Family is 'devastated' as two-year-old boy drowns in a river just yards from their home: Toddler's body is found an hour after he is reported missing from a remote house 

  • Major search launched after child reported missing close to Bridge of Cally
  • Child was located in the River Ericht, close to the property, at around 12.35pm
  • He was removed from the water by fire personnel and treated by paramedics 

A two-year-old boy drowned yesterday in a fast-flowing river just yards from a family home.

The toddler’s lifeless body was found in the water just over an hour after he was reported missing from the remote rural property.

It is believed he may have wandered out of the house at Milton of Drimmie, Perthshire, and walked the 150 yards down the hill to the River Ericht. 

A major search was launched after the child was reported missing from a property in the Milton of Drimmie area. The child was located in the River Ericht, close to the property, at around 12.35pm

A major search was launched after the child was reported missing from a property in the Milton of Drimmie area. The child was located in the River Ericht, close to the property, at around 12.35pm

The search for the missing child in woodland near Bridge of Cally as police, fire and paramedics are pictured at the scene

The search for the missing child in woodland near Bridge of Cally as police, fire and paramedics are pictured at the scene

Rescue teams work to search for the missing boy, whose body was sadly found in the river

Rescue teams work to search for the missing boy, whose body was sadly found in the river

Last night, his heartbroken family were said to be ‘devastated’ by the tragedy.

A massive search operation was launched after the boy went missing at around 11.15am yesterday.

It included the Police Scotland helicopter, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and a water rescue unit.

Neighbours also rushed to join in and cars were diverted to allow the desperate hunt to take place.

The youngster was found in the River Ericht at around 12.35pm and taken out of the water by firefighters. He was treated by paramedics but pronounced dead at the scene.

Last night, locals said the waters in the area were particularly fast-moving at this time of year.

One resident said: ‘This is just a desperately sad event. I have grandchildren of my own and it just breaks my heart to think about this. 

'The whole community is devastated at the news.’

Police were last night yet to name the boy but neighbours said the family were well-known in the area.

The Milton of Drimmie property is on a winding country road on a hillside, roughly two miles from Bridge of Cally. 

The area is a sporting estate popular for salmon fishing and deer stalking with a number of family homes and holiday lets.

A police officer stands by as a fire engine drives along a road near the River Ericht

A police officer stands by as a fire engine drives along a road near the River Ericht

A police car was last night blocking the path at a gate leading to the home. 

Three bunches of flowers had been left there, including one that contained a small Lego figurine of a builder.

A neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: ‘The family have been here for years and they are well-kent among folk here. 

'When we heard there was a child missing, everyone raced to help with the search.’

Local councillor Liz Grant, Provost of Perth and Kinross, said: ‘It will be absolutely devastating for the family and the community.’ 

She added: ‘The River Ericht is fast, the rivers are all fast coming down through that area, particularly at this time of year.’

While the search was under way, locals had prayed for the boy to be found safe and well. 

However, when police confirmed he had died, members of the public reacted with horror.

One said: ‘We heard the sirens this morning but had no idea it was as tragic an event as this.’

Perth and Kinross councillor Caroline Shiers said: ‘My thoughts are with the family of the little boy. 

'Thoughts too with all those from the emergency services who were involved today.’

Education Secretary John Swinney, the MSP for Perthshire North, tweeted: ‘Heartbreaking news from the River Ericht at Bridge of Cally. My deepest sympathies to everyone involved.’

Police Scotland yesterday confirmed: ‘Around 11.15am today police in Perthshire received a report of a two-year-old boy missing from a property in the Milton of Drimmie area.

‘Officers immediately launched a full search of the area, with assistance from the Police Scotland helicopter and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service personnel.

‘Around 12.35pm, the child was located in the River Ericht, close to the property. 

'He was removed from the water by fire personnel and treated by paramedics. Tragically, the boy did not survive.

‘His family are being supported by officers at this time.’

The Police Scotland helicopter and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service personnel were involved in a full search of the area along with police

The Police Scotland helicopter and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service personnel were involved in a full search of the area along with police

Hundreds of touching tributes have been paid on social media including from Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council, who wrote: 'Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the little boy found by the Ericht earlier today. Our deepest condolences.'

Gillian Barbara Parker said: 'Devastating. Poor wee boy, thoughts go out to his distressed family and friends at this very sad time. Just tragic. Fly high, angel.'

Marilyn Williams wrote: 'Prayers of comfort to the family. 

'And let's also lift up the first responders who have to struggle with this. 

'May they have their minds eased of the images so that they may sleep.'

Flowers were left at the scene of the tragedy today. 

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