Wrestlemania 32 Reacharound

I liked the show for the most part. I wasn’t expecting anything spectacular. Was surprised that Ryder actually won. I just hope he doesn’t lose it right back tonight or something.

Not shocked that AJ Styles lost in his Wrestlemania debut. Of course the most over group would lose to the least over heel group. I just think that’s more a “no one will have an undefeated streak” anymore thing than a “fuck you and your history pal”…but it is Vince, so who knows.

But man if Austin has that one match left in him, I want him and Rusev. Rusev taking that stunner was Scott Hall and The Rock times a billion.

Brock/Ambrose was fun with Dean killing himself, but it was also a huge waste for both of them. These street fight/no holds barred/hardcore matches are pointless without blood. I liked the better story of Brock not being able to put Dean down.; Ambrose didn’t need the weapons. But eh, Brock doesn’t care. He gets paid either way.

The Women’s match was probably the best match of the night. It’s a shame they rushed the presentation of the new women’s title because that would have been nice to do on RAW with some build up over the day. Sad that Sasha didn’t win, but this is Charlotte’s division and them two are gonna have a hell of a feud. I’m just sad Becky will now get lost in the shuffle.

I was really shocked to see HIAC come on essentially in the midway point of the show. Before the battle royal. I thought for sure it would end the show. From a story standpoint the match made no sense. They didn’t even try to make a story that made sense. Shane wanted the company…but other than that they didn’t really give much more though than that. Undertaker was doing Vince’s bidding…no he’s not…yes he is…no he’s not…oh it’s just cause he feels like doing the match. Well what ever. Again, HIAC is another match that needs blood but I enjoyed this trainwreck. I loved Shane and his kids coming down to the ring. I also loved The Undertaker once again using what should have been Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon stage set for the 45th anniversary tour that never happened.

Was it crazy that Shane of all people was all “bring it it on deadman” yeah, but it made for some fun moments. I loved seeing him lock in the Triangle on Taker. Was sad they didn’t call it the Hells Gate and say he had Taker in his own move. You gotta give it to Shane for being ballsy enough to jump off that cage. Also thank God the flood magically had airbags that just puffed up under the table. I thought with the cell having an opening it would allow for someone to run in and let Shane win and set up for a match next year with Taker. But Taker wins and tonight we’re gonna get a rambling Vince promo about all this that will make less sense than the build to the match.

The Rock had Spaceballs The Flamethrower.

Skipping to the end, Good God Stephanie. Triple H continues to have great matches. I don’t want to see him end this comeback. But man, Reigns as this overcoming the odds Cena 2.0 babyface is just gonna suck. The WWE didn’t help themselves  by dumping the audio on the crowd. I mean I thought the match was all right, but Roman just can’t carry a Wrestlemania main event especially at a level like this. Ambrose might have been able to with that match he had with Triple H at Roadblock (assuming he won and all), but yeah The Roman Empire…if they don’t turn him heel this will be a horrible failure of biblical proportions and I will feel sorry for Roman because it’s not his fault. It’s all on Vince for pushing him too fast to the top.

So yeah reblog, like, comment…do what ever it is you tumblr types do. Send it to the WWE some how. Let them know what a real fan who’s been watching for over 30′s thinks.

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RAW Reacharound 2/29/16 RAW IS PROMOS

Okay so it’s a few days late. I had some production issues. Anyway it was a night of promos and that’s what we focused on. Triple H and Dean Ambrose opened up the show and made us all wonder why the hell aren’t they main eventing Wrestlemania? Ambrose challenged Triple H for the WWE Title. Later in the night Stephanie McMahon cut the promo of her life on her brother Shane McMahon and we heaped the praised it rightfully deserved.

Was it scripted or was she shooting with cap guns so to speak.

Also praise for The New Day and how the over came from a gimmick that was doomed to fail.

And the Vince promo and how he literally has become Uncle Junior from The Soprano’s, The Undertaker is Tony Montana and how we (Joe and Ed)…you know two good writers could salvage this angle.

All that more humorous talk. It’s comedy and fun. It’s talk about Pro Wrestling. It can’t be all serious business.


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We’re still alive: WWE RAW Leap Year 2016 Thoughts

So the show started off nice with that Triple H promo (I must be in some serious pain to be saying that). He tried his best to be the bad guy and I guess the crowd was pro-Roman in Nashville. Might have been a better town to do the attempted murder in since they were generally booing Triple H.  I loved when Ambrose came down to the ring. He got such a huge reaction. Triple H and him have such a great chemistry. Ambrose had me cracking up and I’m pretty sure he had Triple H cracking up a few times. Watching this whole segment, it’s clear this should be the main event for Wrestlemania. I mean hell they had the story with Ambrose being “you can’t beat me”.

This one impromptu feud did more to get me interested for an Ambrose/Triple H title match than anything they have done for Roman Reigns in the last six months and his quest for the title. I don’t know if that’s a credit to Triple H and Dean Ambrose and them using the material they were given or what or just a testament to how bad Reigns has truly been booked.

Stephanie might have done the promo of her career and I don’t know if it was scripted or if it was her saying fuck it and going off script because she was actually pissed when those Shane chants started. There was some serious fire in her voice talking about how much time she’s missing watching her children grow up running the company while he’s taken a seven year vacation. She’s been there every week for those seven years and now all of a sudden he want’s back? I was truly blown away. If it were a Shane vs. Stephanie feud it would probably be some amazing stuff.

But it’s not Shane vs. Stephanie. It’s Shane vs. Vince and we got some rambling Vince promo that I’m not sure even made sense to him. Undertaker comes down and they must pay him by the second at this point in his career. I was really hoping for a little backstory. You know maybe something as to why Vince chose Taker for this match. Nope…nothing. All we got was Taker scaring the piss out of Vince (which was funny) and then Vince standing around for a couple minutes and having a legit senior moment.

Yeah building this around Shane vs. Vince is no good. They should have retired the Vince character long ago. Yes he’s fun on tv, but the guy just can’t cut it anymore on live television. The story aspect of this feud is not making any sense at least from his point of view. From Stephanie and Shane there’s some sense, but from him it’s cloudy as hell.

I got the rest of the show on the DVR. I was too tired to watch the rest at that point.

The Raw Rant: Vince, we need to talk

Welcome to the second edition of The Raw Rant. Ed suggested I go with Raw reacharound but I’m not sure I wanted to start off each of these things by saying “And now it’s time for the reacharound…”That didn’t sound right. Anyway I am Joe of the Podcastinators. Once again Ed is off somewhere in doing something that we won’t go into at this time. Last week some might have noticed that this is an unconventional review. I’ve been watching the WWE for over thirty years (Oh God…I’ve wasted my life) and I’ve seen what works for them and what doesn’t work. You kids who think things are really bad didn’t live through the WWF of the early 90’s. Bret Hart was the jewel in the middle of a sea of cartoon stupidity.

The good thing about this little review is I can comment on the current stupidity the WWE has going on (which is a lot). In the end though, I am just a common fan. I don’t watch for workrate or rate for stars and stuff. I like what I like and if it bores me I won’t bullshit you about it. All you have to do is look at the ratings numbers to know what parts of the show people tune in and out of.
The show starts off with Stone Cold Steve Austin in the ring. This episode of RAW is billed as an “All Star” deal because Austin, BROCK, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair are on the show. With RAW ratings tanking to numbers not seen since the aforementioned mid 90’s, Vince is in panic mode and panic mode for him is “WELL, GET ME SOMEONE TO POP THE RATING DAMN IT”. Basically you are putting a band aid onto an arterial bleeder.  Austin is out there to kick off the show and it shows once again how the WWE has failed to make any stars in a long time because no one and I mean no one gets the reaction Austin does. It’s not even close.

They trot ol’ Stone Cold out there to introduce The Undertaker. I was like “Okay, this could be interesting, Austin and Taker talking with each other”…but nope. After Taker does his slow walk to the ring and lights are back up…Austin is gone. So much for anything interesting there. I love and respect The Undertaker. I mean the guy doesn’t have to wrestle anymore, but clearly he still enjoys doing it on some level. I just cannot stand The Undertaker character as he is right now. I wish we could have gotten The American Badass back. Maybe not the motorcycle riding one, but just something with his character being updated. This Taker just doesn’t have me interested in the Hell in a Cell match coming up. The one he and Brock had back in 2002 is probably the greatest HIAC ever. I don’t think any match contested in the cell has even come close since. Taker almost bled to death that night pulling a .85 on the Mutoh Scale. We know we won’t get anything close to that with this match. There’s no real reason for the match other than Vince got bored with the feud. I would have been happy with Taker/Brock being held off till Wrestlemania 32. Build it as an I Quit Retirement match. Let Taker go out all guns blazing. This match just seems to anti-climatic much like the big rematch at Summerslam that really was thrown together out of thin air. That match they threw together with no real reason. This match is worse than that because they are rushing what could be a good end to this feud.

The Undertaker is old and doesn’t have it anymore so he relies on cheap shots to try and pull things off. He’s a crafty old man. That’s more compelling than “well he’s the deadman…that’s about it”.

Taker in the middle of all of this challenged Brock to man up and come into the ring and fight and Paul Heyman had an honest to God conniption fit at ringside begging Brock to not do it. HE’S IN YOUR HEAD BROCK…HES IN YOUR HEAD. Brock smirked and walked back up the ramp and Paul was like NOW YOU’RE IN HIS HEAD. It’s those little things I love from Paul E.

*Grabs remote* let’s see what The Giants are doing on MNF.

Up first was John Cena & The Dudley Boys vs. The New Day.
The New Day prevented me from changing the channel at first. Everything in Texas is BOOTY. That had me laughing my ass off especially when they were ripping on the Dallas Cowboys being so BOOOTY.  New Day during all of this made a motion calling themselves Unicorns and I’m pretty sure Vince McMahon was on the headset in the back screaming “WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE GUYS DOING? GOD DAMNED UNICORNS. FUCKING MILLENIALS. GO PLAY YOUR VIDEO GAMES YOU PUSSIES”.  You gotta feel sorry for the announce team. They have to focus on calling action with that mad man screaming in their ear.

The match was nothing special. I can’t wait for Cena to be gone so he can film his reality show or whatever he’s doing. I love The Dudley Boys…but I would love them even more if they were bad guys. Bubba Ray Dudley should not be a babyface in peril. I also wish Big Dick Dudley were still alive so The Dudley’s could at least have a third wheel. Tell me it wouldn’t be fun seeing him chokeslam guys off the stage. Anyway, New Day eventually won when Xavier Woods rolled up Devon with a handful of err umm camo. For his troubles, Cena AA’ed him and he along with The Dudley’s super bombed him through a table. Bubba did his trademark stare but sadly there was no Jerry Lawler or Jim Ross screaming BUBBA GOT WOOD.

*Grabs remote* ooh, a Tanked marathon on Animal Planet. You know I’ll watch that show no matter how many times I’ve seen a given episode. I like fish. Beautiful creatures of the sea.

Up next we have Sasha Banks and Naomi w/Tamina in some awkward heels vs. Nikki & Alicia Fox.

The Diva’s revolution continues to die a slow death as no one really cares what any of these women are doing which is sad. Sasha Banks is by far the best wrestler/entertainer in the WWE and they continue to squander her because the people in charge think Nikki Bella clearly should be the heel everyone has to face. Nikki isn’t a bad sports entertainer. I mean she does her job well enough. I just wish she wasn’t the be all/end all of the Divas division. Naomi looked really good (figuratively and literally). Again, she should have gotten a title run. I loved that she broke up that stupid rack attack of Nikki’s but she ended up eating a bionic forearm (along with Sasha) for her troubles. Team Bella wins.

After this weekend at the HIAC PPV or whatever they call them now, I really hope we get some gauntlet deal for a new number one contender. Charlotte vs. Sasha would be nice to see on a grand stage. You want to kickstart the divas revolution WWE? After this Sunday, send Nikki on vacation along with John Cena. Odds are we are getting Charlotte vs. Paige. If it’s for the title is debatable because I suspect Paige will cost Charlotte the Divas title and then Nikki will be even more insufferable to watch.

*Grabs remote* Oh Wade is yelling at everyone because something wasn’t packed for the tank as we go to commercial. But when we come back all will be good.

The Monday Night RAW nostalgia segment returns with Shawn Michaels coming down to the ring clad in a shirt for Remington ammo. You have to admire the evolution of Shawn Michaels. He went from just a party boy in the AWA/WWF to the Ladies man. Then he was a degenerate…found Jesus and now he’s a low budget Ted Nugent. Unlike Uncle Ted, Shawn still hasn’t had the sense to cut off his pony tail. We all remember how it looked towards the end of his career. Just let it go Shawn. Let it go.

Shawn was yammering on about something and he is interrupted by Seth Rollins. Seth tries desperately to say he is the new Shawn Michaels but it falls flat. They could have done something…ANYTHING to make Seth Rollins not look like a giant putz, but for some reason the WWE is hell bent on making him look like the biggest idiot possible. You’re telling me Rollins couldn’t have KICK WHAM PEDIGREED Shawn? Just do something to make him look like someone who should be hated because of his actions.

Seth should have a stable around him of equally skilled men who are looking out for each other. A new Four Horsemen. John Cena needs times off? Well have Seth and say Sheamus, Barrett, and Rusev beat the tar out of Cena in the parking lot and throw him broken and battered into the trunk of a limo. That would get you some instaheat for these guys because you know they weren’t gonna take shit from anyone. But nope, we can’t do that. The champion needs to be an idiot.

Shawn ends up telling Seth that he’s facing THE BIG GUY right now. Seth and Ryback have an all right match. Seth pulls off a miracle and wins his second match since Summerslam. In a better era, this would be a great feud to have. Ryback has climbed his way back from the bottom where the WWE put him. Rollins if he were booked like a real heel champion vs. uber face Ryback would be great stuff. Here it’s just filler.

Both of these guys deserve better than that. Seth Rollins since he is entering Chris Jericho territory as worst WWE Champion in recent memory. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t figured out a way to have Seth fetch things for Stephanie to emasculate him even more. I mean we can just see him being forced to go get Stephanie tampons and not knowing if she wants smooth or those pearl ones.

*Grabs remote* Giants are losing. CLICK. Wade is yelling about something not fitting on a tank. Poor Redneck can only do so much. Back to ESPN…is the Star Wars Trailer on yet?

Back to RAW and it’s Rusev/Sheamus/Barrett vs. Ziggler/Neville/Cesaro
To be honest I didn’t watch much of this match. I love Cesaro. I love Wade Barrett. I can tolerate Neville and his ears. Ziggler…meh. RUSEV CRUSH. But Sheamus is still a channel changer for me. I used to like watching Sheamus matches. But now it’s ehhhh. If you gave the three guys on his team something interesting (like the Horsemen esq idea mentioned above) we might be onto something. I’m pretty sure Sheamus/Barrett/Rusev all look pretty swank in a good suit. Honestly I’d like to see Sheamus lose the MITB briefcase because no one is waiting for Sheamus to win the WWE World title. God, could you imagine the Wrestlemania 32 main event being Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns? A midcard match with them would be fine. But as a mainevent…HA.

I came back in time to see Sheamus knock the piss out of Ziggler with a brogue kick from the floor. See, that’s where he’s at his best. No stupid Mohawk and whatever that beard is. Just Sheamus pump kicking guys in the face.

*Grabs remote* Okay it’s halftime…damn it why are they recapping the weekend.

Ric Flair is in the ring. He doesn’t even get a proper introduction. That is just wrong. To make things worse he’s standing there waiting for his cue because no one told him that we were live. You can’t do that to Ric Flair. He’s Ric Flair…he deserves better than this. To Flair’s credit, he knows the audience and pops them with real nostalgia about The Von Erich’s and The Freebird’s in Dallas. But I’m guessing that was too wrestling for Vince and Kevin Dunn so they cut him off and had Roman Reigns music hit. As Roman made his way down the stairs, I wonder why is he still doing the whole Shield entrance? Are we really to believe that Roman enters the building and hides somewhere in the lower mezzanine just waiting for his cue?

Practically as soon as Roman hits the ring and gives much love and respect to Nai’ch, The Wyatt’s music hits and Bray, Ogre, and Eric Rowan playing the role of Luke Harper appear at ringside. Harper suddenly disappearing was weird because with all the news sheets, not one has a conclusive answer. Some say its personal issues. Others say it was part of an angle to cover for Randy Orton being out. There’s even a theory that Harper got in trouble because of a picture that was posted on Instagram over the weekend of The Wyatts, Roman, Jericho, and some others wearing a shirt that says LUKE HARPER FANCLUB. Now if he got in trouble for that that is lame. I mean if anyone deserves a fan club it’s Luke Harper. Discus lariats and big boot’s for all.

This Wyatt/Roman feud while entertaining at least in the ring has been so boring in promo land. Bray Wyatt is hampered by the WWE having a no blood policy. I mean if this were early 80’s Florida, Bray would be slicing people up with his spiritual grandfather Kevin Sullivan. This HIAC match with Bray and Roman is supposed to “end the war”. I hope it does because both guys need to move on. Bray needs something…anything to show why he’s the eater of worlds and Roman…well, Vince won’t be satisfied till he gives us Roman Reigns as World Champion at Wrestlemania just to spite everyone. It’s not that Roman doesn’t deserve to be champion. It’s just they completely screwed the pooch on him by trying to do it way too fast. If the newsbit about Roman being booked to win the title at Wrestlemania 32 is true, Vince still doesn’t get it. Sure Roman is getting good responses now…but that’s just in the ring. On the mic the guy is still dying a thousand deaths. Either they turn him heel so he becomes the new Corporate champion or they are going to hope that his flashy smile will still remain flashy for a while to come.

I skipped most of the promo because I had to see the Star Wars trailer on MNF. The trailer was all right. Somehow in thirty years the Jedi became a legend that no one believes is real. I like to think someday we’ll think the same of the Attitude era. Compelling stories, amazing action, women in next to nothing, blood. A few more years and we’ll be telling people “It was real”.

*Grabs Remote*I like American Dad reruns during RAW. That show is very under appreciated.

I tune back in and Paige is talking to Renee Young and EVERYTHING that is wrong with the WWE’s cultural radar. I don’t know who wrote this script for Paige. Maybe it was a joke on Vince because it would be someone he would know. Either way it was chock full of ridicule and rightly so. Paige called Renee “Sally Jesse Raphael”. Sally Jesse Raphael at her peak was a daytime talk show host in the mid 90’s. Paige was barely born when Sally was at her daytime peak. She also called Renee” a less cute Erin Andrews”. I mean that’s at least somewhat relevant. I was just amused Jenny Jones or Riki Lake weren’t name dropped in this segment. Apparently the point of all of this was Renee grilling Paige over her whereabouts when Natalya was attacked on Smackdown. No one watches Smackdown so I’m sure that’s a mystery that will randomly be solved soon.

On a side note, Sally Jesse Raphael is 80 years old. 80. Her show whimpered off the airwaves in 2002. Come on WWE, there are plenty of other talk shows out there you could lampoon. Plus Renee is way cuter than Erin Andrews.

Up next was Charlotte vs. Brie Bella.

Another filler match sadly. It’s also sad that Becky Lynch has been relegated to being the third wheel. They’re building to Charlotte/Paige. As I said it’s up for debate if it won’t or will be for the title. I enjoyed this match for what it was worth though. I like Brie way more than Nikki. But that’s just a personality thing (plus I think she’s the hotter twin).  It amuses me that Charlotte still can’t throw a chop. Ric, for the love of God show your daughter how to do one. Of course if they would let her be the Charlotte she was in NXT where they said “you don’t have to do your dad’s stuff if you don’t want” this wouldn’t be an issue. Charlotte wins…Yay.

Up next we had an unintended gem with Kevin Owens vs. Mark Henry.
Mark Henry has sure had an interesting career. For years the guy was an instant channel changer then a few years ago something clicked and suddenly everything he should have been happened at once. Hall Of Pain Mark Henry has been awesome for the last few years. But now it seems that BIG HENRY (as my late Uncle Paddy would call him) is getting ready to finish up his unlikely 20 year career. This match with Kevin Owens should have been nothing special but from the opening bell it was so much fun. Owens was heeling it up on the Texas Longhorns. Mark Henry was imposing his will. Gorilla Monsoon would have probably loved to of called a match like this. Henry did some good clubbering and Owens took a hell of a beating. And at the end we got probably what will be the HOLY SHIT moment of the year (at least for me) when Kevin Owens popup powermbomed Mark Henry.

I jumped out of my seat. I was like HOLY FUCK HE DID IT (well internally I did). I was like it would be fun if he tried, but no way can he actually do it. And then the moment came and DAMN. Of course after the match, Owens ended up getting beaten up by Ryback (with some help from Henry), but who cares about that. If Mark Henry is going to have that one last good feud I want it with Kevin Owens. That could actually end up being a great Wrestlemania match. Henry gets his one last hurrah and Owens looks great on the biggest stage possible.

Finally after another long and at times boring show we finally get to the main of Rollins/Ambrose/Reigns vs. The Wyatts.

Earlier in the hour, Seth was with Stephanie and Triple H when Shawn Michaels walked into the office. Through some trolling where he essentially questioned Seth’s manhood…Seth was all “FUCK YOU OLD MAN…THEY NEED A PARTNER…PUT ME IN THE MATCH”. This played into the whole “Seth is a moron” angle. If this were leading up to Seth vs. HBK say at Wrestlemania 32,that would be great. But since the odds are it isn’t the WWE just blew their Shield reunion on nothing. I mean think about this for a moment. People have been waiting for a Shield reunion of sorts and instead of at least giving it a week to build up, Vince was like “Eh, just do it in the third hour”.

You know what, screw this last match. It was the same Wyatts vs. Ambrose/Reigns/insert partner match that we’ve seen too many times all ready. Seth pussed out towards the end and faked limped to the back and Ambrose ended up getting a kendo stick from under the ring (cause you know they just keep them there for situations like this) and he caned Brawn McBeardly for the DQ. Of course Ogre no sold it and we got some wild brawling to end the show. Nothing wrong with that.

Here is what is wrong with this damn show and why it’s taken me a day longer then I planned to write this thing. The problem with this show as you might have noticed from reading this small book is the WWE does not give a shit about what they put on the air. You might be asking yourself “but Joe, how can they not care”. Well it’s simple. Vince doesn’t care. Vince is all ego and the last thing he wants is to retire only for Stephanie and Triple H (and hell who knows Shane) to take the company and make it bigger and better than he ever imagine. Vince is the type of vindictive bastard who would tank the company just to spite everyone. Remember when he brought in the N.W.O. to “inject poison into his creation”. Well, those words were truer than you could ever imagine.

I have touched upon this before. I suspect Vince has a massive inferiority complex when it comes to his own father. He wasn’t loved by his father. Only really got to work with him because the old man felt he owed something to him. Years later, Shane gets to be the wrestler Vince Sr. wouldn’t let Vince Jr. be and he eventually ends up driving Shane from the company. It’s not that hard to imagine that Vince being so stubborn that he would rather the company fall apart and fall back to its mid 90’s standing rather than put on the best product possible.

Back when I was in college for the first go round, I had a communications professor who put it like this. “In television, the executive producer is the one who is to blame for everything”.  Who’s the executive producer/be all of the WWE? Vince McMahon. We can sit here and blame creative (and rightfully so at times) for screwing people up. But it doesn’t matter. The WWE could hire Vince Gilligan tomorrow and say “Okay pal, take one of our stars and make him Walter White and make it good”. I’m sure he could, but at the end of the day it wouldn’t matter if the day before or even the day of the show Vince looks at the script and is like “NO, DON’T LIKE IT…CHANGE IT….I DON’T GIVE A GOOD GOD DAMN ABOUT CONTINUITY…I SAID CHANGE IT YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH”.

Why do you think when I was writing up above I would put *grabs remote* into the text. It’s because that’s what I was doing. And if I were doing it odds are a good portion of the audience was doing it. There was a very interesting chart put on twitter by Justin Henry.


In it is the first 6 week average of RAW during the Monday Night Football season. Ratings have dropped 22% since 2011. In any other broadcast on television, people would be fired. Leadership is the problem and ratings will continue to fall so long as Vince McMahon and his yes men who are there to tell him “oh everything’s great boss” are there at the top.

I guess that is it for this week. I’ll be back with a Hell in a Cell mop up and then next week the HIAC fall out.

Hey, you know something was missing this week. Oh yeah it was the number one contender Kane. If that isn’t a ringing endorsement for that match then what is.
As always reblog/tweet/comment/whatever. Tell me what you think.

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RAWPod Rant for 10/12/15

Joe from The Podcastinators joining you tonight for what I hope will become a new thing here on the old website. The Podcastinator post Raw blog.  My mind is fairly photographic so I can pretty much recall in detail what I watched. This is something the WWE does not like because odds are I will remember something that they want you the viewer to forget. I’m attempting to get into screenwriting so continuity is a thing I have to pay attention to.

Now a lot of people here on the old Interwebs, especially in what I’m gonna called IWC + (trademark pending) like to fault WWE creative for everything. Granted, most of them don’t really know anything about the wrestling business accept for what the WWE bullet points them on. The WWE lives in their little universe as we know. If you remember from “Men in Black”, Universes were these little marbles that contained galaxies. Well that’s the WWE in a nutshell. They think they are this giant universe when in reality they are just this tiny marble in a giant ocean that is the cosmos of content. Everything with the WWE is all about ego. One particular ego…the ego of Vince McMahon.  Right now RAW’s ratings are in a nose dive and one can only imagine that Vince is making the life of everyone who works below him a living hell.


Well, they can’t come up with anything if you keep making them change it. The current direction of RAW and the WWE are pitiful at best and it’s because it’s the direction Vince McMahon dictates. In television, the executive producer is the one who drives the ship. Vince is the one who is driving the WWE. So any problem you see with the show…it’s all on him.

So don’t blame creative. Those guys and gals have enough trouble. The last thing they need are a bunch of YouTube vloggers bitching about how it’s them ruining everything.

With that in mind, let us begin this recap/review. But, unlike most other reviews I’m just gonna focus on what I watched. Like most people, I changed the channel a lot. The Mets game was on and everyone was expecting a brawl because of the Chase Utley thing from Saturday night.

Corporate Kane is by far my favorite character on RAW right now. Once again he is in charge because Stephanie and Triple H can’t make it. This is one of the things that annoy’s me about the “reality” era. Are we really supposed to believe that Triple H and Stephanie don’t arrive at the building before everyone else? Okay so looking past that, apparently Triple H and Stephanie are stuck on a flight somewhere and Kane is in charge. They tell him to leave Seth Rollins alone. So after he hangs up on the speaker phone (which will be the source of some comedy later in the night), he tells a stage hand to inform Seth that he’ll be in a lumberjack match later in the night against him.

See this is where I like Kane and can’t stand Kane. Kane as a comedy character in the back is perfectly fine. But the WWE has done such a piss poor job of building up new stars that in 2015 we have to go back once again to the “Demon” Kane as the top challenger not named John Cena. I like Kane. He’s a solid guy. He makes the most of what he has to work with. But you wanna know why RAW’s ratings are taking a nose dive? It’s because the WWE thinks demon Kane is what people want. I want Kane as a character. Not a full time wrestler. More “World’s Greatest Director of Operations” (I need that mug and I don’t even drink coffee) and less fire, brimstone and demon stuff.

The show officially starts off with a promo from Dean Ambrose. Okay, now here’s a guy who should be feuding with Seth Rollins. But the WWE screwed him up so much it’s going to take a long time to build Ambrose back up to the main event where he belongs. Apparently at Hell in a Cell, Ambrose and Randy Orton are going to be taking on Luke Harper and Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds. Randy Orton comes down to the ring and we get the old “well, I don’t exactly trust you…you don’t trust me but we need to work together to fight these guys” shtick. Hey…let’s see what the Cubs score is.

I change back just in time to see New Day come on down and lampoon the hell out of Randy Orton’s entire history of being a member of a group. God, that was good. If you would have told me earlier this year that The New Day who was only created because Vince loves black churches because he wants to dance down the aisle like Elwood Blues would be this great I would say you were crazy. The New Day took what should have been a career killing gimmick and turned it around and became the hottest thing in the company. I think The New Day hasn’t even scratched the surface of their true potential.

Xavier Woods in my view could be the new Bobby the Brain Heenan. He’s exactly where Bobby was in the early 70’s. Still a wrestler, but so much better as the guy you want to see get his ass kicked. I think if the WWE would just let guys be managers again, Xavier would hit the stratosphere as a new mouthpiece villain. There are so many guys (and gals) in the WWE who cannot cut a promo to save their lives.  Anyway, this match was what it was. Ambrose/Orton would probably be a good duo together. It’s just when Randy Orton comes on the tv, I end up changing the channel. I haven’t been interested in anything he has done in years. Probably the last time I cared about Randy Orton was when he was feuding with Triple H and was a real dick. That’s where he shines. I think if you ask Orton, he’d rather be RKO’ing a diva just because he can rather than being a plucky babyface. Oh yeah in all of that, New Day won.

Okay up next was Nikki Bella vs. Naomi. Apparently they showed a great recap video of the Sasha Banks/Bayley Ironman match. If you have not watched that match…stop what you are doing and go watch it now. This will be here when you come back.

Anyway, Sasha continues to stand around and do nothing on the main show. I guess they are trying to tease tension in Team BAD because the crowd wants Sasha (well who doesn’t want Sasha). It’s typical for the WWE to do this sort of stuff. Someone is way over and rather than capitalize on it they do nothing with it.

The Divas revolution is dying a slow death as if you haven’t noticed. Everyone is factioned off. It’s amazing how on NXT the women can be booked as these amazing athletes and yet on RAW they’re a bunch of catty girls…because you know, women…AMIRIGHTORAMIRIGHT.  I think Naomi deserves way better and she should have been Diva’s champion when she had that title shot. This match was what it was. Nothing special. Nikki continues to be the focus of the division. Let’s be honest. It’s absolutely because of who she is with. Remember a few years ago when Michelle McCool was running rough shot over everyone. It was cause of who she was with. This doesn’t mean John Cena is booking the women, but a happy Nikki would in turn mean a happy Cena. He doesn’t wanna probably hear her bitching about how she’s not on top anymore. Also in the middle of all this we have Paige being a whiney brat about how she started the revolution. Who cares who started the revolution at this point. If it continues like this it’s going to be dead. Nikki won after a distraction on the floor allowed her to his the rack attack. Brie got dumped on the back of her head on the floor so by Sasha. I think I wouldn’t mind if Brie were the one in the driver’s seat. I love Brie but can’t stand Nikki. I personally think Brie is the hotter Bella and as we know, personality goes a long way.

Speaking of John Cena, up next was the Cena US Open Challenge. The suburban Chicago crowd really hated on John Cena. I really think deep down all the boos and all the men screaming at Cena that he sucks gets him upset. “I VISIT 10,000 CANCER KIDS A YEAR…WHAT MORE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME”. I don’t know John; maybe not win a match the same exact way every single time? I’m just gonna skip to the end of this match with Dolph Ziggler. I skipped most of it anyway while watching the Mets. Ziggler hits all of his finishers. John Cena is spent accept for the quick burst he needs to no sell the entire match (and story that he might have been jet lagged from being in Saudi Arabia during the weekend) to hit a quick AA for the win. That’s John Cena in a nutshell. He’ll have the competitive match but in the end he’ll win clean with his move because he’s JOHN CENA.

To be fair that’s more the WWE style than anything else. The good guy has to win clean and he has to win with his finisher. It was like that for Hogan and on up. I wouldn’t mind it if Cena won with roll up’s or inside cradles or whatever. But every single Cena match ends the same way. AA or STF.

The other thing that annoyed me was Dolph Ziggler did not need this match. You know who needed a great showing in a match against Cena? A guy like Adam Rose. A guy like Damien Sandow. A guy like Brad Maddox. They’re the ones who need the time to shine. Why is Kane main eventing against Seth Rollins? Because any new potential main eventer stars never even got the chance. I’m not saying those guys would be ideal choices to main event RAW, but we’ll never know because they never got the shot to begin with.

Seriously it’s a crime Rose, Sandow, and Maddox aren’t even on TV and if they are its squash duty.

I skipped most of the next couple of matches aside from checking in during commercials. Dudleys vs. LOD 3000 and Sheamus/Barrett vs. Neville/Cesaro…sorry guys. Nothing on you, but the WWE gives me no reason to care about any of this. It’s honestly just random filler and all of these guys deserve a little better than that.

There was a Rusev/Ryback match which saw Rusev get squashed. Why did Rusev get squashed? Because TMZ posted over the weekend that Rusev and Lana are now engaged. Summer Rae then proceeded to cut Rusev’s balls off and dump him because he was secretly going back with Lana and Summer didn’t find out until she saw it on TMZ. In reality, Rusev has been booked like the face they all want but since he’s the evil foreigner…well, you know. Rusev in storylines is living the American dream. Rich, banging two hot blondes.
But unfortunately in real life, Lana and Rusev remained a couple (despite what I’m sure was an effort by some in the WWE to actually break them up…they’re those kind of people). Now that it came out and the WWE didn’t have a part in it, Rusev is going to be up shit creek for a while. It’s a shame because the guy is genuinely one of the only parts of the show I enjoy watching. Ah well, congrats to Rusev and Lana. You give me hope for love in this world.

Moving along up next its Roman Reigns vs. Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds.
The WWE had the bright idea to have Roman speak in front of a hostile crowd. This was painful to watch as Roman tried to stay on his scripted points while the crowd ate him alive. Roman doesn’t need to give elaborate promos. He just needs to say short sentences like “I’m gonna knock you on your ass and then spear you in half”. That’s way better than whatever the hell he was going on about. At one point when the crowd chanted boring, Roman tried to make it out that this is a life and death situation for him. As for the match, I was not interested in it one bit. I know Brawn McBeardface is the kind of guy Vince loves in his giants. Big, bad, stupid looking. We also know he’s being groomed someday to be the next major villain Super Cena has to face. He just doesn’t fit into The Wyatt Family aside from looking like Bray if Bray cloned himself and gave him the mutagen that turned Shredder into Super Shredder in TMNT 2. You know, that would be a more interesting character for him. Bray conjured up some voodoo backwood spell and brought Braun onto the world.

I guess there was a good brawl at the end. They built up Braun hadn’t been knocked off his feet so Roman tried and tried and eventually knocked Braun up and over the table and onto the floor. I just do not care about Bray vs. Roman. Bray is another one who should be main eventing but they really screwed the pooch with him.

After all the comedy of Kane and the speaker phone (where Triple H and Stephanie told him that HE meaning corporate Kane was not to touch Seth Rollins), it was time for the main event. The Mets game was going long and we got Seth Rollins vs. DEMON Kane. See, its Demon Kane so it’s not Corporate Kane (wink wink). Seth got beat up a bunch and toss out to the floor just as much. Seth tried to get some offense in and he would send Kane to the floor and all the lumberjacks were afraid of him. Kane and Big Show had a stare off that ended with Kane eating a KO punch and Big Show being all “fuck this” and walking to the back.

My attention was at an all time low at this point. I put the Mets game back on. Come back and see everyone brawling. Show ends after Seth is choke slammed and tombstoned.

That was Monday Night Raw for October 12th, 2015 in a nutshell. Another blah show and judging by the ratings that came out mostly everyone agreed as the show lost a good portion of its viewers by the end of the night. It started off strong and then fell off a cliff.

I’m sure right now Vince McMahon is probably terrorizing everyone as I mentioned before.


Something compelling. Something interesting. How about not making Seth Rollins look like such a giant pussy all the time.

How about taking some of the guys I mentioned above and try giving them something.

You know that Cesaro guy? Do something with him instead of having him lose all the time.

There’s probably a lot more I could say on what needs to be done, but that’s for a podcast. We hope to have some new content up soon. In the meantime I’ll keep doing these reviews because I have nothing else to do.

Thoughts and comments send them to me on Twitter @josephdavis_nyc

Or if you still do email send me something at phantomlordnyc@gmail.com

Checkout my Photography and art page at http://www.facebook.com/joedavisphotowriter

Until next time I am Joe of the Podcastinators and I have a bottle of Jim Bean calling me.

Like and re-blog. Leave comments or what ever.

Quick NXT Takeover: Respect Thoughts

Joe of the Podcastinators here. God what a great show. I’ll get to Bayley/Sasha in a moment. First I want to say I think the WWE has something with Chad Gable. I found myself rooting for him by the end of the match. Sure, I can see what they would like in his partner (taller & better build), but hot damn Gable could be something for them in a couple of years. That rolling deadlift German was pretty damn amazing. Also I do see something with Baron Corbin as well. I still think they could get away with some loose story telling that Corbin is related to The Undertaker and Kane. They’re gonna need lineage for Taker/Kane soon. Corbin sort of fits the mold. I’m sure they could pull something like that off in NXT. On the main show..ehhh.

Glad to see Joe/Finn win the Dusty throphy. I was kinda hoping they each would get a cowboy boot. Joe/Finn vs. Gable/Jason would have been a much better final but it was fun none the less in it’s Crockett cup fun. Hell of a speech by Cody after. I know he loves being Stardust and apparently that was the only thing that kept him in wrestling after Dusty died (that and his wife I should say according to a blog he posted). But I want to see Cody Rhodes with a run for the title someday. We never got Dustin Rhodes world champion. I really don’t want to say the same thing about Cody in 15-20 years.

I know I got a little teary hearing “American Dream” come on one more time. Still can’t believe he is gone.

Okay now for Bayley/Sasha. That was probably the best women’s match we will ever see in the WWE. Yeah it was a little sloppy at times, but the overall story made up for any misscues they had. But man when Sasha heeled it up on Izzy…just hand her the Wrestler of the Year awards now. It would have been great to see Owens do something like that to one of Cena’s fans. But Sasha made it work so much better.

I loved how Bayley went insane towards the end and started trying to hurt Sasha. At one point I typed in a FB group BREAK HER FUCKING FINGERS. Thank God that one isn’t public. People wouldn’t understand context. The final 90 seconds was just amazing storytelling. And the ending was so amazing with the flowers and all. Sasha Banks could legit main event a Wrestlemania some day. She is that good.

Oh yeah, Asuka is a pyschopath who takes joy in the pain of her victims. I swear those smiles she was shooting. I’ve seen those in some Japanese horror movies…usually right before and after someone got gutted. I can’t wait till we eventually get her vs. Bayley.

WCW Tradition Returns Part 1

A lot of people love to fantasy book. I do to. But, I like to think of odd what ifs. So that’s what we have here today with our first edition of where from the recesses of my mind I give a match that could have happened, but for whatever reason didn’t. For this first edition we take you back to that magical year of 1997. The N.W.O. is a year into their reign of terror. Its New World Order this…New World Order that. One place you would see really random matches would be on WCW Worldwide or Saturday Night. Randy Savage worked a lot of these Worldwide and Saturday Night shows and gave us matches that would have been great main events on house shows or even decent midcard matches on Nitro. One such match was N.W.O. Macho Man vs. Beautiful Bobby. It’s a really fun match you should look for on youtube.

But I got to thinking. What if Savage didn’t do this match. What if it were Hulk Hogan? Hogan would occasionally do a Worldwide or Saturday Night squash. How come we never got Hulk Hogan vs. Beautiful Bobby? If there was anyone who was more WCW than anyone else it was Beautiful Bobby. There’s a guy who should have been a bigger star. Not World champion, but he sure as hell deserved a US Title run or two or another TV Titile run. Bobby was always the consummate professional. You could put him in against ANYONE and it would be good. So in this fantasty booking, we’re going back to the Center Stage Theater in Atlanta, Georgia in 1997. Hulk Hogan is the WCW/NWO World Heavyweight Champion and to show he’ll face anyone, anytime, anywhere (wink wink)…we give you this match.

For the purposes of dealing with Hulk Hogan, this match takes place in an alternate universe. One where while he still is the egomananical monster that he always was…he was at least willing to do some business without evoking creative control.

Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan
Tony: Well fans up next we have what promises to be an interesting one. Hollywood Hulk Hogan is gracing us with his presence this week on Worldwide and recently having won back the WCW/NWO World Heavyweight Championship from the Total Package Lex Luger, he says he needs a proper tune up before he grants Luger a rematch and tonight he is giving a non title match to Beautiful Bobby Eaton.

Brain: Tony, you know how much I hate Hulk Hogan. I’ve been saying for years the man in scum. But if he thinks he’s walking into here for a tune up against a man like Bobby Eaton and walk over him…he has another thing coming.

Tony: You are absolutely right Brain. I have known Bobby Eaton for a good fifteen years in this sport. In a business full of backstabbers, he is one of the most honest people you will ever meet. Beautiful Bobby might be in the twilight of his career and what we call the lower card. But everyone knows that on any given night anything can happen and you and I both know that Hulk Hogan is not taking this match seriously. I have seen Beautiful Bobby take Ric Flair to the absolute limit in a match where if there one more minute on the clock, Beautiful

Bobby would be a former World’s champion tonight.

Brain: Hogan as much as we hate him, he knows what he’s doing in that ring. But if you want to see what happens on that one night…go ask Harley Race about his match against Tommy Rich. Go ask my old friend Nick Bockwinkle what happened when he faced Otto Wanz. It might not be for the title tonight, but Hogan better not look past this man.

Tony: With that in mind, let’s head up to the ring for the introductions.

Generic WCW Rock music plays

Announcer: Wrestling fans the following contest scheduled for one fall with television time remaining. Introducing first, hailing from Huntsville, Alabama…He weighs in at 238 Pounds…This is Beautiful Bobby.

Bobby enters the ring to a modest ovation from the studio crowd.

The N.W.O. Theme comes on and Hulk Hogan starts to come down the aisle doing his air guitar with the championship belt.

Announcer: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Vincent…hailing from Hollywood, California…weighing in at 275 Pounds…He is the reigning and defending WCW/NWO World Heavyweight Champion…This is HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN.

Hogan enters the ring and hands the title belt to Vincent and does his shirt tear and pose. He grabs the title belt back from Vincent and holds it up saying “THIS IS HOLLYWOOD’S HOUSE” and hands it to referee Mark Curtis (clad in his trademark suspenders).  

Tony: We are just a couple weeks removed from Hollywood Hogan having won back the World’s Heavyweight Championship in Sturgis from The Total Package.  Lex Luger is entitled to a rematch, but Hulk Hogan is doing everything he can to delay that. Tonight he says he wants a tune up and referee Mark Curtis has called for the bell and this one is under way. Bobby Eaton still in great shape as they go for the tie up and Hogan shove’s Eaton down to the mat.

Hogan does his posing for the crowd as they boo him. Vincent on the outside bows to Hulk Hogan. Eaton gets back up and after a few seconds they go to lock up again and this time Eaton gets the advantage and he shove’s Hogan to the mat.

Tony: Bobby Eaton is showing early in this match that he can give it just as good as you can.

Hogan gets back up and complains about a hair pull.

Brain: A hair pull? Ahahahahahahahahaha.

Tony: Come on Brain, you know that’s a sensitive topic.

Mark Curtis tells him there was no pull and Hogan charges Eaton and locks up again. He takes Eaton down with a drop toe hold. He does a spin across his back and paint brushes the back of Eaton’s head.  Hogan is back up and he once again poses to the crowd getting enormous boos from them.

Tony: Right now Hulk Hogan Is treating this like it’s a light exhibition as Bobby Eaton stands back up. Eaton is not letting Hogan’s total lack of respect get to him. They lock up again and this time Beautiful Bobby with the advantage as he drop toe hold’s Hogan and he does a spin and he paint brushes the back of Hogan’s head.

Hogan is irate as he stands back up and he takes a swing at Bobby but misses and Eaton connects with a big right hand. He quickly grabs Hogan and sends him into the ropes and sets up for a back drop but Hogan counters with a kick to the midsection and a clubbing forearm to the back that knocks Eaton down to the mat.

Brain: I will say this about Hulk Hogan. The man is not a fool. He is always a few steps ahead of you in that ring. Plus he has that little sycophant of his Vincent on the outside.

Tony: We hate to praise anything that man does, but you can’t get to where Hulk Hogan has in this industry without being ahead of everyone else. Hogan now is on the attack as he stomps on the back of Bobby Eaton.  Hogan grabs Bobby by the hair and he throws him out through the middle rope and out to the floor.

Hogan distracts Mark Curtis who tries to see around Hogan but cant. As Hogan distracts, Vincent picks up Bobby and slams him onto the hard stage floor. He then picks Bobby back up and throws him into the ring and trash talks to the camera about how that’s how Hollywood gets it done.

Brain: I have always hated that annoying little man. You know Dibiase only hired him way back when because he felt sorry for him.

Tony: I can honestly believe you there brain. Vincent is what you would call the poster child for a hanger on. Hogan only needs him when he needs someone to do his dirty work and right now Hogan is in control of this match as he drops an elbow onto Beautiful Bobby…he’s back up and drops another…and once more for a third time. Hogan with a nonchalant cover…One…Two…Kickout by Beautiful Bobby.

Hogan is up and looking down at Mark Curtis’s face about a slow count and Curtis tells him to back off. Vincent hops onto the ring apron and grabs Curtis by the shirt but Mark shoves him off the ring knocking Vincent on his ass on to the floor. Curtis hops outside and points to his shirt that he is in charge here and if he does that again he’ll be out of here.

Brain: For a referee that’s three feet tall, he sure has a Napoleon complex.
Tony: Mark Curtis is one of the finest officials in our sport and he won’t take that kind of abuse from anyone. Hogan is looking down at the floor telling Vincent to get up but in the ring Hogan isn’t paying attention and Bobby Eaton is back up. He grabs Hogan from behind and spins him around and he connects with a big right hand and another and another and he sends Hogan into the ropes.

Hogan tries for the big boot but Bobby ducks it and he goes behind Hogan and picks him up…BIG BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX. Bobby with the pin…Mark Curtis back into the ring…One…Two…KICKOUT by Hulk Hogan.

Brain: I’ll tell you what. Hulk Hogan was not expecting that. Bobby Eaton caught him good with those right hands. I think Hogan is dazed.

Tony: You might be right Brain as Bobby picks Hogan back up and he goes to whip Hogan into the corner but Hogan counters and send him in instead. Hogan comes running and he nails Bobby with a big clothesline that causes Eaton to drop to the mat.

Hogan quickly drops down to the mat and rolls Bobby over but instead of going for a pin he does a blatant choke that Mark Curtis tries to break before starting his count.


Hogan stands back up and he and Mark Curtis start arguing over the rules. Vincent sneaks in under the bottom rope and chokes Bobby some more before ducking back out and strutting around the ring like he owns the place causing the crowd to boo.

Brain: I liked him better after the referee knocked him off the ring.

Tony:  We all did Brain. Meanwhile back in the ring Bobby Eaton is pulling himself back up to his feet and Hulk Hogan is just waiting for him and Bobby turns around and Hogan nails him with a right hand and another and another and he sends him into the ropes and he connects with the big boot.

Bobby is out in the middle of the ring and Hulk Hogan takes his time once again posing for the crowd while Vincent bows before him on the floor telling him how great he is. Hogan continues to take his time and motions that he’s gonna end it and he goes into the ropes slowly and he goes for a lackluster leg drop on purpose but it backfires as Bobby Eaton moves out of the way.



Tony: Bobby is back up to his feet and so is Hulk Hogan. Bobby nails Hogan with a big right hand and another and another and he sends Hogan into the ropes and he catches him with a big back body drop.

Vincent hops up onto the ring apron but Bobby quickly spots him and he knocks him out with a straight right that sends him down to the floor.


Hogan is back up and he is begging Bobby for mercy and Bobby looks at the crowd and they are going wild and he starts hammering away on Hulk Hogan with more rights. He picks Hogan up and he goes to whip him into the ropes but Hogan counters. Bobby hangs on and spins Hogan around and connects with a left arm lariat.

Tony: Fans, I can’t believe what I am seeing here. Tradition lives again as Beautiful Bobby Eaton is turning back the clock and he is taking it to the world’s champion here on Saturday Night. This crowd has come to their feet. They know they are witnessing something special here tonight and Hulk Hogan is now the one pulling himself back up to his feet. Bobby is waiting for him and he nails him with a boot to the midsection and he goes into the ropes…SWINGING NECK BREAKER.

Brain: Oh My God…he’s not going to? Is he?

Tony: Yes he is…Bobby’s going for it all. He’s going to the outside and up top for the Alabama Jam…

Hogan is down in the center of the ring. Bobby takes a moment to look it in and he leaps and he connects.

Vincent dives in at the last second breaking up the pin and he attacks Beautiful Bobby. Mark Curtis calls for the bell and Vincent promptly throws him over the top rope and out to the floor. Vincent motions to the back calling for more NWO support and Scott Norton and Buff Bagwell come running to the ring and they continue the attack.

Tony: Bobby Eaton almost scored the victory of a lifetime and once again the numbers come into play.

Brain: He had Hogan beat. Hogan was beat in the middle of that ring.

Hulk Hogan gets back up to his feet but he bails out of the ring when in the background he sees Ray Traylor come running down to the ring with chair in hand. Ray slides into the ring and he quickly nails Norton with the chair right in the midsection. He takes a swing at Buff but Bagwell dives through the ropes and out to the floor. Ray drops the chair as Vincent doesn’t see him and when he turns around he Ray nails him with a right hand and he sends him into the ropes and he catches him with a Sidewalk slam. Beautiful Bobby stands up groggy and he sees Ray in the ring and after a moment they shake hands and then hug.

Tony: Fans I’m not sure what we just saw here.

Brain: Oh I know what we just saw. We just saw a man standing up for what he believes in and that’s and old friend like Bobby Eaton. You know him and Ray Traylor go way back. I think tonight the NWO got a taste of some wrestling tradition that they didn’t count on.

Tony: I think you are right Brain. I’m getting word that we have the official decision in the match…

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen due to outsider interference your winner by disqualification is BEAUTIFUL BOBBY!!!

Tony: I don’t think when this episode of Saturday Night started we would ever think it would end with Beautiful Bobby getting a victory over Hollywood Hogan.

Hogan is yelling on the floor that they both made a huge mistake. You don’t cross the boss and get away with it.

Tony: Fans we are out of time tonight. We will see you tomorrow morning on WCW Pro and always Monday Night on Monday Night Nitro.

The shot fades as Beautiful Bobby and Ray Traylor stand tall in the ring.

Written by Joe Davis of The Podcastinators If you like it, let us know. It’s part of a bigger series of posts to come.

Ed brought up a question he was asked at his club. Someone asked how much does a human brain weigh? Well that got into one of those kinds of discussions one might have on 4chan in /pol. Cranial size and IQ size amoung the races and how it specifically affects blacks because of generations of malnutrition from slavery and current conditions in poor areas that just don’t have access to nutritious food. Also we talk about how each generation is smarter than the last so this can only mean good things for virtual reality porn.

Dont forget to tell us what you think down below and share it and post it. That’s how these things work now, right?
email us: thepodcastinators@gmail.com

The Podcastinators: The Diva’s Revolution