Inside Rural America


Analysis and Comment

Is your smartphone making you shy?

Some have said that technology could lead to 'a new ice age' of social isolation. Not so fast, says the author of a new book about shyness.

How social media stars are fighting for the Left

Content creators with millions of fans are increasingly willing to voice their political views. Their influence on American politics may be in its infancy but it is growing fast.

Who counts as black?

With the number of multiracial Americans growing, there's a fierce debate in the black community over who's black – and who isn't.

More Analysis and Comment

Travel ban

People rally in New Brunswick, N.J. against President Trump’s ‘travel ban.’ AP Photo/Mel Evans

Immigration and crime: What does the research say?

Our panel of experts examines whether immigration leads to more crime using data from across 200 metropolitan areas and 20 years of research.


North Dakota Access Pipeline



Are you responsible about the things you share? Shutterstock

You are the new gatekeeper of the news

Before you share another article on Facebook, consider your responsibility to make sure what you post is true.




Black History Month

Research and Expert Database

Editors’ Picks

Most Read past week

  1. How can we predict the hottest year on record when weather forecasts are so uncertain?
  2. Immigration and crime: What does the research say?
  3. Why you should date your best friend
  4. Why time seems to fly – or trickle – by
  5. White House in turmoil shows why Trump’s no CEO

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