile, then her pretty face. I thought she was really cute.

Matthew Evans and Sadie Chrestman in Tasmania in April, 2016

Matthew Evans and Sadie Chrestman in Tasmania in April, 2016Credit: Stephen Lacey

I rang her the next day and we saw each other a couple of times. She didn't tell me she liked me but she kept showing up, so I figured she was probably interested. I invited her over for spag bol and went to a bit of trouble making the sauce and opening a cracker of a wine.

My decision, two weeks later, to move to Tasmania to live and to make [the SBS television series] Gourmet Farmer threw a spanner in the works. We tried a long-distance relationship for a few months but from my perspective it just wasn't working, so I broke up with her. Nick, a friend of mine, said, "Excuse the language but you're a fucking dickhead; she's great."

Nick conspired to have Sadie come down for a birthday party and he orchestrated it so I would pick her up from the airport and drive her 4½ hours to Cradle Mountain. There's no place to hide in a car and the trip forced us to confront what we both knew: that we loved each other and would have to deal with the distance problem.

I would visit Sadie in Sydney and she would come down to Hobart. It was difficult. It was at least a year before she moved down permanently and by that time she was eight months pregnant. I found it hard to believe as Sadie was in her early 40s and we thought we had missed the boat. It was exciting but it was also really scary because we hadn't even lived in the same city for most of our relationship, let alone the same house. When we started filming Gourmet Farmer, I was single. By the end of the first series I had a partner and a child [their son Hedley, now six].

We've never really had "couple time", even to this day. We have always been parents in our relationship. There are times when we've said we wish we'd gone to Italy together, or wish we'd sat in more movie theatres, or whatever. But what we have is pretty precious, so we wouldn't want to change that.

Sadie likes the crew from Gourmet Farmer but she isn't always happy about them filming around our home. I've only ever seen Sadie crack once, and that was when one of the directors asked her to clean up the kitchen.

We've tried to have more children but it hasn't gone well. There's a slight sadness in Sadie because her body conspires against us. She's had to go to hospital a couple of times with bleeding from very early spontaneous abortions. It's a crushing thing for a woman.


She's a brilliant farmer's wife. It's astonishing. I was in my office one time when she was pregnant, working away, and heard this noise. There was Sadie, this woman from Darlinghurst, in inner Sydney, standing outside and swinging a gigantic wood splitter to get logs for the fire. That's her. She takes it all on.

Sadie: I'd read Matthew's columns for years and imagined him as a portly old guy with a beard who pottered around the kitchen. I got really nervous about meeting him and had three gin and tonics before he arrived. I was surprised to find he was really good looking.

We liked each other almost immediately but he was holding back because he had been badly burnt in his last relationship. He was at a real crossroads in his life. We were eating fish and chips at Bondi when he told me he was moving to Tasmania. I just felt sick; I had this clunk in my stomach. I came down a few times and we were staying on Bruny Island when he told me he didn't want a long-distance relationship. I went back to Sydney feeling heartbroken.

When we started filming Gourmet Farmer, I was single. By the end of the first series I had a partner and a child.

After we got back together, it took me a year to move down here and in the meantime I became pregnant. I felt very mixed up. I wanted children but I didn't want to be pregnant so soon into a relationship.

Sometimes I'll tease him while we're watching Gourmet Farmer. He used to wear this terrible terry-towelling hat on the show because he just doesn't care what he looks like. If he could get away with it, he would be on camera in a ripped shirt, with bloodstains from the chickens he's killed the day before.

Nowadays we talk about the farm. In fact, that's all we talk about. Incessantly. The only thing I miss about the city is going to the movies and the theatre. I do regret that Matthew and I didn't have a year together before we had Hedley.

Matthew wanted a second child almost more than I did. He's told me he's disappointed and it makes us a little bit sad but it's something we've resolved and it hasn't caused a rift in the relationship. I got pregnant again after Hedley but none of the pregnancies lasted beyond two months. I've had five miscarriages. In a way, it's probably harder for Matthew because he isn't given the same space to feel sad about it and I probably wasn't there for him as much as I should have been.

The happiest I've seen Matthew is when he's hanging out with Hedley and the two of them are playing together. Matthew is deeply uncool and it's really quite sweet. I finally hooked up the stereo and asked him what song would he like. He picked Ça Plane Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand. He and Hedley danced around the room with Matthew singing really loudly.

He also likes marionette puppets. I find them creepy and weird. He wants me to buy him one for his birthday. I'm not going to.

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