20 February 2017

Trump White House under mounting pressure from anti-Russia campaign

By Patrick Martin, 20 February 2017

Seven congressional committees are now engaged in investigations into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections, including contacts with the Trump campaign.

After one month of the Trump administration, protests continue across the US

By our reporters, 20 February 2017

Demonstrators turned out in the thousands for the fourth weekend in a row to express their hostility to the reactionary policies being implemented by the Trump administration.

Thousands protest in Boston against Trump’s threats to science

By Mike Ingram, 20 February 2017

The popular movement against Trump vs. the corporate media’s anti-Russia witch-hunt

Stop the attacks on immigrants! For a socialist policy of open borders and full rights for all workers!

US-European tensions remain despite reassurances on NATO

By Bill Van Auken, 20 February 2017

Speeches in Munich swearing US fealty to NATO and taking a hard line on Russia failed to quell fears that Trump’s “America First” policy will be pursued at Europe’s expense.

Pentagon chief warns of “arc of instability” at Munich security conference

German defence minister announces massive increase in military budget

US conducts show of force in South China Sea

By Mike Head, 20 February 2017

The USS Carl Vinson’s operation is being mounted amid a sharp escalation in US trade war and military threats against China since the inauguration of Trump.

Huge demonstration in Barcelona in defence of refugees and open borders

By Alejandro López, 20 February 2017

The EU’s anti-migrant policies led to the deaths of at least 4,500 people last year, most of whom drowned crossing the Mediterranean in small, overcrowded boats.

Proposed Trump state visit provokes crisis in British ruling circles

By Robert Stevens, 20 February 2017

Trump’s proposed state visit to the UK at the invitation of the May government has become a battleground for rival factions within ruling circles.

The way forward in the fight against Trump and May

More on the Trump Presidency »

Federal reserve report reveals exploding levels of US household debt

By Tom Hall, 20 February 2017

Total US household debt is expected to surpass levels reached just prior to the subprime mortgage crisis that triggered the 2008 Recession.

Arizona invites lawyers for death row inmates to provide execution drugs

By Brad Dixon, 20 February 2017

Unable to procure the drugs needed for lethal injections, the Arizona department of corrections is inviting lawyers for death row inmates to provide the drugs to be used to kill their clients.

Baltimore public schools face $129 million budget deficit, plan mass layoffs

By Ron Barzel and Brad Dixon, 20 February 2017

The current deficit amounts to 10 percent of the entire budget for the Baltimore City school system, which has an enrollment of around 82,000 students.

Iowa makes massive mid-year budget cuts targeting public education

By George Marlowe, 20 February 2017

Republican Governor Terry Branstad of Iowa signed a bill that would entail mid-year budget cuts of over $118 million, the bulk of which hit public schools and higher education.

Indiana governor declares disaster in East Chicago over lead contamination

By Jessica Goldstein, 20 February 2017

Although lead contamination in the area has been known of for decades, no substantial efforts were made to address the toxin until recently.

“If you attack one school, you attack them all”
Anger grows over Michigan school closures

By Shannon Jones, 20 February 2017

As opposition mounts to the threat by state officials to close dozens of schools in Detroit and other cities, the unions and Democrats are stepping in to smother it.

Iowa governor signs bill limiting collective bargaining for state employees

New in Turkish

Münih Güvenlik Konferansı başkanı Avrupa’nın yeniden silahlanmasını savunuyor

Peter Schwarz, 20 Şubat 2017

Münih Güvenlik Konferansı Başkanı Wolfgang Ischinger, yeni ABD başkanını sert biçimde eleştirdi ve Avrupa Birliği’ne birlik gösterme ve bir askeri takviyeye başlama çağrısı yaptı.

ISO IYSSE’nin New York Üniversitesi’ndeki kulüp başvurusunu destekledi

Isaac Finn, 20 Şubat 2017

IYSSE, Uluslararası Sosyalist Örgüt’ün (ISO) NYU’daki öğrencilerin bir IYSSE kulübü kurma demokratik hakkına uzun süren sessizliğini sona erdiren ve bunu destekleyen gecikmiş kararını memnuniyetle karşılar.

2017 Fransa seçimleri: NPA Sol Cephe’nin popülizmini niçin eleştiriyor?

Kumaran Ira, 20 Şubat 2017

Her ikisi de Mayıs-Haziran 1968 genel grevinden sonra gelişen orta sınıf öğrenci hareketinden doğan NPA önderliği ve Mélenchon, işçileri veya sosyalizmi temsil etmemektedir.

New in French

Le mouvement populaire contre Trump et la chasse aux sorcières anti-Russie des médias capitalistes

Par André Damon, 20 février 2017

Suite à la conférence de presse extraordinaire de Donald Trump, la bataille féroce sur la politique impérialiste entre les factions rivales de la classe dirigeante s’intensifie.

Le chef du Pentagone met en garde contre « un arc d’instabilité » lors de la conférence de Munich sur la sécurité

Par Bill Van Auken, 20 février 2017

Le secrétaire à la défense de Trump, James Mattis, a lancé un avertissement à la conférence visant à justifier une nouvelle escalade du militarisme américain et de l’OTAN.

Les néo-fascistes français présentent un programme anti-UE et xénophobe aux élections de 2017

Par Alice Laurençon, 20 février 2017

Les adversaires du Front National dans l’élite dirigeante craignent de plus en plus une victoire FN aux élections présidentielles.

La voie à suivre dans la lutte contre Trump et May

Par Chris Marsden, 20 février 2017

Les deux groupes rivaux qui organisent les rassemblements parallèles le 20 février ne proposent aucun moyen pour mener une lutte contre le gouvernement Trump de milliardaires et réactionnaires sociaux et la meute menée par May de politiciens défenseurs du thatchérisme.

Le socialisme et la défense de la libre circulation des travailleurs

Par Julie Hyland, 20 février 2017

Le soutien de la pseudo-gauche pour les contrôles de l’immigration est le résultat de leur perspective de régulation économique nationale sous le capitalisme, qui est diamétralement opposée à la perspective de l’internationalisme socialiste révolutionnaire.

New in Spanish

El movimiento popular contra Trump contra la cacería de brujas antirrusa de la prensa

Por Andre Damon, 20 febrero 2017

La extraordinaria rueda de prensa de Donald Trump fue seguida por un recrudecimiento de la disputa sobre política imperialista dentro de la clase gobernante.

Socialismo y el libre movimiento obrero: Primera Parte

Por Julie Hyland, 20 febrero 2017

El rechazo por las corrientes seudoizquierdistas del derecho inmigración deriva de su perspectiva de regulación económica capitalista, cosa que contradice totalmente la perspectiva del internacionalismo revolucionario socialista.

ISO busca canalizar protestas anti-Trump a la cola del Partido Demócrata

Por Tom Hall, 20 febrero 2017

La Organización Socialista Internacional (ISO en inglés) esconde la base reaccionaria que usan los demócratas en criticar a Trump, mientras a la vez promocionan ilusiones de que las políticas del nuevo gobierno pueden ser detenidas bajo la presión del sistema bipartidista.

Partido Demócrata busca canalizar oposición a Trump detrás de ofensiva antirrusa

Por Patrick Martin, 20 febrero 2017

Los críticos de Trump en la prensa y la élite política están buscando desorientar la oposición obrera y de los jóvenes a Trump y canalizarla detrás de la agenda bélica de la CIA.

La rueda de prensa de Trump: un feroz conflicto dentro de la burguesía estadounidense

Por Patrick Martin, 20 febrero 2017

Sin precedente en la historia moderna del país, Trump intercambió insultos con periodistas, librando una batalla contra sus más férreos enemigos de la prensa.

Veintitrés muertos, miles de personas sin hogar, inclusive en la capital Lima, debido a inundaciones de ríos con deslizamientos de tierra producto de la falta de infraestructura en el Perú

Por Cesar Uco, 20 febrero 2017

Aquellos que se ahogaron cuando el rio se desbordó y los que murieronenterrados vivos en el lodo son víctimas del sistema capitalista.

Argentina: El decreto de inmigración de Macri trae de vuelta la política de la dictadura de Videla

Por Rafael Azul, 20 febrero 2017

La orden ejecutiva del presidente Macri sobre inmigración simplifica las deportaciones y crea barreras legales a la inmigración de los países vecinos.

Aumentan las tensiones en huelga de mineros del cobre chilenos

Por Cesar Uco, 20 febrero 2017

Liderada por la huelgas de las minas Escondida en Chile y Las Bambas en Peru, el 13 por ciento de las minas del cobre a nivel mundial renegociaran contratos en 2017.

Miles participan en la protesta nacional “Un día sin inmigrantes”

Por Genevieve Leigh, 20 febrero 2017

Las protestas incluyeron paros laborales, marchas y ausencias estudiantiles dirigidas contra las acciones de la administración de Trump contra los inmigrantes y refugiados.

New in German

Der Widerstand gegen Trump und die Hetzkampagne der Medien gegen Russland

Von Andre Damon, 20. Februar 2017

Nach Trumps außergewöhnlicher Pressekonferenz verschärft sich der erbitterte Streit zwischen den Fraktionen der herrschenden Klasse über die Politik des US-Imperialismus.

Französische Präsidentschaftswahl: Neofaschisten setzen auf EU-Austritt und Fremdenfeindlichkeit

Von Alice Laurençon, 20. Februar 2017

In den herrschenden Kreisen Frankreichs werden die Gegner des Front National langsam unruhig, denn die Neofaschisten haben reelle Chancen, die Präsidentschaftswahlen zu gewinnen.

Other Languages


Seventy-five years after FDR’s Japanese internment order, Trump prepares mass immigrant roundup

20 February 2017

The attack on immigrants has been prepared by both the Democratic and Republican parties, which have jointly cultivated a climate of anti-immigrant xenophobia to advance their policies of war and social counterrevolution.

Earlier Perspectives »

This week in the Russian Revolution
February 20-26: War deepens crisis of the Tsarist regime

20 February 2017

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was the greatest event in modern history. Between February and October, Russia passed from the overthrow of the Tsar, through a short episode of bourgeois rule, to the conquest of power by the Bolshevik Party and the establishment of the first workers state. To mark the centenary, the WSWS is publishing a weekly feature that will provide a kaleidoscopic view of the revolution and the global events of 1917, an epochal year in world history.

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

WSWS Editorial Board Chairman David North discusses upcoming lecture series on Russian Revolution

The ICFI is initiating its commemoration of the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 with a series of online lectures. David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, will give the first lecture, “Why Study the Russian Revolution?” The lecture will be streamed on YouTube on Saturday, March 11 at 5:00 pm Eastern (US). Four biweekly lectures will follow.

Register for the lectures today at wsws.org/1917

Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2017


Student representative body denounces right-wing positions of professors at Berlin’s Humboldt University

By our correspondents, 20 February 2017

The Assembly of Student Representative Councils at Humboldt University has taken a stand against militarism and anti-immigrant chauvinism, and in support of freedom of opinion.

IYSSE meeting defends Bremen University Student Union against attacks by Jörg Baberowski

The election of Donald Trump, the danger of war and the political tasks facing young people

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 20 February 2017

As the Australian university year begins, students confront a drastically changed world, where an extreme right-wing administration has come into office in the United States.

ISO endorses IYSSE application for club status at New York University

By Isaac Finn, 16 February 2017

Open Letter to the International Socialist Organization
Reverse ISO position supporting political censorship at NYU


A reply to New York Times op-ed author Myles E. Johnson on racialism and “critical thinking”

By David Walsh, 20 February 2017

The author of the op-ed responded to the WSWS article on racialism and the New York Times. David Walsh replies.

Columnist Myles E. Johnson on Beyoncé at the Grammys
The New York Times opens its pages to frenzied racialism

US late-night comics fall into (anti-Russian) line

By David Walsh, 18 February 2017

Pentagon prepares plan to deploy ground troops in Syria

As Michigan cuts off water bill credits, Flint officials announce shutoffs

Canadian elite lauds Trudeau’s courting of Trump


Daniel Barenboim conducts the Bruckner symphony cycle in New York

By Fred Mazelis, 20 February 2017

A late 19th century composer who has some detractors gets his big moment at Carnegie Hall.

British actor John Hurt: 1940-2017

By Kevin Martinez, 17 February 2017

Workers Struggles

New York transit union pushes through concessions contract

By Alan Whyte, 20 February 2017

Less than one-third of those eligible to vote actually ratified the 28-month-long contract, which does nothing to improve wages, health and pension benefits and work conditions.

Stunning rebuke to machinists’ union at South Carolina Boeing plant

Canada: Nova Scotia teachers on one-day strike against imposition of concessions contract

NHS FightBack

Patient at Britain’s Newham Acute Day Hospital launches campaign to fight closure

By our reporters, 18 February 2017

Socialist Equality Party

A wave of class struggles in Sri Lanka: Workers must fight for a socialist program to defend their rights

By the Socialist Equality Party, 18 February 2017

SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Mobilize the working class to defend immigrant rights!

12 February 2017

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
Trump and Brexit: For a socialist opposition to economic nationalism

11 February 2017

Public meetings in Australia and New Zealand
The political significance of Trump and the accelerated drive to war

10 February 2017

Featured Video

“This is a big kick for families that are already struggling.”
Oroville dam evacuees criticize state response, remain ready to flee

By Zac Corrigan, 16 February 2017

Oroville Dam crisis highlights deteriorating state of US infrastructure

The Trump Presidency

Democrats seek to channel opposition to Trump behind anti-Russia offensive

By Joseph Kishore, 16 February 2017

Intelligence agencies clash with Trump over Russia allegations

By Tom Eley, 16 February 2017

Fast-food mogul Andrew Puzder withdraws as Trump labor nominee

By a reporter, 16 February 2017

Behind the Flynn resignation and Trump crisis: A bitter conflict over imperialist policy

Trump, Netanyahu dismiss “two-state solution,” threaten Iran

By Bill Van Auken, 16 February 2017

More on the Trump presidency »


Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part one

By Jerry White, 15 February 2017

Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part two

Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856–1918): His Place in the History of Marxism

25 years ago: Pentagon prepares for new wars

Classified documents leaked by the Pentagon, reported in the New York Times and the Washington Post the week of February 17, 1992, revealed that the US was engaged in intensive planning for wars in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

More »

50 years ago: CIA funding of US student and labor groups exposed

The February 13, 1967 admission by leaders of the liberal National Student Association (NSA) that their organization had been receiving funds from the Central Intelligence Agency since the 1950s sparked a series of exposures.

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75 years ago: Roosevelt orders internment of Japanese-Americans

On February 19, 1942 US President Franklin Roosevelt, under authority of the War Powers Act, signed Executive Order 9066, which put the Army in charge of uprooting Japanese-Americans and placing them in internment camps for the duration of World War II.

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100 years ago: Food riots in Brooklyn, New York

On February 19, 1917, food riots broke out in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, amid mounting anger among workers and the poor over the rising cost of living, including food prices.

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Security and the Fourth Internaional

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part one

By Eric London, 8 December 2016

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part two
Why wasn’t Joseph Hansen a defendant in the Smith Act trial?