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Almost every industry has an impact on the environment, and rarely is it positive. From the overexploitation of natural resources to the pollution of air, water, and soil, the era of globalized economics is also the era of globalized deforestation, water shortage, spiking cancer rates, and mass extinctions.

New Evidence Shows Main Chevron Witness Lied In $9.5 Billion Ecuador Lawsuit
by Richard SmallteacherCorpWatch Blog
October 26th, 2015
A key witness has admitted under oath that he lied on behalf of Chevron, the California oil multinational, when the company sued to overturn a $9.5 billion verdict for pollution of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Angolan Fishing Community Asks Chevron For Oil Spill Compensation
by Richard SmallteacherCorpWatch Blog
October 5th, 2015
Some 500 Angolan fisherfolk have demanded compensation from Chevron after an oil spill polluted the Mandarin and Mpuela shoreline in Cabinda last month, close to the California company's drilling operations. Under government orders, all fishing activity was banned for almost two weeks.

Goodhope Asia Accused Of Land Grabbing In West Papua For Palm Oil
by Pratap ChatterjeeCorpWatch Blog
November 7th, 2016
The Yerisiam Gua indigenous community of West Papua filed a complaint six months ago against a Sri Lankan owned conglomerate for taking over their land to create a palm oil plantation. To this day, the industry body charged with oversight has yet to formally respond to their concerns.

Native Tribes Protest Energy Transfer Partners North Dakota Oil Pipeline
by Richard SmallteacherCorpWatch Blog
October 3rd, 2016
Representatives of some 280 indigenous nations have joined a protest on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota to oppose the construction of an oil pipeline by Energy Transfer Partners. If completed, the Dakota Access Pipeline is expected to help move 570,000 barrels of crude daily to Illinois.

Formosa Plastics Admits Vietnam Steel Plant Caused Massive Fish Kill
by Richard SmallteacherSpecial to CorpWatch
July 4th, 2016
Vietnam has asked Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corporation to pay $500 million in compensation for dumping toxic waste in Ky Anh that resulted in a massive fish kill on a 120 mile stretch of Vietnam's central coast in the provinces of Ha Tinh, Hue, Quang Binh and Quang Tri.

Malaysian Palm Oil Giant, IOI, Suspended By Industry Body Over Environmental Record
by Pratap ChatterjeeCorpWatch Blog
April 11th, 2016
IOI, the second largest producer of palm oil in Malaysia, has been kicked out of an industry group that certifies sustainability practices, for environmental and labor violations. As a result, dozens of companies, including the makers of Dove soap, M&M;'s and Kellogg's Corn Flakes, have stopped buying from IOI.

Navajo Diné Fight Uranium Resources Inc. Mining Permits In New Mexico
by Pratap ChatterjeeCorpWatch Blog
March 25th, 2016
The Navajo Diné community have notched up a victory over Uranium Resources Inc. decades old plan to dig for uranium at Crownpoint and Churchrock, New Mexico, by successfully appealing a state permit for the Colorado company to dump waste into the Westwater Canyon aquifer.

Music Video Asking Unilever to Clean Up Mercury Waste in India Goes Viral
by Pratap ChatterjeeCorpWatch Blog
August 7th, 2015
A music video asking Unilever, an Anglo-Dutch consumer goods giant, to clean up mercury waste from their former Indian factory notched up two million views in less than a week, prompting a reply from the company CEO. 'Kodaikanal Won't,’ the video by Sonia Ashraf, parodied Nicki Minaj’s song 'Anaconda.’

Shell’s Plans to Drill for Oil in the Arctic Blocked by Greenpeace Climbers
by Richard SmallteacherCorpWatch Blog
July 31st, 2015
Greenpeace temporarily blocked Shell from drilling for oil in the Arctic by blocking the path of a specialized ice-breaking ship in Portland, Oregon. Thirteen climbers suspended themselves from a bridge while hundreds of local supporters paddled below in kayaks forcing the company to delay operations for almost two days.

Agrica’s Tanzania Rice Scheme Has Devastated Local Farmers, Say NGOs
by Richard SmallteacherCorpWatch Blog
July 7th, 2015
A flagship rice plantation in Tanzania run by UK investors has allegedly destroyed the livelihoods of local smallholder farmers, driven them into debt and impacted the local environment, according to a new report published by the Oakland Institute. The report was co-authored with Greenpeace Africa and Global Justice Now.

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