WA News

WA prison officers quit amid claims of 'dysfunctional conditions'

Two prison officers at WA's newly established women's jail have quit amid claims of "dysfunctional conditions" and alleged "shambolic management practices."

The Melaleuca Remand and Reintegration Facility in Canning Vale is owned by the Department of Corrective Services but operated by private contractor Sodexo.

Two prison officers have recently quit just a few months into their new jobs and there are fears more will follow.

"There is no management unit. When prisoners destroy their cells, they are placed back in the same cell without any disciplinary action taken against them," one of the officers said.

"There are fights between prisoners daily. Management have no plan or process for dealing with prisoners that fight.

"Sadly, self-harm is common, but there is no crisis care unit for at-risk prisoners to be placed and monitored. They are usually just patched up by a nurse and put back in their cell.


"Officers are doing what they can to make it work but there is no support from management."

The WA Prison Officers Union said "dangerous working conditions" had forced the officers to quit.

"Our members are telling us that Sodexo is simply not fit to be running a prison in WA," secretary John Welch said.

"Many staff are very concerned that the shambolic management practices are putting both theirs and the prisoners' safety at risk.

"There are grave concerns about inadequate staffing levels, particularly during nightshift, which are dangerously unsafe.

Mr Welch said a recent survey of staff at the facility found 80 per cent did not feel safe at work.

The survey also found about 78 per cent of staff did not feel their training had adequately prepared them for their role.

Sodexo has been contacted for comment.​