Malaysia summoned the North Korean ambassador on Monday for a dressing-down over Pyongyang's attack on its investigation into the assassination of leader Kim Jong...
A former state media worker who fled China last year has been granted political asylum in Australia.
Australia’s first dedicated support helpline and online service aimed at Muslim parents could prove a valuable tool in tackling isolation and radicalisation.
At least 22 migrants fled the United States for Canada over the weekend, sneaking across the border in Manitoba province to request asylum, authorities said Sunday
US President Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to clarify comments he made at a rally in Florida when he referred to Sweden as the site of a recent terror incident.
A federal government proposal to pay for coal-fired power stations with public money from a clean energy fund has sparked further debate over the future of...
Refugees advocates say an injunction has been granted to prevent asylum seekers' mobile phones being confiscated.

More news

More news and analysis from Australia and the world.

Malaysia has recalled its envoy to Pyongyang in an escalating row over the killing of Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un.
The campaign against Yassmin Abdel-Magied over her recent Q&A; appearance has been intensifying, but SBS understands the ABC has no plans to cut ties with the...
At least seven protestors were detained as clashes erupted Sunday between Ukrainian police and ultra-nationalists backing a rail blockade in Kiev.
A surprise dusting of summer snow has landed on Victorian and NSW alps with another flurry expected.
Dozens of prominent Australians have signed a statement protesting Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit in the coming week.
Australian Taxation Office staff have knocked back a new enterprise bargaining agreement which would lengthen the standard working day by nine minutes.
The NZ High Court has found there are grounds for internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom to be extradited to the US to face racketeering and wire fraud charges.
Face Up to Racism Week

Face up to racism with a week of programs challenging preconceptions around race and prejudice. Starts Sunday 26 February.

In focus: US Politics

The latest news on American politics.

A top aide denied Sunday that President Donald Trump is having difficulty filling the key post of national security advisor because of White House moves to politicize...
Donald Trump has blasted the media as fake news producers and condemned the TPP as a 'job killing disaster' at a rally in Florida.
US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis says he has no issues with the media, unlike his boss Donald Trump who says the media are "the enemy of the American people".
US President Donald Trump insisted Saturday that the White House is running smoothly, and used a campaign-style rally in Florida to bring his message to...
US Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday led a chorus of reassurance for allies rattled by Donald Trump's policy stance but European leaders gave the pledges a...
Thousands of Mexicans linked arms Friday to form a 'human wall' on their country's border with the United States, protesting President Donald Trump's plan to...
The US Senate on Friday confirmed fossil-fuel ally and global warming skeptic Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency, installing a legal expert...

In focus: Australia's First People

Associate Professor Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews gives us a snapshot of the research on racism against Indigenous peoples since the 1960s.
Can art hold the key to reconciliation? Dancer and artist Thomas ES Kelly explains why he thinks so.
Racism mars the healthcare system for Indigenous people, who are accused of faking pain, have their Aboriginality denied, and die while in state care.

Indigenous Languages at risk

Australia's Indigenous languages could be completely wiped out by 2050 according to experts. The number of traditional languages has dropped from 250 to 120 over the last two hundred years.And the ...

"I had a hard life growing up as a Sistagirl but that was a journey that I had to take to be who I am now."
Chief White House photographer Pete Souza has released his final series of images, offering a glimpse inside the Obama administration in its final year.
The year 2016 gave political cartoonists more material than you could poke a pencil at. Eighty of the best cartoons went on display in the Behind the Lines exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra.
Donald Trump supporters were jubilant while Hillary Clinton supporters were shocked and silent - it is the tale of two camps as the US starts to come to terms with Trump's shock victory.
More than 50,000 Iraqi soldiers, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen are engaged in a bloody battle to re-take control of Mosul from IS.

Finetta's life at home

A 6.2-magnitude hit central Italy on Wednesday, leaving more than 150 dead and reducing towns across the region to rubble.
Louisiana has faced epic flooding, with at least seven people killed and thousands evacuated to emergency shelters after waterways in the southern part of the state overflowed their banks.