With friends like these.... Hip Hop mogul and one-time Trump pal Russell Simmons leads angry protest against the President in New York 

  • Anti-Donald Trump, Muslim solidarity rally held in Times Square on Sunday afternoon
  • Russell Simmons, a former friend of Trump, and Susan Sarandon spoke
  • Rally was organized by Simmons and a group of interfaith religious leaders
  • Follows constant protests against Trump across the world since his inauguration
  • Last night, Trump held a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida 

An anti-Donald Trump rally held in New York on Sunday afternoon counted celebrities including former Trump-friend Russell Simmons and Susan Sarandon among those in attendance.

About 1,000 people of different ethnicity and faith attended the demonstration, called 'Today, I Am A Muslim Too,' in Times Square, Manhattan.

Simmons, who previously said he has not spoken to Trump since 2015, cheekily told the crowd: 'We are here, unified, because of Donald Trump, so we won’t speak too harshly of him tonight – today. 

'We want to thank him for bringing us together,' Fox News reported.

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An anti-Donald Trump rally held in New York on Sunday afternoon counted celebrities including former Trump-friend Russell Simmons and Susan Sarandon among those in attendance

An anti-Donald Trump rally held in New York on Sunday afternoon counted celebrities including former Trump-friend Russell Simmons and Susan Sarandon among those in attendance

About 1,000 people of different ethnicity and faith attended the demonstration, called 'Today, I Am A Muslim Too,' in Times Square, Manhattan. Pictured: Sarandon at the rally

About 1,000 people of different ethnicity and faith attended the demonstration, called 'Today, I Am A Muslim Too,' in Times Square, Manhattan. Pictured: Sarandon at the rally

Sarandon said it is no longer possible to be neutral and that 'We will fight hatred with love'

Sarandon said it is no longer possible to be neutral and that 'We will fight hatred with love'

Simmons, who previously said he has not spoken to Trump since 2015, cheekily told the crowd: 'We are here, unified, because of Donald Trump, so we won’t speak too harshly of him tonight – today. We want to thank him for bringing us together'

Simmons, who previously said he has not spoken to Trump since 2015, cheekily told the crowd: 'We are here, unified, because of Donald Trump, so we won’t speak too harshly of him tonight – today. We want to thank him for bringing us together'

He added that 'Middle America' has been misled' and said: 'The seeds of hate that were small, and maybe just ignorance, cannot be watered, and that hate cannot grow'

He added that 'Middle America' has been misled' and said: 'The seeds of hate that were small, and maybe just ignorance, cannot be watered, and that hate cannot grow'

Demonstrator chants included: 'I am a Muslim, too,' 'Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go' and 'No wall, No Muslim ban, no fascist USA'

Demonstrator chants included: 'I am a Muslim, too,' 'Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go' and 'No wall, No Muslim ban, no fascist USA'

He added that 'Middle America' has been misled' and said: 'The seeds of hate that were small, and maybe just ignorance, cannot be watered, and that hate cannot grow.' 

Sarandon said it is no longer possible to be neutral and that 'We will fight hatred with love.'  

Demonstrator chants included: 'I am a Muslim, too,' 'Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go' and 'No wall, No Muslim ban, no fascist USA.'

Simmons formerly considered Trump a friend and said he was there for Trump's first date with First Lady Melania. Pictured: Two participants in Sunday's rally holding signs with a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab

Simmons formerly considered Trump a friend and said he was there for Trump's first date with First Lady Melania. Pictured: Two participants in Sunday's rally holding signs with a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab

But the relationship soured as Trump's presidential campaign became serious and reached a breaking point when Simmons said he'd rather Kim Kardashian be President than Donald Trump. Pictured: A woman who evoked the Holocaust and Anne Frank's plight in her rally sign

But the relationship soured as Trump's presidential campaign became serious and reached a breaking point when Simmons said he'd rather Kim Kardashian be President than Donald Trump. Pictured: A woman who evoked the Holocaust and Anne Frank's plight in her rally sign

Simmons wrote an open letter to his former friend following the election in which he said: 'I, like millions of Americans, will watch you very closely. Every statement you make. Every tweet you send out. Every person you hire. Every document you sign'

Simmons wrote an open letter to his former friend following the election in which he said: 'I, like millions of Americans, will watch you very closely. Every statement you make. Every tweet you send out. Every person you hire. Every document you sign'

Simmons wrote: 'We will be watching you to make sure that your power does not corrupt the entire union. We will never be caught off guard by any move you make that would hurt the most vulnerable in this country.' Pictured: A man, the son of Muslim Libyan immigrants, at the rally

Simmons wrote: 'We will be watching you to make sure that your power does not corrupt the entire union. We will never be caught off guard by any move you make that would hurt the most vulnerable in this country.' Pictured: A man, the son of Muslim Libyan immigrants, at the rally

A woman dancing and wearing an American flag at an anti-Trump, Muslim solidarity rally in New York City

A woman dancing and wearing an American flag at an anti-Trump, Muslim solidarity rally in New York City

Simmons formerly considered Trump a friend and told the New York Daily News he was there for Trump's first date with First Lady Melania.

But the relationship soured as Trump's presidential campaign became serious and reached a breaking point when Simmons said he'd rather Kim Kardashian be President than Donald Trump. 

Simmons wrote an open letter published by Huffington Post to his former friend following the election in which he said: 'I, like millions of Americans, will watch you very closely. Every statement you make. Every tweet you send out. Every person you hire. Every document you sign.

'We will be watching you to make sure that your power does not corrupt the entire union. We will never be caught off guard by any move you make that would hurt the most vulnerable in this country.'

Punny: A protestor holds a sign saying 'Yes We Qur'an.' Simmons helped organize the rally, as did local Rabbi Marc Schneier

Punny: A protestor holds a sign saying 'Yes We Qur'an.' Simmons helped organize the rally, as did local Rabbi Marc Schneier

Another of the woman's signs read: 'The way things are going, soon we'll all be refugees'

Another of the woman's signs read: 'The way things are going, soon we'll all be refugees'

One sign in Arabic, English and Spanish read: 'Welcome immigrants and refugees'

One sign in Arabic, English and Spanish read: 'Welcome immigrants and refugees'

A boy's sign read: "Immigrants make America (and all of us) great' at a Sunday rally in Times Square, New York

A boy's sign read: "Immigrants make America (and all of us) great' at a Sunday rally in Times Square, New York

People wearing "Make America Great Again" caps walk past the 'I am Muslim Too' rally

People wearing "Make America Great Again" caps walk past the 'I am Muslim Too' rally

One woman's artful sign featured three faces of different ethnicities and said: 'We all belong here. We will defend each other'

One woman's artful sign featured three faces of different ethnicities and said: 'We all belong here. We will defend each other'

Simmons helped organize the Sunday rally, as did a group of interfaith leaders including Imam Shamsi Ali local Rabbi Marc Schneier.

Schneier said: 'The Muslim community is our greatest ally in fighting terrorism and extreme fundamentalism,' Newsday reported.

He added: 'In the United States it is open season on Muslims.'

Schneier said: 'The Muslim community is our greatest ally in fighting terrorism and extreme fundamentalism.' He added: 'In the United States it is open season on Muslims'

Schneier said: 'The Muslim community is our greatest ally in fighting terrorism and extreme fundamentalism.' He added: 'In the United States it is open season on Muslims'

Imam Shamsi Ali echoed this sentiment, stating: 'This president is an obstable for Muslims to integrate into America.' Pictured: A woman holding a sign showing a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab

Imam Shamsi Ali echoed this sentiment, stating: 'This president is an obstable for Muslims to integrate into America.' Pictured: A woman holding a sign showing a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab

The New York demonstration follows protests across the world against Donald Trump's political agenda beginning with the women's marches held the day after his inauguration that attracted millions of demonstrators

The New York demonstration follows protests across the world against Donald Trump's political agenda beginning with the women's marches held the day after his inauguration that attracted millions of demonstrators

Recent protests included a human wall formed by hundreds of Mexican residents of Ciudad Juarez on the border with El Paso, Texas and thousands coming together in San Francisco to spell out the word: 'Resist.' Pictured: People at the New York rally in Times Square

Recent protests included a human wall formed by hundreds of Mexican residents of Ciudad Juarez on the border with El Paso, Texas and thousands coming together in San Francisco to spell out the word: 'Resist.' Pictured: People at the New York rally in Times Square

Ali echoed this sentiment, stating: 'This president is an obstacle for Muslims to integrate into America.'

This follows protests across the world against Donald Trump's political agenda beginning with the women's marches held the day after his inauguration that attracted millions of demonstrators.

Recent protests included a human wall formed by hundreds of Mexican residents of Ciudad Juarez on the border with El Paso, Texas and thousands coming together in San Francisco to spell out the word: 'Resist.'

Meanwhile, many immigrants skipped work or school last Thursday to demonstrate what a 'Day Without Immigrants' might look like.

Last night, Trump held a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida while staying at what he has termed the 'Southern White House,' his Mar-a-Lago estate. 

Meanwhile, many immigrants skipped work or school last Thursday to demonstrate what a 'Day Without Immigrants' might look like. Pictured: Times Square demonstrators from Sunday

Meanwhile, many immigrants skipped work or school last Thursday to demonstrate what a 'Day Without Immigrants' might look like. Pictured: Times Square demonstrators from Sunday

Last night, Trump held a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida while staying at what he has termed the 'Southern White House,' his Mar-a-Lago estate. Pictured: A demonstrator dressed up as Trump

Last night, Trump held a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida while staying at what he has termed the 'Southern White House,' his Mar-a-Lago estate. Pictured: A demonstrator dressed up as Trump

Protesters march in New York's Times Square in solidarity with American Muslims and against the travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries ordered by US President Donald Trump which has since been halted

Protesters march in New York's Times Square in solidarity with American Muslims and against the travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries ordered by US President Donald Trump which has since been halted

NYPD officers stand by as people take part in the rally. A new version of a Trump administration travel ban will not stop green card holders or travelers already on planes from entering the United States, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said

NYPD officers stand by as people take part in the rally. A new version of a Trump administration travel ban will not stop green card holders or travelers already on planes from entering the United States, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said

Protestors hold signs depicting a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab at an anti-Trump, pro-multicultural rally in Times Square, Manhattan

Protestors hold signs depicting a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab at an anti-Trump, pro-multicultural rally in Times Square, Manhattan

An NYPD officer walks along the rally. Signs depicting a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab said: 'We the people are greater than fear'

An NYPD officer walks along the rally. Signs depicting a woman wearing a star-spangled hijab said: 'We the people are greater than fear'

Signs expressed variations on a 'solidarity with Muslims in America' theme. One said: 'I am a Jew. Today, I'm a Muslim too'

Signs expressed variations on a 'solidarity with Muslims in America' theme. One said: 'I am a Jew. Today, I'm a Muslim too'

Speakers rally the crowd at the February 19 demonstration in New York

Speakers rally the crowd at the February 19 demonstration in New York

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