• Featured petition

    Restore ACT’s right to legislate on dying with dignity

    The people of the ACT, just like all Australians, should have the right to make choices about their own life and death. At the end of their life, citizens in the ACT should have the right to die with dignity, how and when they choose. For many people there are few choices more important.

    In support of this right, the Greens want the ACT Government to take action to create a compassionate, safe and workable scheme for voluntary euthanasia.

    But this cannot legally happen in the ACT due to the undemocratic and discriminatory federal Euthanasia Laws Act, commonly known as “the Andrews Bill”, which specifically prevents the ACT from making laws that would permit euthanasia.

    It is time that the Australian Government repealed this undemocratic law.

    If you believe that people should have the right to make a choice about euthanasia at the end of their life AND you believe that the ACT should have the power to make its own laws, please sign this petition.

    For a printable version of the petition for collecting signatures please click here.

    1,314 SIGNATURES
    1,500 signatures

    To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled:

    Your petitioners ask that the Senate note:

    • the importance that many people in the Australian Capital Territory and other Australian Territories place on their right to die with dignity;
    • that the ACT is subject to an undemocratic and discriminatory restriction, imposed on the ACT through a federal law called the Euthanasia Laws Act 1997, commonly known as the 'Andrews Bill';
    • that the limitation discriminates against people in the ACT, who do not possess the same rights as people living in Australian states.

    Your petitioners ask that the Australian Parliament:

    Repeal the limitation imposed by the Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 and restore the right of the ACT and other Territories to pass laws on the issue of euthanasia.

    Will you sign?

Latest news

ACT Greens MLAs welcome Victorian steps forward on Dying with Dignity legislation

ACT Greens MLAs Shane Rattenbury and Caroline Le Couteur have welcomed the Victorian Government’s decision today to allow a conscience vote on dying with dignity legislation, and re-launched their Dying with Dignity campaign here in the ACT. 

“The people of the ACT, just like all Australians, should have the right to make choices about their death, just as they have the right to make decisions about their lives,” said Shane Rattenbury, MLA.

Greens sign historic parliamentary agreement

Today we signed the Parliamentary Agreement with the Labor Party to form government.

It is the starting point, not the end point, for the ACT Greens and what we want to achieve over the next four years.

ACT Greens welcome Le Couteur back to Assembly

ACT Greens Leader, Shane Rattenbury, today congratulated returning Greens MLA Caroline Le Couteur on the announcement of her appointment to the ACT Legislative Assembly.

“I am excited and pleased to have doubled our representation in the Assembly, and to be able to welcome Caroline back,” said Mr Rattenbury.

Thousands of Canberrans feed into ACT Greens campaign

The ACT Greens’ campaign of one-on-one conversations at homes, the local shops, over the phone and at community events has found Canberrans are overwhelmingly concerned about public transport and cleaning up our democracy.

Greens call on candidates to sign ‘Integrity in Politics’ pledge

The Greens have released the final plank of their plan to clean up politics in the ACT - a $10 million commitment to establish an ACT ICAC. It will have the statutory powers to investigate and adjudicate on allegations of misconduct or corruption.

The Greens are also calling on all parties to sign an ‘Integrity in Politics’ pledge.

"In NSW, ICAC has exposed the revolving door between developers, big business and politics. People are appalled that it is still going on," said democracy spokesperson Indra Esguerra.

For more media releases and news, see latest news.