WA News

Metronet off the rails for Labor after Prime Minster's funding threat

WA Labor's pet rail project Metronet could be derailed before it even starts.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he would block the state's opposition plans to divert a large slice of the $1.2 billion in Federal funding from the Perth Freight Link to its transport plans. 

Earlier this month, Labor announced its "congestion-busting" rail project Metronet, which is expected to cost around $2.5 billion.

Labor said a chunk of the funding, around $400 million, would be diverted from the Federal government's $1.2 billion commitment to the controversial Perth Freight Link.

The state opposition also plans to use $83 million of the PFL funding for the Armadale Road bridge and $20 million for the Wanneroo Road-Joondalup Drive overpass.

But Mr Turnbull said on Saturday the money pledged for the freight link was not a "general grant" to be used at the WA government's discretion, according to the ABC.


"It will reduce the cost of moving freight, reduce congestion, improve safety and generally improve the amenity for communities across the south metropolitan area of Perth," he said.

"If any future state government in Western Australia were to decide not to proceed with this project, then obviously the money allocated to that project would no longer be available."

Federal Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher has said on numerous occasions the money is for the PFL alone and cannot be allocated to other projects.

At the launch of Metronet, Labor leader Mark McGowan said he was confident his party would get the money from the Turnbull government if it won the March election.

He denied his party would be left with an massive economic black hole if it was refused the funds.

"We will get that money out of the Commonwealth because that's what happened in Victoria and I will not be bullied and I won't be intimidated by the Federal Liberals," Mr McGowan said.

"In any event, Bill Shorten has promised the money will come to Western Australia.

"The Perth Freight Link is a dog of a project and we are going to make sure that money goes to projects that make a difference for Western Australians."

'Captain Capitulation' will cave in

Labor's Treasury spokesperson Ben Wyatt said Mr Tunrbull would cave in regarding the Federal funding.

"Well Malcolm Turnbull has capitulated on every issues he's expressed a firm opinion, so his view about not allocating PFL money for Metronet really only means it's guaranteed, it's going to be allocated to Metronet," he said.

"Because Malcolm Turnbull, 'Captain Capitulation", will always capitulate on any issue that he's ever stood for."

Mr Wyatt used the example of when Victorian premier Daniel Andrews ripped up $1.1 billion in federal contracts for the East-West link in Melbourne when Labor swept to power in 2014.

"Malcolm Turnbull is saying to Western Australians 'you'll be punished, unlike Victorians, if you elect a Labor government'," Mr Wyatt said.

"Ultimately Malcolm Turnbull won't treat Western Australians worse than he treated Victorians when he allowed them to do the exact same thing."  

The state Liberal government has already started clearing land for Roe 8 in Coolbellup, which is a critical part of the PFL.

Labor has pledged to tear up the Roe 8 and the PFL projects if it wins the March election and use the money to build better projects.

Dozens of people have been arrested at the site of Roe 8 after clashing with police.

One Perth man required stitches in his face after being trampled by a police horse last month.