  1. vor 21 Stunden
  2. 15. Juni

    are so boring but I like the cut of jib, he’s calm controlled and he comes across as someone who is at least in touch with reality and understands the task in hand unlike Hulk Hogan and Diana Dors love child

  3. 15. März 2018

    the faults you see in others..Boris Johnson calling anyone smug and sarcastic

  4. 22. Feb. 2017
    Antwort an

    You're precisely and consistently SPOT ON with labels & it's luscious! ♥

  5. 10. Okt. 2016

    now on . ~ Ya vol!

  6. 25. Sept. 2016

    Just spit out my coffee. just told Rev Al that Cuban is jealous of business success. Haha

  7. 10. Juni 2016

    My Minicab driver doesn’t like football, but his favourite team is Barcelona oh and Real Madrid.

  8. FEAR THE HAT! That is all i am going to say.

  9. 6. Sept. 2014
  10. 20. Apr. 2014

    Please, please more !!! Dying over here replaying it over and over. That laugh!

  11. 5. Feb. 2014

    Who the hell is This Russian lunatic on channel 4 news needs a good buggering!

  12. 4. Nov. 2013

    And someone brought the goddamn cowbell to the exam

  13. 25. Juni 2013
  14. 2. Apr. 2013
  15. 9. Juni 2012

    light should be in my face like this at all times!!

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