"Why is it OK to just kill a man when you think he has a weapon? ... The mere existence of an object in any man’s hand, let alone a black man’s hand, is not justification for killing him." #AlfredOlango

Police in the San Diego, California, suburb of El Cajon shot and killed an unarmed African-American man Tuesday.

“The United States has not accepted responsibility or compensated these men for what they have been through.” - Ramzi Kassem, CUNY School of Law

We speak with a lawyer who helped to represent the six Guantánamo prisoners who the U.S. government released to Uruguay.

"If this is legal, one must seriously question the laws of the land. They are laws that prioritize the profits of energy companies over the rights of people who actually have to live on the land, drink its water and eat its food." - Robert Redford

Hollywood star Robert Redford has spoken out in support of the fight against the Dakota Access pipeline.

"We, as mothers and fathers, are going to demand—not ask, but demand—that they present our sons alive, because that is how they took them. The police took them away alive." #Ayotzinapa

In Mexico City, tens of thousands marched Monday to mark the second anniversary of the kidnapping of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa teachers’ college.

The Dakota Access pipeline company has bought thousands of acres of land from private landowners just north of the Sacred Stone Camp, including the sacred tribal burial site destroyed by the Dakota Access pipeline company on September 3.

In news from the ongoing struggle at Standing Rock in North Dakota, the Dakota Access pipeline company has bought thousands of acres of land.

In a broadcast special, we invited Jill Stein to respond to the same questions posed to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in Monday's debate. #expandingthedebate

We invited Dr. Jill Stein to respond to the same questions Lester Holt posed to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

"We need to ensure that police do not have impunity to wreak havoc in communities of color." - Jill Stein

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off Monday night in one of the most anticipated debates in U.S. history.

"We’re blocking the road, because we want an open debate. They want an open road, which will affect a few handful of vehicles. We want an open debate that will affect the entire world." - Protester Bennett Weiss

Meanwhile, hundreds of people protested outside the debate at Hofstra University to demand the presidential debates be opened up to third-party candidates.

“America is who creates enemies for themselves. America is who creates terrorism and hostility toward themselves.” - Former Guantánamo prisoner Jihad Abu Wa’el Dhiab

Eight years after President Obama vowed to close Guantánamo during his first year in office, it remains open.

Special report from outside Hofstra University tonight, where Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was escorted from the first presidential debate and nearly two dozen supporters were arrested.


PHOTOS: Outside the presidential debate at Hofstra University tonight, we spoke with Green Party candidate Jill Stein about being shut out of the debates. Tune into our special debate broadcasts this evening and Tuesday morning for more: democracynow.org/debate

Democracy Now!'s photo.
Democracy Now!'s photo.
Democracy Now!'s photo.
Democracy Now!'s photo.

What did you think of the first presidential debate? Amy Goodman gets reactions from scholar Eddie Glaude, socialist Seattle councilmember Kshama Sawant, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Ramzi Kassem, journalist Allan Nairn and immigration advocate Isabel Garcia. Post your questions for our guests using #expandingthedebate.
UPDATE: Thanks to everyone for tuning in! We're continuing this discussion on our website, streaming the rest of this conversation at democracynow.org/debate.


Amy Goodman hosts a pre-debate roundtable with scholar Eddie Glaude, Ramzi Kassem, Allan Nairn and Isabel Garcia. Stream the discussion at democracynow.org/debate, where we'll continue to broadcast the debate from Hofstra University, followed by responses from 10:30-11:30PM. Post questions for Amy and our guests using #expandingthedebate here and on Twitter!


"Gun laws have never applied to the vulnerable. They’ve never applied to black people. They’ve never applied to poor people. They’ve never applied to Latinos. Maybe on paper they have, but as a practical matter they have not."

Marc Lamont Hill, journalist, distinguished professor of African American studies at Morehouse College, responds to Donald Trump.

"Activism works. Organizing works. Grassroots efforts work," says Marc Lamont Hill. "If there weren’t a spectacle, if there weren’t a dramatic kind of protest, we don’t see that video come out."

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police have yielded to days of protests and released two videos of the fatal police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott.

Amy Goodman previews our live presidential debate coverage tonight with analysts, scholars and activists you won't hear anywhere else. We'll be streaming from 8:30 PM ET to 11:30 PM ET at democracynow.org/debate. Be sure to post your questions for Amy and our guests using #expandingthedebate!

Posted by Democracy Now!

"We watch this over and over again... black women, in particular, watching their spouses killed at the hands of the state and then being thoroughly disrespected and marginalized even in real time." #KeithLamontScott

On Friday, NBC released a gut-wrenching cellphone video by Rakeyia Scott witnessing her husband, Keith Lamont Scott, being shot and killed by police.

Marc Lamont Hill on the police killing of #KeithLamontScott: "There is something about black bodies, particularly in public space, that make them viewed as more violent."


Guatemala's special prosecutor for human rights, Orlando López, has been arrested, sparking fears he may be killed in prison for his high-level prosecution of Guatemalan ex-military officials implicated in the 1980s genocide.

Orlando López is best known for prosecuting the 2013 genocide trial of ex-dictator Efraín Ríos Montt, found guilty of killing nearly 2,000 Ixil Mayans in the 1980s.

Several thousand students and activists have protested in the Philippines throughout the week to mark the 44th anniversary of former dictator Ferdinand Marcos’s declaration of martial law, which was announced on September 23, 1972.

Human rights activists protested Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s proposal to give the late dictator Marcos a hero’s burial.