Результати пошуку
  1. 18 лют.

    Paris is burning. But deafening silence from the Media.. They're too busy bashing our President.

  2. 18 лют.

    Only dictators deride & try to weaken the free press. Believers in democracy understand it's fundamental role in freedom.

  3. 18 лют.

    Bernard Fall, American journalist killed in Vietnam reporting the war back to the people. had 5 deferments.

  4. 18 лют.

    Huge lines in , Florida today of those waiting to get into the Trump's rally. Media will never show you this, RT.

  5. 18 лют.

    This is the great L. Alex Wilson. A black journalist who was beaten by an angry white mob as he covered the Little Rock Nine.

  6. 2 години тому

    trump attacks what scares him. Friday tweets came when news started to break about FBI mtg w/ Senators.

  7. 3 години тому

    . STOP following the FOOL. If it isn't news, don't report it. His 2020 Campaign IS NOT NEWS! Dealings w/Russia are.

  8. 3 години тому

    Sorry is He is keeping his Promises to the American People and we are grateful

  9. 8 годин тому

    "[Obama] never said we were an enemy of the people!" - Chris Wallace. Neither did any other President.

  10. 9 годин тому

    Chris Wallace: 'Barack Obama whined about Fox News all the time, but I gotta say, he never said we were an enemy of the people!'

  11. 10 годин тому

    To paraphrase the pro-gun lobby, "They can have my freedom of speech when they pry it from my cold dead hands"

  12. 11 годин тому

    My best friend and photojournalist David Gilkey was killed in AFG while educating citizens + protecting press freedom. 🇺🇸

  13. 14 годин тому

    Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post, who risked their careers to expose Watergate.

  14. 18 годин тому

    This is David Bloom . You might have known him. He died in Iraq in 2003 doing his job. He is

  15. 22 години тому

    In 2016, 122 journalists & staff were killed reporting on issues Trump voters ignore. Here's a hero from 1837.

  16. 24 години тому

    This is Jerry Mitchell. His stories on Medgar Evers' murder led to a conviction 30 yrs after Evers was killed.

  17. 19 лют.

    This is why the people will always have the back of .. He loves us, and we love him. He is . 🇺🇸

  18. 19 лют.

    This is Woodward & Bernstein. Nixon called them the enemy. They proved that no president is above the law. via

  19. 19 лют.

    David Gilkey, NPR photographer + videographer was killed by a rocket grenade in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, June 5, 2016.

  20. 18 лют.

    Hillary Stole $6Billion in donations mean to rebuild Haiti & the Fake Media ignored Protests "Hillary for Prison"

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