Births, by year and month of occurrence, by state
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Contains statistics on live births and fertility for Australia, states and territories, based on calendar year of registration data. Information on characteristics of the mother and child include place of usual residence, sex, Indigenous status, age, marital status and country of birth of parents.

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Australian births data is updated annually.

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Calendar years from 1975 onwards.

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Variables available include year and month of occurrence, and usual residence of mother.

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Australia, by state and territory.

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Estimated Resident Population (ERP) includes all usual residents of Australia at 30 June. For further information on ERP, refer to the Explanatory Notes - Glossary. ERP is subject to revisions which affect rates, primarily for the two most recent years. For information on ERP revisions, refer to the Summary - In This Issue.

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Births registered in Australia. For further information, refer to Explanatory Notes - Scope and Coverage

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The Australian Statistical Geographical Standard 2011. For further information and more classifications refer to the Explanatory Notes - Classifications.

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Births where sex of the child is missing are imputed to be male or female. State of registration if used to impute where the mother's state of usual residence is missing.

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For definitions and information regarding rates and measures, refer to the Explanatory Notes - Glossary.

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Where necessary, small values have been suppressed or randomised to protect confidentiality. As a result, sums of components may not add exactly to totals. These adjustments allow for a greater amount of detailed data to be released and, as they are small, do not affect the utility of the data.

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Refer to Quality Declaration - Summary and Explanatory Notes - Data Quality under the Explanatory Notes tab.

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Occurrence data is subject to change, as births that occurred in and prior to the reference year may not yet be registered, and are registered in subsequent years. Occurrence data for the most recent year of this release is most affected by the delay between the occurrence and registration of a birth. Occurrence data includes births registered up to 31 December of the reference year. For further information, refer to Explanatory Notes - Data Quality - Interval between occurrence and registration of births.

Births, by year and month of occurrence, by stateAbstract

Contains statistics on live births and fertility for Australia, states and territories, based on calendar year of registration data. Information on characteristics of the mother and child include place of usual residence, sex, Indigenous status, age, marital status and country of birth of parents.

Contact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Data source(s) used


Name of collection/source

This dataset relates to Births, Australia (cat. no. 3301.0), available from the ABS website.

Direct source

Birth registrations are collected by the Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages from each state and territory.

Explanatory Notes
Source Periodicity

Yearly (calendar year).

Variables collected

Variables available include year and month of occurrence, and usual residence of mother.



Reference period

Calendar years from 1975 onwards.

Date last updated

Australian births data is updated annually.

Statistical population

Births registered in Australia. For further information, refer to Explanatory Notes - Scope and Coverage

Geographic coverage

Australia, by state and territory.

Population coverage

Estimated Resident Population (ERP) includes all usual residents of Australia at 30 June. For further information on ERP, refer to the Explanatory Notes - Glossary. ERP is subject to revisions which affect rates, primarily for the two most recent years. For information on ERP revisions, refer to the Summary - In This Issue.

Key statistical concept

For definitions and information regarding rates and measures, refer to the Explanatory Notes - Glossary.

Classification(s) used

The Australian Statistical Geographical Standard 2011. For further information and more classifications refer to the Explanatory Notes - Classifications.


Births where sex of the child is missing are imputed to be male or female. State of registration if used to impute where the mother's state of usual residence is missing.

Other manipulations

Where necessary, small values have been suppressed or randomised to protect confidentiality. As a result, sums of components may not add exactly to totals. These adjustments allow for a greater amount of detailed data to be released and, as they are small, do not affect the utility of the data.

Recommended uses and limitations

Occurrence data is subject to change, as births that occurred in and prior to the reference year may not yet be registered, and are registered in subsequent years. Occurrence data for the most recent year of this release is most affected by the delay between the occurrence and registration of a birth. Occurrence data includes births registered up to 31 December of the reference year. For further information, refer to Explanatory Notes - Data Quality - Interval between occurrence and registration of births.

Quality comments

Refer to Quality Declaration - Summary and Explanatory Notes - Data Quality under the Explanatory Notes tab.