Chuck ToddHitelesített felhasználó


Moderator of and political director; Covering politics since '92; And, yes, I tweet about sports too.

Washington, DC
Csatlakozott 2009. június

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  1. 17 órával ezelőtt
  2. febr. 11.
  3. febr. 10.

    The vacancy surely filled 6/20 because all candidates run on 4/18 ballot & a majority of votes needed to win. Top 2 would compete 6/20

  4. febr. 10.

    All the questions at today’s presser to american outlets went to Murdoch-owned places.

  5. febr. 10.

    Agree or disagree w on any issue, but let's all agree she really needs to be in public schools. Please let her in.

  6. febr. 10.

    Even more than the UK's May, Japan's Abe is doing whatever it takes to get on the new POTUS's good side.

  7. febr. 10.

    .'s joins me on our "1947" podcast this week. Hope you'll give it a listen:

  8. febr. 10.

    Check it out - is a special guest on Chuck Todd's podcast this week

  9. febr. 9.
  10. febr. 9.

    Watch my full interview with Mexico's foreign minister here:

  11. febr. 9.

    What does GOP Sen. think about Pres. Trump's tenure so far? Watch 's interview:

  12. febr. 9.

    And it should always be a matchup of either the last two World Series champs or the teams with the two best records as of July 1

  13. febr. 8.

    We've never seen a year in sports like this one, and it's hard to imagine we will ever again.

  14. febr. 8.

    My full interview with former Clinton campaign communications director :

  15. febr. 8.

    My daughter Shayna has been treated so unfairly by Zabar's. They sell lox and she's allergic. She is a great person--terrible!

  16. febr. 8.

    They needed a bigger boat. Literally

  17. febr. 8.

    One year ago today this is where we were: interviewing in NH for

  18. febr. 8.

    I would expend some ppv cash to see this

  19. febr. 7.

    Happy 105th birthday to my wonderful mother Roberta - we love you mom!

  20. febr. 8.

    As someone who loves & lived in Chicago, the way the city has been reduced to a caricature/soundbite frustrates me. We're going to go deeper

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