What, no umbrella handler? Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher dodge LA storm as they step out for breakfast with their baby boy

There was a flash flood warning across Southern California on Friday. 

Yet Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher nixed the rain gear as they stepped out for breakfast in Los Angeles during the downpour.

The former That '70s Show co-stars and parents-of-two braved the showers along with their son Dimitri who remained dry and warm in his baby carrier. 

Unprepared: Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher nixed the rain gear as they stepped out for breakfast during the downpour in Los Angeles on Friday

Unprepared: Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher nixed the rain gear as they stepped out for breakfast during the downpour in Los Angeles on Friday

The 33-year-old actress was dressed down in denim and black and white.

The fit mama, who gave birth to the couple's youngest child nearly three months ago, showed off her figure in a snug stripped shirt.

She layered a black down jacket over her casual look for warmth and added tan and black top-siders.  

The Ukraine-born beauty wore minimal makeup and left her long brunette tresses down.

Rain, rain, go away! The former That '70s Show co-stars and parents-of-two braved the showers along with their son Dimitri who remained dry and warm in his baby carrier

Rain, rain, go away! The former That '70s Show co-stars and parents-of-two braved the showers along with their son Dimitri who remained dry and warm in his baby carrier

Fit mama: The 33-year-old actress, who gave birth to the couple's youngest child nearly three months ago, showed off her figure in a snug stripped shirt and jeans

Fit mama: The 33-year-old actress, who gave birth to the couple's youngest child nearly three months ago, showed off her figure in a snug stripped shirt and jeans

Mila showed off a fresh red manicure as she held a to-go beverage in hand as the cute trio quickly made their way back to the car. 

Ashton played the role of doting dad as he lugged their three-month-old son in his sleek baby carrier.

The 39-year-old actor donned a blue flannel, grey jeans, a denim jacket and white trainers. 

Doting dad! Ashton, 39, lugged their three-month-old son - Dimitri - in his sleek baby carrier

Doting dad! Ashton, 39, lugged their three-month-old son - Dimitri - in his sleek baby carrier

Dodging the rain! The lovebirds both crinkled their faces as the rain came down during their outing

Dodging the rain! The lovebirds both crinkled their faces as the rain came down during their outing

Wet outing: Mila showed off a fresh red manicure as she held a to-go beverage in hand as the cute trio quickly made their way back to the car. Their daughter Wyatt was not seen with them

Wet outing: Mila showed off a fresh red manicure as she held a to-go beverage in hand as the cute trio quickly made their way back to the car. Their daughter Wyatt was not seen with them

The lovebirds both crinkled their faces as the rain came down during their outing. 

Mila and Ashton wed in 2015 and have two children together: Wyatt and Dimitri.

The Two And A Half Men star was busy at a Foreign Relations hearing on Wednesday.

Ashton and Senator John McCain shared a bromance moment when the actor appeared at the Hill to testify against human trafficking and modern slavery. 

The actor gave an impassioned speech during the hearing where he spoke about his work fighting against human trafficking and saving children from sexual abuse.

Meanwhile, Mila has a busy year ahead as it has been announced there will be a sequel to her hit comedy Bad Moms - Bad Mom's Christmas.

The movie follows Amy, played by Mila, Carla, played by Kathryn Hahn, and Kiki, played by Kristen Bell, who are all struggling to cope when their respective mothers visit for the holidays. 

Passionate star: The Two And A Half Men actor appeared at the Hill to testify against human trafficking and modern slavery on Wednesday

Passionate star: The Two And A Half Men actor appeared at the Hill to testify against human trafficking and modern slavery on Wednesday



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