
Property developer projects easing off, says REA Group

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Property developers are bringing fewer projects onto the market and total property listings continue to fall, according to the boss of Australia's largest real estate website.

REA Group, which owns, said on Friday there had been "strong single-digit declines" in residential property listing volumes across Australia and double-digit falls in some capital cities, with Sydney and Melbourne the heaviest hit.

Chief executive Tracey Fellows said January had finished strongly but it was too soon to tell if that was an indication of a broader recovery.

"It is the next couple of months that are going to be an indication. We are not anticipating significant growth but if we didn't have declines, that would certainly be preferable," she said. 

Ms Fellows said developer projects were also declining, after being strong in the first half of the 2016/2017 financial year.

"We're certainly seeing declining new project starts in the developer market right now," Ms Fellows told analysts after delivering the company's half-year results.


"We'll continue to have growth in the second half but the lower new starts of projects, and much smaller new starts to projects, will mean I think we'll see quite a different mix of revenue. It'll be more modest in the second half."

REA Group, which is majority owned by News Corporation, emerged as the one bright spot in Rupert Murdoch's global empire.

The company on Friday reported its second quartley loss in a row, as falling advertising income left a 7 per cent revenue hole in its news and information business, which includes The Australian, Sydney's Daily Telegraph, Melbourne's Herald Sun and international newspapers The Wall Street Journal and The Times of London. 

News Corp reported a net loss of $US290 million ($380 million), compared to a $US62 million profit for the same period a year earlier. 

REA Group meanwhile grew total revenue by 16 per cent to $337.3 million in the six months to December 31. That was driven by 12 per cent revenue growth in its Australian residential business, to $318.2 million, thanks to its higher-earning premium listing service. The result also includes revenue from Asian real estate business iProperty for the first time.

Net profit for the half-year was up 6 per cent at $121 million.

REA Group will pay an fully franked interim dividend of 40¢ per share on March 15, up 4¢ from last year.

Fairfax Media, publisher of BusinessDay, owns REA's major competitor, Domain.