

  1. 'Australian dream' ending

    Don't believe anyone who claims they have an easy and painless way to make housing affordable; it just doesn't exist.

  2. Avoiding corporate failures

    Corporate boardrooms need to focus on problem finding, rather than problem solving, to avoid failure.

  3. Gas missing in energy mix

    As politicians continue trading barbs over the merits of renewable energy versus coal-fired power generation, missing from the debate these days has been the role of gas.

  4. Banking inquiry demands

    Australia's big banks are often in the headlines, but rarely is there talk that they may cause a government's downfall. Michael Janda takes a look at the week ahead in finance.

  5. The NT's lost mining towns

    The rise of FIFO in one of the NT's last surviving mining towns has led unionists to call for drastic measures, however some experts say a golden era is clearly over.

  6. Reporting season calendar

    Find out when Australia's major companies are releasing their earnings results this month, and how the companies that have reported performed.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Tue Feb 21 2017 13:09:30 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5840.50 5839.20
5795.10 5793.90
2054.80 2068.10 0.6%
9031.90 9039.90 0.1%
6723.80 6720.30 -0.1%
21698.70 21659.20 -0.2%
818.60 815.60 -0.4%
10370.30 10401.80 0.3%
5075.10 5061.10 -0.3%
9157.90 9158.40
1698.60 1700.60 0.1%
8315.30 8254.90 -0.7%
2369.80 2366.90 -0.1%

Last updated

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