News anchors vs Trump: Chris Wallace and Dan Rather hit out at the president saying his recent attack on the 'enemy' media has gone too far

  • Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said Trump's recent attack had gone too far
  • Wallace said a president making the media out to be an enemy of the American people crossed an important line
  • He later grilled Trump's Chief of Staff Reince Priebus over the comments
  • Ex-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather launched a scathing attack on Facebook calling Trump's attack a sentiment that betrayed America's history
  • Trump tweeted that 'fake news media' was the 'enemy of the American people'

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace and former CBS anchor Dan Rather have hit out at Donald Trump saying his recent attack on the media had gone too far.

Trump tweeted on Friday that 'fake news media' was the 'enemy of the American people' following his surprise press conference the day before where he dismissed reports of a chaotic start to his presidency.

Wallace hit back at the president on Sunday and also grilled White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus over Trump's comments.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace hit back at Donald Trump's claims the media was the enemy, saying the president had taken it a step too far

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace hit back at Donald Trump's claims the media was the enemy, saying the president had taken it a step too far

'Look, we're big boys. We criticize presidents. They want to criticize us back, that's fine,' Wallace said on Fox & Friends

'But when he said that the fake news media is not my enemy, it's the enemy of the American people, I believe that crosses an important line.'

He said all presidents fight with the press but argued Trump had overstepped when he made out the media as the 'enemy'.

Wallace later grilled Priebus on his show Fox News Sunday and accused Trump's administration of trying to have relationships with the press like Russia and North Korea.

'We don't have a state-run media in this country,' Wallace said. 'That's what they have in dictatorships.' 

President Donald Trump raised his criticism of political journalists, writing on Twitter that  news outlets were 'the enemy of the American People'

President Donald Trump raised his criticism of political journalists, writing on Twitter that news outlets were 'the enemy of the American People'

Wallace later grilled White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus over Trump's comments on his show Fox News Sunday

Wallace later grilled White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus over Trump's comments on his show Fox News Sunday

Priebus had complained the press had covered more scandals than accomplishments since Trump had taken office.

'The next 20 hours is all about Russian spies, how no one gets along, how nothing's happening... Give me a break,' Priebus said. 

Wallace hit back: 'You don't get to tell us what to do any more than Barack Obama did. 

'Barack Obama whined about Fox News all the time, but I gotta say, he never said we were an enemy of the people.'

Former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather launched a scathing attack on Facebook calling Trump's attack a sentiment that betrayed America's history

Former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather launched a scathing attack on Facebook calling Trump's attack a sentiment that betrayed America's history

Meanwhile, former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather launched a scathing attack on Facebook calling Trump's attack a sentiment that betrayed America's history.

'The evidence to the contrary is so overwhelming that to choose any one example is to play into the alternate reality Mr Trump is seeking to exploit for his cynical political purposes,' he wrote.

'My message is not for he who will not listen. Instead I wish to address his enablers, specifically those in the Republican Party who by their silence on this travesty normalize a behavior that is antithetical to our Constitutional principles. 

'Future generations will not look kindly on profiles in cowardice.'

Trump held a surprise press conference on Thursday blasting the press before where he dismissed reports of a chaotic start to his presidency

Trump held a surprise press conference on Thursday blasting the press before where he dismissed reports of a chaotic start to his presidency


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