Theory & History

Jim Percy — 20 years on

By John Percy — Jim Percy, the founder of the Democratic Socialist Party and for two decades its national secretary, died from cancer on October 12, 1992, 20 years ago, at the age of 43.

Contradictions of the international political situation

[This is the text of a talk to a forum organised by the People’s Liberation Party in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, on April 7.]

What is the Zeitgeist Movement?

Across the developed capitalist world, the Occupy Wall Street  movement has inspired similar protests by thousands of people angered at the government bailouts of the banks and big corporations while the rest of us are forced to endure attacks on our living standards through government-imposed austerity. It has also attracted some weird hangers-on.

What are we waiting for?

Yes, eventually, we need a Leninist party, members of the Revolutionary Socialist Party are often told. But it’s just not possible to do it now. Later on, maybe, but right now we have to be more realistic. For now, all we can do is build a left wing in the ALP or a “broad” left party.

We can all agree that the mass Marxist-Leninist party needed to lead a socialist revolution in Australia is not about to burst into existence. But what does that really indicate about what socialists should be doing now?

Young people in Cuba's revolution: one boy's story

[Ezequiel Morales from the Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (ICAP — the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples) spoke with Hamish Chitts from Direct Action in Brisbane on May 9.

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