Theresa May says Nato has 100% support of Donald Trump

British prime minister secures major commitment as she becomes first foreign leader to visit president at White House

Theresa May says Trump fully supports Nato

Theresa May says Nato has 100% support of Donald Trump

British prime minister secures major commitment as she becomes first foreign leader to visit president at White House

Theresa May has secured a commitment from Donald Trump that the US is fully behind Nato at a historic press conference with an uncharacteristically emollient president.

May’s wisdom in becoming the first foreign leader to visit Trump in the White House had been questioned, after a series of wayward comments from the president in the run-up to the much anticipated meeting on Friday.

But she will hope to claim some credit for persuading him to reaffirm his country’s allegiance to the transatlantic alliance, which he has previously described as “obsolescent”.

Standing next to Trump, who nodded along, May said: “On defence and security cooperation, we’re united in our recognition of Nato as the bulwark of our collective defence and we reaffirmed our unshakeable commitment to this alliance. We’re 100% behind Nato.

“I agreed to continue my efforts to persuade my fellow European leaders to deliver on their commitment to spend 2% of GDP on defence, so that the burden is more fairly shared.”

Trump also appeared to moderate his stance on torture, suggesting that while he still believes “enhanced interrogation” works, he would defer to the views of his defence secretary, James Mattiss, who has previously said he does not believe such methods are effective.

Referring to Mattis, Trump said: “He has stated publicly that he does not necessarily believe in torture, waterboarding, or however you want to define it. I don’t necessarily agree, but I can tell you that he will override me, because I’m giving him that power.”

Donald Trump looks on as Theresa May
Donald Trump looks on as Theresa May speaks at their press conference, where he seemed to moderate his stance on torture. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

Downing Street has sought to toe a difficult line, between Britain’s need to maintain a close relationship with the US as it leaves the EU, and Trump’s unpredictability, as well as the fact that many British voters are sceptical about him.

But No 10 was delighted by the gaffe-free press conference, in which Trump displayed unusual calm. Sources said the two leaders felt they had gained something from their dialogue in the Oval Office, which was followed by a working lunch of braised beef short ribs.

Trump, who visited Scotland the day after the EU referendum last June, said he had been “scorned” after expressing support for Brexit, adding: “I think Brexit’s going to be a wonderful thing for your country and I think it will be a tremendous asset, not a tremendous liability.”

May said she had extended an invitation from the Queen to Trump and his wife Melania to make a state visit to Britain later this year. “I am delighted that the president has accepted that invitation,” she said.

The packed press conference was the first of Trump’s presidency with a foreign leader, and at times, he appeared to be choosing his words more carefully than usual.

The prime minister met Trump together with her joint chiefs of staff, Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy, as well as the British ambassador to Washington, Sir Kim Darroch.

Trump suggested that the pair had struck up a rapport, calling the prime minister by her first name. “I think I am a people person, and I think you are also, Theresa,” he said. Video footage had earlier shown them briefly holding hands.

May and Trump hold hands in front of a portrait
May and Trump hold hands in front of a portrait in the Oval Office. Trump suggested the pair had struck up a rapport. Photograph: Rex/Shutterstock

A restrained Trump opened the press conference by paying tribute to the longstanding ties between the two countries. “The special relationship between our two countries has been one of the great forces for justice and for peace, and by the way, my mother was born in Scotland,” he said.

May congratulated the president on his “stunning election victory” and said the fact she was the first foreign leader to meet him was “an indication of the strength and importance of the special relationship that exists between our two countries – a relationship based on the bonds of history, family, kinship and common interests”.

The prime minister deliberately drew parallels between her political philosophy and Trump’s, saying: “If you look at the approach that we’re both taking, one of the things we have in common is that we will put the interests of working people right up there, centre stage.”

Trump suggested that May would not be the only leader he hoped to strike up a close relationship with. Asked about reports that he is planning to unilaterally lift sanctions on Russia, he said: “We look for a great relationship with all countries – that won’t necessarily happen.

“If we can have a great relationship with Russia, with China, with all countries, I’m for that. No guarantees, but if we can, that would be positive.”

May firmly restated Britain’s view on Russian sanctions that the deal aimed at securing peace in Ukraine must be honoured first. “We have been very clear that we want to see the Minsk agreement fully implemented. We believe sanctions should continue until we see the Minsk agreement fully implemented,” she said.

Trump gave a vigorous response to a question about Mexico, saying previous US presidents had been “beaten to a pulp” in trade negotiations with the country and he would handle future talks more robustly.

Donald Trump and Theresa May awkwardly hold hands at White House

May was able to see the bust of Winston Churchill that has been restored to the Oval Office. Barack Obama removed the statue in 2009 and a bizarre row broke out during the referendum campaign last year, in which Boris Johnson suggested that the decision demonstrated Obama’s “ancestral dislike of the British empire”.

Obama in turn explained that he had replaced it with a bust of the civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. Trump restored the wartime British prime minister to his former place, a decision May’s camp regarded as symbolic of a closer relationship.

May evoked the second world war collaboration of the two countries in her speech on Thursday. Before her Oval Office meeting, she went to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington Cemetery.

Downing Street said Trump presented May with a 1865 edition of Harper’s Weekly, depicting Abraham Lincoln’s second inauguration as president, and a handprinted excerpt from his second inaugural address. The first lady, Melania, gave the prime minister silver knot cufflinks for her husband, Philip.

The prime minister’s meeting with the president came amid renewed consternation about his ad hoc approach to policymaking. Trump’s spokesman announced a 20% tax on Mexican imports to pay for the border wall on Thursday, after the Mexican president, Enrique Peña Nieto, refused to meet Trump to discuss the issue. However, the White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, later suggested this idea was one of “a buffet of options”.

Following the press conference, at which both parties sought to talk up their relationship, the Washington Post noted how much things had changed since this time last year, when MPs, including those in May’s Conservative party, lined up to criticise Trump in a debate on whether he should be banned from the UK.

On Friday, the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, criticised the prime minister.

Jeremy Corbyn MP (@jeremycorbyn)

Theresa May failed to challenge Trump & stand up for our values today - she prefers a US corporate trade deal for a bargain basement Brexit

January 27, 2017

An awkward question

After a trying week for Trump, a moment of levity: the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, rose to ask the first question from a member of a British media organisation.

Where, she asked, had the two leaders disagreed and what did Trump think about unease across the Atlantic about his support for torture and a ban on Muslim immigration to the US, among other controversial policies.

“This was your choice of a question?” Trump responded, turning to the British prime minister. “There goes that relationship.” Kevin Rawlinson