"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. No price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Punctuality is the Politeness of Princes ...

Image for Punctuality is the Politeness of Princes ...

Tim Slade* Pioneer. Pic by Ebony Slade of Risdon Brook Dam, source of Hobart's Eastern Shore water ...
08.03.17 4:04 am

… The Premier also promised yesterday, in his State-Of-The-State address to Parliament ( TT here, and here: specific MR ), that his government will legislate for the guaranteed public ownership of TasWater, filtering-out the chance that TasWater will be privatised in the future …

Media and Media Releases here for the Premier’s State of the State and party perspectives on water ...

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NATION: The loss of all credibility ...

Urban Wronksi (aka David Tyler*) Pic: Flickr, Donkey Hotey
07.03.17 3:59 am

Image for NATION: The loss of all credibility ...

If there were an Olympic event for the side-step, handball or back-flip, the Coalition would win all three at once this past week. Mugged by reality, former small business champions, Scott Morrison and Malcolm Turnbull, duck for cover after the Fair Work Commission’s cuts to Sunday penalty rates for Retail, Pharmacy and Hospitality workers. Once righteous penalty cut crusaders, wild-eyed Coalition MPs now stampede in all directions. The PM wears his best shit-eating grin … Abbott loyalist, Eric Abetz shows why he is the former Minister for Workplace Relations by rushing to the rescue with an absurdly unworkable grandfathering proposal for new workers only to be paid less than they are worth …

Just as Labor’s Mediscare campaign disrupted Turnbull’s “powerful and positive campaign” causing the Coalition to be returned with a piddling one seat majority – just as Tony Abbott caused the government’s eighth consecutive dip in Newspoll, the causes of adversity are always someone else’s fault. Come what may, penalty cuts, whatever its latest self-inflicted injury, the Coalition always has Labor or someone else to blame. It’s a strategy that shrieks weak leadership …

Fairfax: Sunday penalty rates: Women to bear the brunt of cuts, experts say

Psephologist Poll Bludger: is Pauline Hanson becoming electoral poison?

Fairfax: Turnbull government quietly planning massive new Department of Homeland Security

Fairfax: CBA’s decision not to interview customers for insurance report ‘beggars belief’: MP

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Right of reply, free speech and editorial discretion ...

John Biggs* Pic: Flickr
06.03.17 4:44 am

Image for Right of reply, free speech and editorial discretion ...

Recently I read that the Tasmania’s Chamber of Commerce wants the Prime Minister to re-appoint Liberal powerbroker Eric Abetz to Cabinet, as Tasmania now has no representative in Cabinet and Senator Abetz is “very passionate for our state.” (Mercury, 17 January, 2017. I wondered why they would want that, given some recent misjudgements by Eric, but when this plea was backed up by a Mercury Editorial (18 January) I felt a letter coming on. It was this …

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FT’s Blatant Disregard for Nature’s Wonders ...

Ted Mead* Pic*
06.03.17 4:37 am

Image for FT’s Blatant Disregard for Nature’s Wonders ...

Forestry Tasmania (FT) has repeatedly claimed it is world-leading expert in native forest management, yet conservationists and any credible scientist knows that nothing is further from the truth. Here is the folly of the modern-day Forester’s thinking …

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One for the Men: On Prostitution and Thankfulness

Simone Watson* Pic: of Simone Watson
05.03.17 6:05 am

Image for One for the Men: On Prostitution and Thankfulness

“Oh you’re different though. You’re not one of those feminists who hate men …”

Download your invitation to the International Women’s Day event today at Parliament House ...


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The ingrained assumptions of a political class ...

James Boyce* Pic*
05.03.17 6:02 am

Image for The ingrained assumptions of a political class ...

Preface to Losing Streak On almost every index, Tasmania is the most disadvantaged state in Australia. The economist Saul Eslake has recently established that Tasmanians are ‘older, sicker, affected more by disability, less likely to have a job, earning less (if employed) and having less by way of real or financial assets than other Australians’. His Tasmania Report found that the island state has ‘greater concentrations of social and economic disadvantage than any other State or Territory’, with gross household incomes about a third less than the national average …

The Conversation: Tasmania’s pokie problem: stress and disadvantage exploited more than anywhere else in Australia

Pat Caplice, Rein in the Pokies: Parliamentary Committee told to Rein in The Pokies

Examiner: Tasmanian gaming inquiry hears of impact of pokies on communities

• Launch of Losing Streak (details below …)

Amanda Lohrey, The Monthly: Tasmania got gamed James Boyce’s ‘Losing Streak’ investigates how one family came to rule the state’s poker-machine industry

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The emergency in Emergency

Martyn Goddard* Pic: of Michael Ferguson from his website
05.03.17 6:00 am

Image for The emergency in Emergency

Sometimes you wonder why they bother. If anyone still seriously believes the piffle on bed numbers from Health Minister Michael Ferguson will make any noticeable difference to the everlasting turmoil in emergency departments, they will soon be disabused by reality …

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The Senate Register of Interests, 83 Davey Street, Hobart and Senator Abetz ...

John Hawkins* Chudleigh. Pic: of Senator Eric Abetz from his website
05.03.17 5:15 am

Image for The Senate Register of Interests, 83 Davey Street, Hobart and Senator Abetz ...

I was not amused when Senator Erich Abetz - then Minister for Forests in the Howard Government - sent two men to my front door to threaten me. My offence? I had written on 21 April 2007 to the Prime Minister and the President of the Senate regarding the gift of $50,000 to the Liberal Party by a Tasmanian woodchip company Gunns Ltd …

Financial Review: Abetz accused of restacking Fair Work ahead of his Cabinet dumping ...

Fairfax: Eric Abetz objects to rainbow flag being displayed in government buildings

Advocates defend rainbow flags after ‘bizarre’ Abetz attack

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Vale Max Angus, a total inspiration ...

Peter Whish-Wilson* Pic*
05.03.17 5:07 am

Image for Vale Max Angus, a total inspiration ...

Have you ever had a chance meeting that changed your life? …

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The barenaked truth about strategy documents

Bruce Ransley* Diagram*
05.03.17 5:00 am

Image for The barenaked truth about strategy documents

Here are some ‘objectives’ I randomly plucked out of three current government strategic plans. You know the type of document: the one that sits on the department or organisation’s website to demonstrate that they’re on the ball and forward thinking. It’ll be apparent that it’s a strategy document because it will have the words ‘strategic plan’ in the title …

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Will Ross be Moved? (Part 2)

Kim Peart* of Ross. Pic*
05.03.17 4:29 am

Image for Will Ross be Moved? (Part 2)

In part one of this story I wondered if the proposed Upper House seat of Prosser, with a boundary drawn north of Campbell Town, will lead to the boundary of the Southern Midlands Council being moved north to match that of Prosser …

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Save the Fruit Bats = Save the Planet

Ted Mead*
05.03.17 4:15 am

Image for Save the Fruit Bats = Save the Planet

A couple of weeks ago south-eastern Australia was the hottest place on earth with temperatures nearing 50 degrees centigrade. Every successive year all across our nation high-temperature records are broken, yet back in the halls of parliament it’s business as usual with more coal-mines on the drawing board. So what will it take for the Liberals to wake up? …

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First Day March ...

Giles Hugo. All pictures are © Giles Hugo
03.03.17 3:15 am

Image for First Day March ...

Giles Hugo’s second solo exhibition, ‘Far Away Is Close at Hand in Images of Elsewhere’ will be launched at the Nolan Gallery, Salamanca Arts Centre, Salamanca, Hobart, at 6pm on Friday the 3rd of March. All are welcome …

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NATION: Turnbull embraces Netanyahu; lets everything else go to hell

Urban Wronksi (aka David Tyler*) Pic: Palazzo Chigi, Flickr
03.03.17 3:00 am

Image for NATION: Turnbull embraces Netanyahu; lets everything else go to hell

Sydney Harbour swells in the morning sun, a wash of blue velvet; a perfect backdrop for the azure ties and matching navy Zegna suits of power-dressers Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu and Malcolm Turnbull who step out together in Admiralty House gardens at Kirribilli; wives Sara and Lucy, their minders, handlers and backers in tow like seconds at a duel.  Cameramen scramble backwards up tracks risking injury to keep it all in frame. A riot of photo-opportunities beckons a government of endless self-promotion where image and spin utterly upstage vision; where government can seldom move far away from the politics of the campaign stump. But what is Malcolm Turnbull doing inviting one of the most reviled leaders in the world to Australia for a week? …

Pollbludger (William Bowe), Crikey: Newspoll: 55-45 to Labor A turn for the worse for the Turnbull government in the first Newspoll result for three weeks …

Fairfax: Penalty rate cuts to hasten “mass casualisation” of Australian workforce: report

Fairfax: Cut in penalty rates another win for bizonomics

RT: Australia joined 2003 Iraq War solely to boost ties with Bush – army think-tankAlso in TT Media here

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Who judges the judges? The latest on civil liberties ...

Bill Rowlings, Civil Liberties Australia
03.03.17 2:45 am

Image for Who judges the judges? The latest on civil liberties ...

Download fascinating articles on civil liberties ...


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White Paper or Whitewash?

Bob Lubout* Pic: of John Howard, DFAT Flickr
26.02.17 5:00 am

Image for White Paper or Whitewash?

Australia’s foreign policy and its dependence on America has been in existence since the Second World War and was re-confirmed during the Liberal Prime Minister Harold Holt’s Prime Ministership. In 1966 Prime Minister Holt, during a visit to the White House, uttered the slogan “all the way with LBJ” which at that time was aimed at confirming Australia’s commitment to America’s war in Vietnam …

Fairfax: The Secret Iraq Dossier; Inside Australia’s Flawed War ... Also, in Media here

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It’s not fairer, it’s not faster, it’s not cheaper, it’s not simpler ...

Andrew Ricketts, Convenor, The Environment Association*
25.02.17 4:20 am

Image for It’s not fairer, it’s not faster, it’s not cheaper, it’s not simpler ...

… We struggle to see the achievement of the Liberal’s promise of “A fairer, faster, cheaper, simpler planning system”. The Liberal’s mantra also said things like: “Small business and Tasmanian families struggle daily with the red and Green tape involved in development applications. A majority Liberal Government will remove this burden” …

Sophie Underwood: Planning scheme locks in weakened protections and locks out the public

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Will Ross be Moved? ~ Part I

Kim Peart* of Ross. Pic*
24.02.17 4:10 am

Image for Will Ross be Moved? ~ Part I

… An historical error may be corrected, if the seat of Prosser is created, and the northern boundary of the Southern Midlands comes to match that of Prosser. Does the central midlands have more in common with the Southern Midlands, than the Northern Midlands and satellite towns of Launceston? …

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving ...

Tim Slade* Pioneer. Pic: Tim Slade
24.02.17 3:15 am

Image for The Gift That Keeps On Giving ...

If Peter Gutwein’s meeting today with David Downie and the 29 councils goes as it is planned, Tasmanians will need to hold onto their cups through the media storm and hope for the best. With no plans to fund TasWater themselves, Peter Gutwein’s government is imitating a force of nature this week.  This may in part be because Mr Gutwein’s Federal counterparts have said no to TasWater’s plea for more funding …

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Drinking water is a human right

Richard Griggs* Pic: by Ebony Slade of Risdon Brook Dam, source of Hobart's Eastern Shore drinking water
22.02.17 3:22 am

Image for Drinking water is a human right

This coming Friday 24th February, the Treasurer and local councils will sit down to discus drinking water. They should have, at the top of the very top of their agenda, a discussion of the options available to them to quickly cut the number of water alerts in our state. So far, the lead up to the meeting has been more about politics than policy, but there is still time for all participants to focus on the most important issue here. Tasmania desperately needs real outcomes from Friday’s meeting. We need more than the megaphone diplomacy that seems to be leading up to the meeting …

Media here, for Greens, Labor, Libs perspective ...

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Back to Top of Column 2 —  Click to Page 2, 3, 4, 5, The Rest

Editor's Choice

Editor's Choice

NATION: The loss of all credibility ...

Media Releases
And Media


Labor to tackle our major, long-term water and sewerage challenges

Labor to make Tasmania a national leader on gender equality

Liberals Break Right to Information Law

Minister dodges child protection questions

King Island’s water project underway ...

Shameful attack on Key Assets

It is International Women’s Day today!

‘This selectively written piece ...’

New mental health services for young Tasmanians

Tasmania needs to join Victoria in Permanently Banning Fracking

WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged CIA Hacking ...

First Dog: First Dog on the Moon goes to south-west Tasmania (and totally freaks out)

Baskerville: New track races to finish line

Antarctic Exploration with TAG at TMAG ...

Chloe Shorten to present ALP sisterhood 2017 Young Woman’s Award

The CSIRO’s ‘miracle diet’ is about a lot more than losing weight

The Australia Institute sets up shop in Tasmania

African Food Crisis ...

Fixing Tasmania’s water and sewerage infrastructure

Premier’s Address 2017 – Building Tasmania’s Future

Hodgman’s water and sewerage claims don’t add up



Cascade Female Factory launches design competition for a new History and Interpretation Centre 



Tasmanian author shortlisted for the 2017 $50,000 Stella Prize 



Tasting Tasmania ... 



Hikers’ mate: Three Capes Gear & Gourmet 

What's On

What's On

Hobart Bookshop: Elizabeth Goodsir’s new poetry collection 



Mr Trump and Pauline ... 



Tim Thorne at #9 states “Any government which attempted to go against (the interests of global capital) and act in…

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