The U.S. Embassy in Rome has confirmed the Obama administration has agreed to pay the family of an Italian aid worker killed in a CIA drone strike in Pakistan last year 1 million euros.

Despite hundreds of hours of surveillance, Obama said the United States had not known that the hostages were present.

Photos: Exploded dumpster, broken windows, evidence markers from scene of explosion in Chelsea in New York City, now sealed off by FBI. Our newsroom is in the area.

Democracy Now!'s photo.
Democracy Now!'s photo.
Democracy Now!'s photo.
Democracy Now!'s photo.

NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, who placed Eric Garner in a fatal chokehold in 2014, reportedly earned nearly $120,000 last year. Thursday would have been Eric Garner’s 46th birthday.

Daniel Pantaleo been on desk duty since placing Eric Garner in the fatal police chokehold, but he does not face criminal charges.

From headlines: Bayer is now the largest supplier of seeds and agricultural chemicals in the world.

In financial news, German pharmaceutical firm Bayer has bought out agribusiness giant Monsanto in a record $66 billion takeover.

"Mexico smells like death... a common grave full of assassinated and disappeared people and the journalists who are killed for saying the truth."

In Mexico, thousands of people marched in downtown Mexico City calling for the resignation of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Tyre King was an eighth-grader who played football and was in the young scholar’s program at his school. Police claim King pulled a BB gun from his waistband before he was shot.

In Columbus, Ohio, more than 100 people gathered for a vigil to mourn the death of 13-year-old African American Tyre King.

"There’s an old proverb that talks about when children are born, children come out with their fists closed, because that’s where they keep all their gifts. And as you grow, your hands learn to unfold, because you’re learning to release your gifts to the world. And so, for the rest of your life, I want to see you live with your hands unfolded." - Albert Sykes

We feature two stories fro StoryCorps' new campaign.

"Rodrigo Duterte is actually a compound of all the contradictions in Philippine society, contradictions which are now surfacing in a very vicious way." - Filipina activist Ninotchka Rosca

A wave of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines has claimed thousands of lives since Rodrigo Duterte became president in June.

"The changes the Republicans made would have made it virtually impossible for those children to sue for compensation for the very serious injuries they received."

An explosive new report by The Guardian reveals the extensive influence of corporate cash in U.S. elections through third-party groups.

"I think an awfully lot of Wisconsinites are horrified, but also uncertain about how this thing gets fixed in this state."

We go to Wisconsin to get reaction from The Nation’s John Nichols to a new report on possible illegal fundraising by the state’s Republican governor.

"If hundreds of Native tribes and nations can join together in solidarity to resist a dangerous threat to their identity, to their existence, to their freedom, so must members of the press everywhere in condemning attacks on a fellow journalist. This is no time for silence."

In a new article, Vogue asks why an arrest warrant was issued for the Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman.

"If he wants to close Guantánamo, he can. He can now. Now. He can give order, close Guantánamo. He can close Guantánamo. But he coward. He can’t take this decision, because he scared.” - Former Guantánamo prisoner Abu Wa’el Dhiab

Dhiab was imprisoned in Guantánamo for 12 years without ever being charged with a crime.

In a powerful interview, Winona LaDuke links historic oil extraction on tribal land to intergenerational trauma among Native Americans: "90 percent of my community, generally, I would say, is just trying to survive."


"In 2008, Trump went in and actually trademarked his name in Russia. And the way he does his international business is by basically selling the rights to his name, so that other developers can slap it on their businesses."

In our extended interview with Kurt Eichenwald, he describes the Trump Organization’s links to Russia and how they could threaten U.S. national security.

Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald: "If Donald Trump wins this election and his company is not immediately shut down or forever severed from the Trump family, the foreign policy of the United States of America could well be for sale."

A sweeping new investigation has raised questions about the little-known Trump Organization and potential conflicts of interest should Trump become president.

Edward Snowden on the Espionage Act: "This World War I-era law does not distinguish between those who freely give critical information to journalists in the public interest or spies who sell it to a foreign power for their own."

Snowden has said the Espionage Act does not allow a whistleblower or public interest defense, which means his motivations would not be considered in court.

Snowden's supporters have launched a new call for President Obama to offer Snowden clemency, a plea agreement or a pardon before the end of his term. What do you think?

It has been three years since National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden released classified NSA files to media outlets.

Amy Goodman: "We will fight this charge. Freedom of the press is essential to the functioning of a democratic society. North Dakota, muzzle the dogs, not the press."

Read and share the weekly column by award-winning journalist Amy Goodman. Subscribe to her podcast on SoundCloud and Stitcher Radio.

"I am calling on President Obama today to ensure that this pipeline gets a full environmental and cultural impact analysis." - Bernie Sanders

Thousands of people rallied across dozens of U.S. and international cities Tuesday in opposition to the Dakota Access pipeline.

"I am unendingly relieved," says Chelsea Manning. "I hope this sets a precedent for the thousands of trans people behind me hoping they will be given the treatment they need."

Manning is serving a 35-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, after being convicted of passing hundreds of thousands of documents to WikiLeaks.