Last updated: February 20, 2017

Monday 20th February 2017

Party up for reluctant Palestinians

Party up for reluctant Palestinians

By disrespecting the mindless mantra, Donald Trump has introduced the idea it may not be worth worshipping.

Sharia: dark ages death sentence

Sharia: dark ages death sentence

Australia has a proud, enlightened culture and it is worth preserving and protecting against any threat.

Sunday 19th February 2017

A fake news phenomenon?

A fake news phenomenon?

The clearance of the Aurukun school of maladministration allegations was clear — the reporting of it was not.

Saturday 18th February 2017

Close gap on school attendance

Close gap on school attendance

The commonwealth spends $30bn a year on indigenous affairs, but targets are not being achieved.

Progressives cross blurred 18C line

Progressives cross blurred 18C line

It will soon be up to politicians to fix a law that is biased towards complainants.

How to solve problem like sharia

How to solve problem like sharia

Islamic laws that belittle women must be criticised.

Kim baits Trump with missile

Kim baits Trump with missile

North Korea has sent a clear message that it won’t be intimidated by the new US President.

US, Israel at one over Iran

US, Israel at one over Iran

Benjamin Netanyahu will meet our political leaders in Canberra this week.

Senate’s threat to nation’s rating

Senate’s threat to nation’s rating

Treasury must call a summit and lay bare the scale of fiscal repair needed.

Prideful, mean-spirited course

Prideful, mean-spirited course

Triggs and her advisers have never acknowledged their part in the shabby treatment of the QUT students.

Extreme voices elicit mistrust

Extreme voices elicit mistrust

Both Labor and the Coalition run from any reasoned debate on Islam.

Turnbull discomfits ‘electricity Bill’

Turnbull discomfits ‘electricity Bill’

But just winning the debate won’t keep  the  lights  on.

Renewable means unreliable

Renewable means unreliable

Our out-of-synch power mix makes it harder to cope with sharp seasonal surges in demand.

Sisterhood’s veiled promise

Sisterhood’s veiled promise

A well-meaning media, in supporting those who wear the veil, overlooks others who oppose it.

Right shuns Menzies’ progressivism

Right shuns Menzies’ progressivism

There’s a reason why the party’s founder named it Liberal rather than conservative.

Working mum takes on giants

Working mum takes on giants

Unions and businesses have been colluding to enrich themselves at the workers’ cost.

United front key to Coalition win

United front key to Coalition win

Misguided party ideology won’t deliver practical policies for the average Australian.

Friday 17th February 2017

Teens trapped in aged care

Teens trapped in aged care

How can we be so careless with these young disabled?

Labor troika fails to see roadblocks

Labor troika fails to see roadblocks

Israel seeks peace and two states, but its neighbour can never quite decide.

We never trolled Idi, Adolf, Joe

We never trolled Idi, Adolf, Joe

The fine line dividing our democracy from dictatorship is the gold travel pass.

ALP scuttles away from standard

ALP scuttles away from standard

Labor is crab-scuttling away from its proud environmental standard of a national 50 per cent RET.

Bernie can’t hide fund failures

Bernie can’t hide fund failures

It’s the same old song: Nothing to see; the equal representation model works very well; there is no case for change.

Labor flip paves way for gas

Labor flip paves way for gas

Federal ALP has scrapped plans to extend the renewable energy target past 2020.

Test as One Nation steps west

Test as One Nation steps west

A strong showing there and we will have to recalibrate the politics of the nation.

Keep safe while courting

Keep safe while courting

Turnbull should channel John Howard in handling the Pauline Hanson challenge.

Thursday 16th February 2017

Greens dripping with cowardice

Greens dripping with cowardice

The Greens are so far from reality on issues such as Islam and energy it seems they’re on a 70s flashback.

Put nuclear into power mix

Put nuclear into power mix

We are going to need a strong economy to deal with climate change in the future.

Distance making the gap a chasm

Distance making the gap a chasm

When you live remotely, the main tradition is disadvantage — and that won’t change.

It’s good for democracy

It’s good for democracy

The government deserves praise for amending one of the most heavy-handed laws against journalists.

It’s a wiser Hanson now

It’s a wiser Hanson now

The days of Libs putting One Nation last are over.

Modern Dad heeds call for strap

Modern Dad heeds call for strap

Speaker Tony Smith is like a thoroughly Modern Dad.

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