
The beauty of fully franked dividends

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"Meet Frank. Frank pays less tax on his income than many of his friends. Be like Frank."

You have probably seen that sort of message if you use any of the social media platforms these days. Usually the message is sarcastic or just plain critical. But not this one.

The difference is that Frank is taking advantage of one of the greatest tax-reduction opportunities that exists for Australians – simply making a thoughtful choice about which asset class he invests in when it comes to earning an income.

Now, let me say from the outset that far, far too many Australians let the tax "tail" wag the investing dog. So unloved is our tax collection apparatus that offered a choice between maximising after-tax income and maximising tax deductions, most of us would choose the latter. Which is madness. If I offered you $10 and told you to pay $5 of it in tax, or offered you $4 tax-free, I hope you'd take the $10 … but I'd bet a decent sum that the question asked of most accountants isn't "how can I maximise my after-tax income?", but rather "how can I pay less tax". Don't be that person. Be like Frank.

Frank knows that the Australian tax system, unlike almost all of the rest of the world, benefits those who receive dividends far more than those who receive rent or bank interest. Not only is the dividend yield (a fancy term for the percentage of your money you get back in income) likely to be higher than the rental yield or the interest rate, but you'll have to pay full freight to the ATO on the latter two. That's not the case with dividends.

Many years ago, the government decided – fairly – that taxing dividends twice was a silly idea. If you earn rental income, only you pay tax on it. Ditto bank interest. But dividends are the leftover profits earned by ASX-listed companies, after they've paid tax.


Back in the bad old days, a company would earn $100, pay $30 tax, and pay out the remaining $70 as a dividend. Then the taxpayer would pay their marginal tax rate, say 45 per cent, on that $70, meaning there was only $38.50 left of the original $100.

Which is just silly.

So the concept of "dividend imputation" – known colloquially as "franking" – was born. The franking system avoids double taxation by passing on a credit for the tax paid to the shareholders, who can then offset it against their personal tax bill, and hence the tax is only paid once. Smart, huh?

Now, on one hand, that just brings the taxation of dividends into line with interest and rent. So far from being a free kick, it just removes the penalty. Which is dead right. The difference, though, is in the way the returns are communicated.

When we read that bank interest is, say, 2.5 per cent, a rental yield is, say, 3 per cent, and a dividend yield is 4 per cent, we mentally compare the three. But that dividend yield is before the tax credit, which ups the return to what we call  a "grossed up" yield of 5.7 per cent. That's the equivalent pre-tax return which you should compare with rent and interest.

Foolish takeaway

There is no question that cash in the bank is safe, thanks to both implicit and explicit government guarantees. And rental yields tend to be pretty stable. But when combined with the potential capital gains from some of our best Australian companies doing what they do best, dividends take a lot of beating. Just ask Frank.

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Scott Phillips is the Motley Fool's director of research. You can follow Scott on Twitter @TMFScottP. The Motley Fool's purpose is to educate, amuse and enrich investors.