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News, commentary, and destruction of the political/media establishment.

加入于 2012年1月

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  1. 置顶推文

    feels good, man

  2. 56分钟前

    Speaking bravely to a room full of your fellow unionized creative writers.

  3. 2小时前

    Keep hype alive.

  4. 2小时前

    IOW: "Please someone hire me for the midterms"

  5. 3小时前
  6. 4小时前

    Gonna get messy.

  7. 4小时前

    “What we are going to find here is an actual violation of law.”

  8. 4小时前

    Stunning and brave.

  9. 5小时前

    "WikiLeaks is very happy that there is a narrative about fake news out there because we have a perfect record"

  10. 5小时前
  11. 6小时前
  12. 6小时前

    Wish more arts interviews ended with “The rest of the info is right there, chief, I got nothing else to say to you.”

  13. 6小时前

    "The New York Times has run two stories... both stories clearly say that there is no evidence."

  14. 7小时前

    Obvious trolling is obvious.

  15. 7小时前

    Anybody else catch last week when protesters from this group hospitalized a 71-year-old woman?

  16. 8小时前
  17. 8小时前

    Another campaign promise kept.

  18. 8小时前

    Watch: MMA Fighter Showboats, Gets Immediately Knocked Out

  19. 9小时前

    To be fair, it's really beneficial for him to have at least one calendar that's not empty.

  20. 9小时前

    Trump admin announces Flynn's replacement:

  21. 10小时前

    " of the fastest growing consumer markets."


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