'Clean coal' not profitable enough costly for CEFC mandate

The Turnbull government would have to change guidelines for the CEFC to invest in coal projects.
The Turnbull government would have to change guidelines for the CEFC to invest in coal projects. Eddie Jim

Mandating the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to invest in "clean coal" would require a spectacular government backflip just nine weeks after it issued the lender with strict conditions on the profitability of new projects. 

Federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann told the agency that its purpose was to help mobilise investment in "renewable energy, low emissions and energy efficiency projects and technologies", and instructed them to "apply commercial rigour when making investment decisions".

In particular, the direction said the CEFC must strive for an average return across the portfolio of 3 to 4 percentage points above the five year bond rate (2.3 per cent).

However, there are only three carbon capture and storage projects operating in the world and none are currently commercially viable. Super critical coal-fired power stations would also struggle to deliver commercial returns, while also  not meeting current guidelines to reduce emissions by 50 per cent.

David Rowe

The CO2CRC's Australian Power Generation Report found that adding CCS  to an ultra supercritical power station would more than double its cost – to $7 billion to $8.5 billion for a 1000 megawatt plant.

The most recently completed CCS project is in Texas, where NRG Energy has retro-fitted the technology to capture the flue gas from 40 per cent of a 600 megawatt coal fired power station – equivalent to fitting CCS to a 240 megawatt coal plant. The project cost US$1 billion ($1.3 billion), implying a cost of more than $5 billion to retrofit a 1000MW coal plant.

The CEFC's current chief executive Oliver Yates is expected to be replaced in the next few months along with a number of board positions later this year, the CEFC's investment mandate from 2012 is very clear about what projects can be invested in.

The Act that formed the CEFC – which the Abbott government tried to abolish before it was saved as part of a deal with the Palmer United Party – specifically rules out investing in two types of technology, nuclear and carbon capture and storage. This was an amendment added by the Greens.

If the Turnbull government wanted to use the CEFC to invest in carbon capture and storage – where carbon is buried or shipped from coal-fired power stations to reduce emissions – it would require parliamentary approval.

The bigger hurdle for the Turnbull government is the board's guidelines surrounding "low emissions technology", which they define as having 50 per cent less emissions than the existing or benchmark generation systems.

It is arguable whether any critical or supercritical coal-fired power stations can deliver carbon reductions of this sort, with most claiming to reduce emissions by 40 per cent.

A ministerial directive can ask the CEFC board to expand their investment mandate only if it meets the 50 per cent lower emissions test.

A senior industry source said the only way the Turnbull government could get around this would be to ask the CEFC to change their rules.

"That would require the board to change the definition of what low-emissions technologies are. But the board does have the liberty to look at things on a case-by-case basis," the source said.

A spokesman for Mr Frydenberg said "all options were on the table", including changes to the mandate and changes to the Act to include carbon, capture and storage projects.

It comes as energy companies fronted a Senate Committee in Adelaide to defend their actions following the recent black-outs in South Australia.

French-owned company Engie – which has been at the centre of the fall-out after it failed to answer calls from the market operator to boost supply – told the committee it had lost $17 million operating the Pelican Point number two gas turbine in 2015 before deciding to withdraw it from the National Electricity Market.

Engie corporate affairs chief Jim Kouts told the Senate inquiry the company had lost an increasing amount of money operating the unit each year from 2013 until it was withdrawn.

Engie, which also operates the Hazelwood power station in Victoria's La Trobe Valley that is due to close next month, denied it was involved in a deliberate strategy to game the market and maximise profits during the supply shortage in SA.

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon accused Engie of "ignoring" signals from the Australian Energy Market Operator that the SA market was going to be short of power as the evening peak demand approached during a heatwave and "exploiting a loophole" in the electricity market.

"We did not ignore those warnings," Mr Kouts told the hearing. "You saw how late it was. We could not bid in at that point."