Výsledky vyhľadávania
  1. pred 8 hodinami

    Let's reverse it, what media source do you find LEAST credible? Please RT for widest possible sample of replies.

  2. pred 8 hodinami
  3. pred 10 hodinami

    Priebus slams Chris Wallace on Russia story: "you're going bananas Chris it's ridiculous"

  4. pred 7 hodinami

    We will know is as long as they refuse to report on 's efforts exposing Obama admin support of .

  5. pred 9 hodinami
  6. pred 2 hodinami

    Reporters need to start making use of this tactic whenever he spouts "" at them:

  7. pred 3 hodinami

    The outlets can skew the truth but they can't skew this. They may not be behind but is.

  8. pred 3 hodinami

    I've really had enough of , crazy & there nonsense 4 the week. So I'm tweeting this cute picture of an Elephant & Panda 🙋

  9. pred 4 hodinami

    120% correct!! Someone has to stand up to the & call them out on their blatant rank hypocrisy!

  10. pred 5 hodinami

    Don is right "Don't call it fake because you do not agree with them" Anyone yelling is quite frankly intellectually lazy.

  11. pred 5 hodinami
  12. pred 5 hodinami

    Sorry is He is keeping his Promises to the American People and we are grateful

  13. pred 6 hodinami

    U Sir R an embarrassment to USA! U don't degrade on foreign soil! SHAME ON YOU!!!

  14. pred 6 hodinami

    We DEMAND . YUGE & tremendous consequences for the radical terrorist that did this!

  15. pred 7 hodinami

    Fascinating news week. The News Media spends hours each day criticizing the President. Then they are shocked when he responds. 😅

  16. pred 7 hodinami
  17. pred 7 hodinami

    Wellp - the timing has been nailed down ! Look out! Eye on the prize peeps!

  18. pred 7 hodinami

    I object to the term . I think we just ought to call them liars.

  19. pred 8 hodinami

    Stop We do not believe a word u say protector of pedos

  20. pred 8 hodinami

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