Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.


Catholicism Can Be Sexy: Finding Poetry In the Pews

It was the Church that taught me first about the body.

A Short History of Melbourne Art

The Depressionist movement emerged at the turn of the century with a group of Melbourne-based artists whose mild disappointment with almost everything could no longer go unexpressed.

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Stories and Poems:

A Real Good Catch

He real nice this one. Want you to meet him. This one he real good to me. I’m happy. Real happy. Lost six kilo. Don’t know how, why. Just...

Excerpt from 'The Old Woman's Tale'

This is a sneak preview from our up-coming Going Down Swinging #33 from the story The Old Woman’s Tale by Robin  Davidson. We will be launching the new GDS...

On Writing:

The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge: