Chelsea fires back again! The former first daughter mocks Donald Trump on Twitter over made up Sweden attack

  • Trump's remarks about a nonexistent attack in Sweden has been ridiculed 
  • Chelsea Clinton fired off a tweet mocking the president's comments  
  • During his campaign-style rally last night he made point of an incident that supposedly occurred the previous night
  • Clinton made the rare decision to publicly criticize Conway on Twitter last month 
  • Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt sent out a tweet disproving Trump's remark 
  • There are suggestions that perhaps Trump was referring to an interview between Tucker Carlson and Ami Horowitz about crime rates in Sweden 

Chelsea Clinton has chimed in on blasting Donald Trump after the president made remarks about a nonexistent attack in Sweden during his rally last night.

'What happened in Sweden Friday night? Did they catch the Bowling Green Massacre perpetrators?' she said in a tweet this morning. 

The former first daughter also alluded to Kellyanne Conway's interview gaffe with Chris Matthews where the senior adviser mentioned a fictitious shooting in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Clinton made the rare decision to publicly criticize Conway on Twitter last month saying: 'Very grateful no one seriously hurt in the Louvre attacks... or the (completely fake) Bowling Green Massacre. Please don't make up attacks.'

Trump addressed his supporters about his efforts to protect US borders in Florida yesterday while referring to an attack that supposedly occurred in Sweden the previous night
Chelsea Clinton fired off a tweet on Sunday mocking the president's comments

Chelsea Clinton fired off a tweet mocking the president's comments on a nonexistent attack in Sweden 

 What happened in Sweden Friday night? Did they catch the Bowling Green Massacre perpetrators?

Trump's remarks were quickly ridiculed by Twitter users including Chelsea Clinton, who previously slammed Kellyanne Conway after making up the 'Bowling Green Massacre' last month

Kellyanne quickly fired back at Clinton's barbed tweet: 'I misspoke; you lost the election,' she said. 

Conway later tweeted to say that she had meant to say 'Bowling Green terrorists', as opposed to massacre, before posting a flurry of tweets in which she said how 'honest mistakes abound' and suggested the media was unfairly targeting her.

Trump addressed his supporters about his efforts to protect US borders in Florida yesterday while referring to an attack that supposedly occurred in Sweden the previous night.  

'You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,' he said.   

'Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden,' he added. 'They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.'  

The president's remarks came as he vowed to protect the US borders while addressing supporters at his campaign-style rally in an aircraft hangar at Orlando-Melbourne International Airport. 

He added: 'You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world,' he said. 'Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris,' he said as he promised to keep the 'country safe.' 

Chelsea couldn't resist weighing in on Kellyanne Conway's gaffe last month

Chelsea couldn't resist weighing in on Kellyanne Conway's gaffe last month

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt sent out a tweet questioning Trump's remark

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt sent out a tweet questioning Trump's remark

Clinton's comments come after former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, who quickly pointed out there was no such incident. 

'Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound,' Bildt said in a tweet. It has since been liked 17,000 times.   

Trump's comments drew criticism from the Twitterverse and Sweden. 

One user mocked the president by tweeting a manual on how to build a border wall from popular Swedish furniture store IKEA.

Some Swedes suggested Trump's remark was likely to have been based on a Fox News interview between host Tucker Carlson and documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz which aired the night before.

Horowitz spoke about his recent film which explores the seemingly increasing crime rates in Sweden as a result of the country's open-door policy. 

This would be the third time the Trump Administration has been accused of referencing to fictitious terror attacks.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer referred to an 'Atlanta attack' earlier this month, but later corrected himself saying he had meant to say Orlando. 

Thousands of people listen as President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the AeroMod International hangar at Orlando Melbourne International Airport

Thousands of people listen as President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the AeroMod International hangar at Orlando Melbourne International Airport

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