The Israel branch of Swedish furniture giant IKEA has apologised for publishing a catalogue that doesn’t feature any female models.
Worldwide arms trade has risen to its highest level since the Cold War in the last five years, driven by a demand from the Middle East and Asia, a study has...
Two former Obama administration officials say the Israeli prime minister rejected an initiative a year ago to resolve the conflict with the Palestinians.
US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis says he has no issues with the media, unlike his boss Donald Trump who says the media are "the enemy of the American people".
Iraqi forces seized 10 villages from the Islamic State group Sunday, launching a daunting operation to retake west Mosul which aid groups warned will put...
Deeper defence ties between Australia and the UAE could lead to $A1 billion in military sales to the emirates, Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne says.

Iraqi forces advance towards Mosul

US-backed Iraqi forces have begun moving towards Mosul airport following Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's formal announcement of a ground offensive.
The battle for Mosul in Iraq is reaching a critical point, Iraqi forces say.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has announced the start of a military operation to drive IS from the western side of Mosul.
Syrian jets have bombarded Syria's rebel-held Homs, killing at least two people and raising the death toll from nearly two weeks of air strikes to 20.
The Muslim cleric suspected to have orchestrated the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centre has died in a US prison.
A car bomb has killed a child an wounded 17 others in the Turkish province of Sanliurfa.
The death toll from an Islamic State car bomb that went off in Baghdad has climbed to 59.
At least 70 people died Thursday when a bomb ripped through a crowded Sufi shrine in Pakistan, police said, in the deadliest attack to hit the militancy-plagued...
A US-based monitoring group says Islamist fighters in Syria have executed scores of insurgents.

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

Presidential approval polls might suggest Donald Trump is falling out of favour with the American population, however his supporters couldn't be more steadfast.
The Israel branch of Swedish furniture giant IKEA has apologised for publishing a catalogue that doesn’t feature any female models.
The chief executive of one of Australia’s newest financial institutions was forced to leave his country not once, but three times to save his life.
Leaders in the NSW regional town of Armidale say the government has missed an opportunity for the development of their community after its application to be a...
Worldwide arms trade has risen to its highest level since the Cold War in the last five years, driven by a demand from the Middle East and Asia, a study has...
A study of sex trafficking in Las Vegas has found that behind the glitz and glamour of sin city that sex-trafficking of underage girls is rife.
Firebrand Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders launched his election campaign Saturday with a stinging attack on the country's Moroccan population, calling some ...