Capitalism & Crisis

The Irish water insurgency: no more blood from these stones

After the government tried to privatize and raise the costs of water, the Irish drew a line: “they are not going to draw any more blood from those stones.”

Culture & Critique

Amilcar Cabral’s revolutionary anti-colonialist ideas

The writings of revolutionary leader Amilcar Cabral provide key insights on the importance of culture in the contemporary struggle against neoliberalism.

Capitalism & Crisis

Monsters of the financialized imagination: from Pokémon to Trump

How can we confront the financialization that is shaping our lives, from the games we play, the decisions we make to the leaders who rise to power?

Work & Workers

The call center as a site of control and resistance

Instead of seeing call centers as defined only by their technological methods of control and surveillance, they can be understood as a site of struggle and anger.


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State of Control

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Magazine — Issue 4