George Penklis returns with Odyssey Private Equity

From left, Gareth Banks, Jonathan Kelly in front, George Penklis and Paul Readdy. The quartet have  launched a new ...
From left, Gareth Banks, Jonathan Kelly in front, George Penklis and Paul Readdy. The quartet have launched a new private equity fund called Odyssey Private Equity. Jessica Hromas

The co-founder of arguably Australia's most successful private equity firm is back in the market hunting for the next crop of high-growth private companies that he can turn into multimillion-dollar success stories.

George Penklis, who set up Quadrant Private Equity with Chris Hadley in 1996, has returned from a three-year hiatus and is teaming up with a trio of dealmakers from rival firm CHAMP Ventures to establish Australia's newest private equity manager, Odyssey Private Equity.

"The timing is right, I had a good break," Mr Penklis told The Australian Financial Review in his first interview since re-emerging in the local private equity market.  

"But I missed the opportunity to work with growing private companies to help them to maximise the growth of their businesses."

Odyssey has already raised $275 million for its first fund, and has started hunting for its first investment.

The Sydney-based firm is looking to write cheques worth up to $40 million, to take either minority or controlling stakes alongside management teams and company founders. It is targeting companies worth up to $100 million, including debt.

"We are looking to target expansion, replacement capital, management buyout opportunities," Mr Penklis said.

"There are a lot more opportunities in this end of the market. Typically entrepreneurs can get their business to a certain size but they need capital and further management expertise to go to another level.

"That's what drives us, that's our passion. To help management teams to go to the next level."

He says it is the same mantra that helped Quadrant Private Equity grow to be one of Australia's best performing private equity managers. Mr Penklis left Quadrant in 2014 after almost 20 years, and was part of a team that oversaw more than 50 private equity investments.

Mr Penklis says "the trick" is getting exclusive access to deals via his and his fellow partners' personal networks, rather than fighting for assets at auction or buying from public markets.

Gareth Banks, one of Odyssey's co-founders, said the firm's first fundraising was well supported by domestic investors who had success in local "mid-market" private equity in the past. The firm set out to raise $200 million in the second half of last year and ended with binding commitments worth $275 million.

"Funds in that segment have tended to perform very strongly," Mr Banks said.

"I think investors see that there is a lot of investment opportunities in that sector and I think they see the sector is under-serviced by fund managers.

"There seems to be lots of deal flow and not a lot of fund managers. So when you are offering four experienced professionals from that segment, it is quite attractive."

Mr Banks is establishing Odyssey as his former firm, CHAMP Ventures, closes its doors for new fundraising and manages its existing portfolio of assets.

He is joined at Odyssey by former colleagues Jonathan Kelly and Paul Readdy, and together the four dealmakers boast more than 60 years of local private equity experience.

Mr Banks said the new firm was not in a rush to sign its first deal.

"There is nothing imminent," he said.

"But certainly given that we have been in the industry for some time, we have plenty of opportunities being shown to us."

The new fund is a 10-year closed-end fund, as is typical in the industry, with a targeted five-year investment phase and five-year exit phase.

Often, though, those phases are accelerated and private equity managers will be back in front of investors seeking a new fund within four years.

Mr Penklis said Odyssey's first fund was just the beginning of the firm's journey, and next stop would be to bring some international investors into the fold.

"We would do the first fund and if we are successful, have a second fund and bring in some new investors.

"Our niche though would be to stay in this market segment, as best we can.

"We are not going to wake up tomorrow and decide to do a large fund – it would be a small addition ... Our next fund would look for support from our domestic investors and we would like to sprinkle in some more overseas investors."