Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Natalie Portman and Michael Fassbender get caught in two love triangles in Song To Song trailer

It boasts big name stars, a rocking soundtrack and the drama of a love triangle or two, to boot.

A new preview of Song to Song, the latest from director-writer Terrence Malick, paints a portrait of love, beauty, music, passion and betrayal amid the artsy backdrop of Austin, Texas.

The clip features Natalie Portman as a stunning server and Michael Fassbender as a manipulative music business executive. 

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Boy meets girl: Ryan Gosling and Rooney Mara are in the ensemble cast of Song to Song

Boy meets girl: Ryan Gosling and Rooney Mara are in the ensemble cast of Song to Song

Girl meets boy: The film also features Michael Fassbender and Natalie Portman

Girl meets boy: The film also features Michael Fassbender and Natalie Portman

'I didn't know why I was coming to this party - and then I saw you and I thought, "That's why,"' BV, played by Ryan Gosling, tells Faye, played by Rooney Mara in one of the more enticing scenes. 

The preview, which features multiple versions of Del Shannon’s Runaway, shows a cavalcade of snippets from the sexy movie. 

The film has an eye popping supporting cast with stars like Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Val Kilmer, Benicio Del Toro and Holly Hunter, 

Sad song? The movie takes place amid the thriving music industry of Austin, Texas, with Fassbender playing a mogul and Gosling playing an up-and-coming songwriter
Sad song? The movie takes place amid the thriving music industry of Austin, Texas, with Fassbender playing a mogul and Gosling playing an up-and-coming songwriter

Sad song? The movie takes place amid the thriving music industry of Austin, Texas, with Fassbender playing a mogul and Gosling playing an up-and-coming songwriter 

Popeye to her Olive Oil: The clip shows this sexy sequence between Fassbender and Portman

Popeye to her Olive Oil: The clip shows this sexy sequence between Fassbender and Portman

It also features musical standouts such as Iggy Pop and Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The film is slated to debut at the prestigious South by Southwest festival - which also takes place in Austin.

'Terrence Malick is a world class revered cinematic poet,' the festival's director of film Janet Pierson told Variety last month. 'His work is a treasure trove of talented actors and vision. 

Seductive: Fassbender turns on the charm opposite Mara in the sexy sneak peek

Seductive: Fassbender turns on the charm opposite Mara in the sexy sneak peek

Longtime coming: The film's writer-director Malick has been working on the movie for more than five years 

Longtime coming: The film's writer-director Malick has been working on the movie for more than five years 

'Song to Song couldn’t be a more perfect opening night film for SXSW.'

Malick's film has been years in the making as IMDB reports that he was spotted working on it as far back as six years ago.

Bale was initially slated to play the role Fassbender has in the movie, but had to drop out to film American Hustle, which was released in theaters more than three years ago.

The film opens at the festival March 10, then in Los Angeles and New York March 17.

Unwanted advances: Fassbender's character, Cook, uses his power and influence in the music business as a tool in his love life 

Unwanted advances: Fassbender's character, Cook, uses his power and influence in the music business as a tool in his love life 

Passion: Gosling and Mara look to be in a love scene in this excerpt from the movie 

Passion: Gosling and Mara look to be in a love scene in this excerpt from the movie 


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