Engage Victoria is the Victorian Government's Online Consultation platform provided by the State of Victoria through the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and supported by Harvest Digital Planning.

Engage Victoria provides a central point of contact for citizens and the community to be involved in public decisions that affect them.

These Community Guidelines have been created to help Victorians to participate, in a respectful and open conversation, about matters that affect their lives, in a safe online environment.

When contributing your views to Engage Victoria, please ensure that you follow the guidelines below.

By using the Engage Victoria site, you agree to comply with these Community Guidelines as part of Engage Victoria's Terms of Use . You also agree to comply with the Privacy Policy.

Confidentiality and privacy

  • Protect your personal privacy and that of others by not including personal information about yourself or others in your comments, (such as names, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers)
  • Do not impersonate or falsely represent any other person, including by creating additional accounts on the service
  • Do not post material that infringes the intellectual property rights of others.


  • Post material that is relevant to the topics and issues being discussed
  • Do not post identical or near identical versions of content that has already been posted
  • Do not post overtly political comments (e.g. reference to candidates, fundraisers, support for political parties)
  • Do not post or repost anything that could be considered spam.

Commercial interests

Engage Victoria is for consultations about topics and issues important to Victorians. It is not a place to promote your commercial interests. Do not post anything that contains or links to commercial activities, except where the commercial links or discussions have been consented to as part of the topic or issue under discussion.

Discrimination and offensive content

  • Do not abuse, harass or threaten others
  • Be mindful when posting descriptions or personal stories that they are not gratuitously graphic, or could be deemed as deliberately upsetting for other users
  • Do not post anything which:
    • vilifies others on the basis of their race or religion
    • incites, induces or aids violence, discrimination, harassment, victimisation or hatred towards others
    • may offend, insult or humiliate others, particularly on the basis of their race, colour, descent, national origin, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or any disability
    • makes defamatory or libellous comments
    • uses insulting, obscene, provocative or hateful language or
    • encourages conduct that may constitute a criminal or civil offence or otherwise violate Australian federal or Victorian law.

Viruses and Security

Do not:

  • knowingly post any content containing a software virus, malware or any other software or content designed to interfere with the proper function of any of our software, hardware or equipment or that of any Engage Victoria's users
  • attempt to bypass any security measures protecting Engage Victoria
  • attempt to damage or gain unauthorised access to any system, data, password, or other information which belongs to us or to another person
  • attempt to access the Engage Victoria source code, underlying ideas, algorithms or similar components
  • take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our software, hardware or equipment or on that of our third-party providers; or
  • use any kind of manual or automated software or device to “crawl” or “spider” any part of Engage Victoria

Please report any content within Engage Victoria that you believe is inaccurate, offensive, inappropriate or contravenes any of these Guidelines, the Terms of Use or our Privacy Policy using the consultation reporting function or by emailing us at Contact Us.


If you have any additional questions about Engage Victoria please email us at Contact Us.