@alyankovic is blocked

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  1. Dude. Stop biting my style!

  2. Unbelievable - the ($1,500!) Test Pressing sets are already completely sold out.

  3. Squeeze Box - my career-spanning 15-disc boxed set - is available for pre-order NOW!!

  4. First celebrity death of 2017.

  5. I can’t believe they have the Christmas decorations up ALREADY here. I swear, it gets earlier every year!!

  6. Whew! So relieved I made it all the way through 2016 without trending.

  7. My favorite New Year’s Eve tradition - performing with for the .

  8. Love Comedy Bang! Bang! and have a Netflix account and/or someone's password? THE FIRST 10 EPS OF SEASON FIVE ARE NOW ON AMERICAN NETFLIX.

  9. Topical humor (from 1986):

  10. Christmas caroling

  11. Oh man, the 6th season of is by far the best yet. Too bad it's not being televised.

  12. Sometimes a picture just sums up your whole life.

  13. Ugh. Is this a phishing scam? I think I may have been phished.

  14. ‘member record stores? ‘member those giant billboards out front with the curly-haired accordion-playing dinosaurs on them?

  15. . is in the hizzouse! (Well, truthfully, it's a Hollywood set that's meant to approximate the interior of an actual hizzouse)

  16. When I got this letter about "My Bologna" being on the Dr. Demento Top Ten, I thought, "My life's never going to get any better than THIS!"

  17. This is pretty much what Comedy looked like in 1986.

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