Become An Underwriter

Would you like to underwrite programming on KYRS? Read on, or use the form at the bottom to contact KYRS Underwriting Coordinator Michael Moon Bear.

KYRS is a non-profit, community radio station broadcasting a wide variety of music and public affairs programs. We rely on listener-members and underwriting from businesses and organizations to support the station and help us continue to broadcast the diverse, independent programming essential to the Spokane community. Underwriting on KYRS is a great way to get your message out while you support independent, local media in Spokane.

Let’s do the numbers:

34% of those polled say that KYRS is their favorite station

18% say they listen to 30 or more hours per week

50% tune in between 6-15 hours per week

The average age of KYRS listeners is 24 – 45

Through The Inlander’s Readers Poll, Spokane radio listeners have named KYRS in the top three most-listened-to stations in town, and it has received high praise from the region’s media critics.

Now, let’s talk about you!

When your business or organization underwrites KYRS programming, we provide you with underwriting announcements that help you reach our highly desirable target audience. Loyal listeners who like to be in-the-know about all the community has to offer. To a great extent, that’s because they are active and involved in the community. And with only two underwriting announcements per hour, they do notice, remember and appreciate businesses and groups who support their community radio station!

What types of businesses and groups sponsor KYRS programming?

All kinds! Our underwriters include large and small businesses that offer goods and services, entertainment, information, special events, and cultural, educational and recreational opportunities. They also include a wide variety of non-profit organizations and individuals.

Why not stick to advertising on big commercial radio stations?

Almost always, underwriting is far more affordable! KYRS schedules no more than two underwriting announcements per hour. That means your message won’t get lost in a clutter of commercials. To compare, one hour of prime-time commercial radio could contain as much as twenty minutes of commercials. Underwriting enhances the image of the underwriter’s business by demonstrating support and concern for the community. It supports the diverse programming that our listeners value and enjoy.

How does radio compare to print advertising?

* More than any other medium, radio stays closer to the consumer for longer periods during prime buying hours.

* Adults 18+ spend more than three hours per day listening to radio, considerably longer than they spend with newspapers (less than 37 minutes).

* Using radio along with newspapers increases your reach among light readers and younger consumers and adds impact by increasing the frequency of your message.

* Studies show ad size has little impact on ad recall, so you can decrease the size of your newspaper ad and redirect those dollars into radio.

How does underwriting KYRS programming improve our community?

In an era when corporate media mergers are homogenizing information and entertainment, KYRS is in a class all its own. We bring you locally produced Spanish-language programming (Latitude & Latin Lounge), Native American (Inner Tribal Beat), African American (Humaculture), youth culture (Raise Your Voice, Detention, & Dragonflies on Thin Air), environmental issues (Tipping Points, Earth Matters Now!), legal issues (Radio Law), and much more. KYRS offers independent music as diverse as Bluegrass and Folk, to World and Funk.

Local music, local people, local issues: KYRS is your best partner on the Spokane airwaves!

Use this form to contact Michael Moon Bear

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