Wife With A Purpose


Former SJW/feminist turned . Christian wife & mom of 6. Heritage not hate❤️

Land of Mine Inheritance(USA)
Inscrit en septembre 2010

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  1. Tweet épinglé
    22 janv.

    "All I want is what our grandparents had and took for granted, is that really extreme?" -Colin Robertson, Millennial Woes

  2. il y a 4 heures

    Now people, some of these songs are from the late 70s or early 90s, let's not get sloppy now..😂

  3. il y a 6 heures

    No, because (now lean in close, you'll want to hear this bit) when you're assaulted you get to defend yourself. That's how the law works.

  4. il y a 6 heures

    I never thought I'd read a Tweet from someone who thought that "messing" with cops prior to was somehow OK. What the actual heck?

  5. il y a 7 heures

    not what we were taught as kids. Respect property and respect people. Then rioting? No way is that cool. Racism? Look within.

  6. il y a 6 heures

    😂 Notice all the has no budget,no headquarters,no heavy political hitter yet you cucks spend all your fancy time talking about us!

  7. il y a 7 heures

    Imagine being THIS committed to having penises next to little girls. Can we get some law enforcement to look into this guy? I'm concerned.😐

  8. il y a 7 heures

    She looks so old and worn already. Feminism is hard on young women. Yikes!

  9. il y a 7 heures

    Yep! Our family makes cuts. No cable, 1 car, 3 bedroom, 1400sq ft house, modest vacations, thrift shop clothes, solar panels-we make it work

  10. il y a 8 heures

    These pigs actually think it's okay for their feral brat offspring to attack police.

  11. il y a 7 heures

    We're traditionalists, not conservatives (who conserve nothing). They can postpone it slightly but the is the future of the right

  12. il y a 7 heures

    The highlight of my day is when we put the kids to bed & my husband & I watch lectures on YouTube & discuss them ❤️

  13. il y a 9 heures

    Another Brick in the Wall

  14. il y a 9 heures

    Pour Some Whole-Milk On Me

  15. il y a 10 heures

    Turn Around Breit Eyes.

  16. il y a 9 heures

    Pepe Don't Preach

  17. il y a 9 heures

    She Redpilled Me With Science

  18. il y a 11 heures
  19. il y a 12 heures

    Video of speaking to the press at audio becomes clear 1 min in.

  20. il y a 11 heures

    It's terrifying to me as a mother of 4white boys. Feminists cry fake rape,minorities cry fake white supremacy,they're enemy #1 for no reason

  21. il y a 11 heures

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