News and events


Russell Taylor AM portrait

Farewell from the CEO

15 Dec 2016

I feel extremely privileged, as the outgoing CEO, to have been able to make a contribution to the sustainable development and future prosperity of AIATSIS.

Cover of AAS journal edition 2 2016

Call for papers - Australian Aboriginal Studies

13 Dec 2016

Australian Aboriginal Studies (AAS) is inviting papers for coming issues.


Yumalundi NIRAKN Fellowship program

5 Dec 2016

Recipients of the Yumalundi NIRAKN Fellowship grants have been announced.

National Film and Sound Archive logo featurring Kookaburra silhoutte

NFSA and AIATSIS formalise collaboration through MoU

15 Nov 2016

The NFSA and AIATSIS have formalised collaboration through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.

Upcoming events


NTRB Legal Workshop

NTRB/NTSP lawyers are at the forefront of native title law, policy and practice. We aim to further...


AIATSIS National Indigenous Research Conference 2017

The AIATSIS National Indigenous Research Conference 2017 ’Impact, Engagement, Transformation’ will...

Yatdjuligin book launch

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Stanner Award

The Stanner Award

This award is presented biennially to the best academic manuscript written by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander author.

W C Wentworth at the first Wentworth Lecture.

Wentworth lectures

Held biennially, the lecture encourages all Australians to better understand Indigenous studies and issues that go to the heart of our nation.