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Mr. DuLac
The thoughts of one jackass and the movies he watches.
Mr. DuLac 13h
A greatly underrated horror remake.
Mr. DuLac Mar 11
Hell yes! All the reasons I've missed right there in one trailer. via
Mr. DuLac Mar 11
Painkiller Jaime has spoken.
Mr. DuLac Mar 11
Revisited an old friend last night. It had been too long.
Mr. DuLac Mar 9
Finally getting to know Cuthbert Allgood, a favorite character already.
Mr. DuLac retweeted
Dread Central Mar 9
This is officially the best combined GIF I’ve ever seen!
Mr. DuLac Mar 9
Mr. DuLac Mar 8
Mr. DuLac Mar 8
Shouldn't they try to finish the CGI in the trailer before releasing it to the public?
Mr. DuLac Mar 8
This is funny on multiple levels 😬 Thanks {٩ಠಠ} Chris
Mr. DuLac Mar 7
Easy to forget when they're releasing no info and doing no promotion so far. Weird.
Mr. DuLac Mar 7
Coming out July 28th... Idris Elba as Roland... Matthew McConaughey as "the man in black".
Mr. DuLac Mar 7
For a movie coming out in a little over 4 months I'm starting to find the lack of information and trailer slightly troubling.
Mr. DuLac Mar 7
Who'll pick up Wolverine's mantel? No worries, she's got this.
Mr. DuLac Mar 7
I have no idea what this says but I'm going to take a chance and like it.
Mr. DuLac Mar 6
Loved that show.
Mr. DuLac Mar 6
Apparently if I asked to see yet again I just automatically say yes.
Mr. DuLac Mar 5
If you automatically associate "craziest world leader" with Trump that's totally up to you , he's your president not mine.
Mr. DuLac Mar 5
Thinking this North Korea stuff is just Kim Jong-un's reaction to not being the craziest world leader right now. He wants that title back.
Mr. DuLac Mar 5
Looks like a scene from . Stay classy (Used to live there, not planning on going back) via
Mr. DuLac Mar 5
Mr. DuLac Mar 4
My cats look like a bunch of pussies now.
Mr. DuLac Mar 4
The biggest badass of the X-Men movie franchise could very well be a 60 lbs 11 year old girl.
Mr. DuLac retweeted
Jordan Peele Mar 3
Y'all play too much.
Mr. DuLac Mar 4
Seated for a second helping of
Mr. DuLac Mar 3
Can't wait to see what directs next My ★★★★½ review of (2017) on :
Mr. DuLac Mar 3
Go see ! 's career has entered a new chapter in a brilliant way and it'll probably exceed all your expectations.
Mr. DuLac Mar 3
NO!! Not in Canada anyways, I'm happy I didn't know about that rumor cuz I would have been incredibly disappointed
Mr. DuLac Mar 3
My ★★★★½ review of (2017) on :
Mr. DuLac Mar 2
was so good I might put it in the #1 spot “X-Men: God Loves, Man Ranks”, my list on :