BHP's bumper profit trounces forecasts

BHP chief executive Andrew Mackenzie has revealed an improved profit result.

BHP Billiton's dramatically improved $US3.24 billion underlying half year profit dwarfed last year's figure as the giant miner lifted its dividend to a better-than-expected 40 US cents a share.

Amber Harrison, Tim Allerton, Bruce McWilliam

'I'm out to get him, this is now a war'

Former Seven employee Amber Harrison deliberately collected incriminating evidence against her former lover and chief executive Tim Worner, a court has heard.

Gonski backs humans over robots

The advent of AI will not lead to the end of the professions and mass unemployment in the ranks of service providers, David Gonski says.

ARENA backs pumped hydro

The federal government has given a $450,000 grant to EnergyAustralia to develop a pumped hydro energy storage project in SA.