'The Earth is flat. They lie to us': NBA All Star Kyrie Irving is ridiculed for his claim that the planet is not round

  • Irving made the comments on the Road Trippin' with RJ & Channing podcast
  • He and teammates Richard Jefferson and Channing Frye were being interviewed
  • They were on a plane when Irving answered a question from Frye about aliens
  • That's when Irving told them he believes the Earth is flat

Kyrie Irving, point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, has revealed he believes the Earth is flat.

Irving made headlines when he questioned the shape of the Earth on a conspiracy theory-themed episode of the Road Trippin' with RJ and Channing podcast with teammates Richard Jefferson and Channing Frye. 

Irving was responding to a question from Frye about whether or not he believes in aliens.

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Kyrie Irving, point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, told listeners of the Road Trippin' with RJ and Channing podcast that he believes the Earth is flat

Kyrie Irving, point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, told listeners of the Road Trippin' with RJ and Channing podcast that he believes the Earth is flat

Irving (pictured) and his teammates Richard Jefferson and Channing Frye were being interviewed for the podcast on a plane when Irving answered a question from Frye about aliens

Irving (pictured) and his teammates Richard Jefferson and Channing Frye were being interviewed for the podcast on a plane when Irving answered a question from Frye about aliens

Frye (right) asked both Irving and Jefferson (left) whether they believe in the existence of aliens during the podcast interview

Frye (right) asked both Irving and Jefferson (left) whether they believe in the existence of aliens during the podcast interview

Irving's comment was the brunt of numerous jokes at NBA's All-Star weekend in New Orleans

Irving's comment was the brunt of numerous jokes at NBA's All-Star weekend in New Orleans

'This is not even a conspiracy theory,' Irving told Jefferson and Frye while recording the podcast on an airplane.

'The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat... It's right in front of our faces. I'm telling you, it's right in front of our faces. They lie to us.'

He reiterated those beliefs at NBA's All-Star weekend in New Orleans. 

'Out of all the podcast, that’s what you took out of it, the flat Earth?' Kyrie asked reporters who tried after the Eastern Conference practice on Saturday to pin him down on whether he genuinely believes it. 

'There’s just so many real things going on, things that are going on that’s changing the shape of our lives,' said Irving. 

'I think sometimes it gets skewed because of who we are in the basketball world. "Oh man, what does he actually think? I don’t like Kyrie Irving because he thinks that the world is flat, or he thinks that the world can’t be wrong". 

'I know the science… The fact that can be real news and people are actually asking me that - it’s a social phenomenon. "What do you think about it? Are you going to try and protect your image?" No, it doesn’t matter'.

Golden State Warriors' Draymond Green came to Irving's defense regarding his claims that the Earth is flat

Golden State Warriors' Draymond Green came to Irving's defense regarding his claims that the Earth is flat

When asked Saturday about his teammate's comments, LeBron James (left) said Irving is 'an interesting guy' and believes the Earth is flat

When asked Saturday about his teammate's comments, LeBron James (left) said Irving is 'an interesting guy' and believes the Earth is flat

Irving received support from Golden State Warriors' Draymond Green, who defended those who might call Irving’s stance something less than solid. 

'It’s just his opinion', said Green. 'It’s hard to call someone’s opinions crazy. That’s what he thinks'. 

Told that there is photo evidence that the Earth is in fact round, Green offered this response: 'Who’s to say that picture is telling the truth?… I’m not saying I think it’s flat. I don’t know. But it could be'. 

When asked Saturday about his teammate's comments, LeBron James said Irving is 'an interesting guy'.

'Kyrie is my little brother. He's my All-Star point guard, superstar point guard, and if he decides he wants to say the Earth is flat, so be it', said James. 'He's an interesting guy, and he believes it'. 

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