Not My President's Day march takes the streets

The 20th of February marked one month since Donald Trump's chaotic inauguration, and the protests have not stopped. A large "Not My President's Day" march took over the streets to march from Dupont Circle to the White House. An attempt to counterprotest on the part of "Bikers for Trump" fizzled, one marcher reported only two of the counterprotesters showed up.

Video highlights of DC's Not My President's Day march

The march leaving Dupont Circle.

Local News

Milo Yiannopoulos' false narratives and liberals cherry picking the left.

By Lloyd Hart

DCA airport protest FEB 1

Update 11AM:anticapitalist bloc kettled but blockades holding, Mall nearly empty. Chants of "you want a wall you'ge got one!" as Trump supporters (MAGA'ts) turned away.

On the 20th of January, protesters managed to get out in the streets and blockade Inaugural checkpoints in spite of a blizzard of harassment from Trump's paid unofficial brownshirts. Police as well were unable to pre-empt lockdowns that shut down multiple Inaugural checkpoints. They had to physically pry SURJ off the fence at one point. At 10:10 AM 6 out of 12 checkpoints were completely blocked, with passage through the rest slowed to a trickle. In 2009 terms this is "purple tickets for everyone.