ACT News

Canberra drivers flout 'metre matters' cycling rule

ACT drivers will continue to ignore the "metre matters" cycling rule until it is properly enforced by police, cyclists say.

Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act show just two drivers have been ticketed for breaching the law since its introduction on November 1 2015. A further three drivers have been cautioned.

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Device measures cyclist passing distances

The C3FT measures just how close motorists are getting to cyclists as they pass. It is calibrated in inches - with 36 indicating a distance of three feet, or just under a metre.

Cyclist Sam Wagstaff, 30, said cars flouted the rule every day on his ride to work from Ainslie to Barton.

"It's very clear to me a number of cars completely disregard the rule on a daily basis," Mr Wagstaff said.

"What the police are detecting on an annual level is happening every day."

The law requires cars give cyclists a 1 metre berth when overtaking them in speed zones at or lower than 60km/h. When overtaking in speed zones higher than 60km/h drivers must give cyclists a 1.5 metre berth.


More needed to be done to make drivers aware of the rule, Mr Wagstaff said.

"I think awareness is paramount," he said.

"We seem to have a bizarre culture around the relationship between drivers and cyclists - that we are enemies to one another.

"It's disheartening to see a rule come into play, a good rule that doesn't have any recognition.

"If I put a distance measure on my handle bar you could surpass those stats in a single day for one cyclist."

A spokesman for Pedal Power ACT said drivers had generally reacted positively to the law.

"Of course more can be done to promote the law and the awareness of it," he said.

"We have anecdotal evidence that people have generally been providing more room on the roads.

"But some have also been reporting that the compliance of the law isn't as strong as it could be."

The "metre matters" rule was announced by Minister for Justice Shane Rattenbury in September 2015.

It was accompanied by an awareness campaign in partnership with the Amy Gillett Foundation.

"Anecdotal evidence suggests that the ACT's minimum passing laws are making a difference," Mr Rattenbury said.

"We are seeing drivers who are more aware of what is a safe overtaking distance, and taking the appropriate precautions around cyclists who, as a group, are vulnerable road users.

"Cyclists are telling me that they are feeling safer as a result of getting more space. This is consistent with my own experience, both when I am riding and driving."

The government was planning to review the law later this year, Mr Rattenbury added.

"The evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the education campaigns, both in terms of raising awareness and changing behaviour, and also investigate the road safety benefits of the laws."

A spokesman for ACT police said cyclists should report any instances in which they believed an offence had been caused. 

"ACT Policing takes all reports of traffic offences seriously and ACT Policing acknowledges that bicycle riders are vulnerable road users and would encourage them to report instances where they believe an offence may have occurred.

"ACT Policing, in partnership with the ACT government, regularly promotes road safety initiatives for vulnerable road user in alignment with the ACT Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 as is committed towards the Vision Zero road safety philosophy, which aims to achieve zero deaths on ACT roads."


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