Worldwide arms trade has risen to its highest level since the Cold War in the last five years, driven by a demand from the Middle East and Asia, a study has...

US Navy patrolling South China Sea

Friction between the US and China over trade and territory under Donald Trump has increased concerns that the South China Sea could become a flashpoint.
China has suspended all coal imports from North Korea in the wake of its most recent missile test.
A continent two-thirds the size of Australia has been found under the Pacific Ocean, with only its highest points - New Zealand and New Caledonia - above water.
Pakistani forces said Friday they had killed more than 100 'terrorists' after 88 people died in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group on a Sufi shrine...
Malaysia Friday rejected Pyongyang's demand that it hand over the body of Kim Jong-nam, the assassinated half-brother of North Korea's leader, saying it would...
More than 80 people are dead following a deadly blast at a Sufi shrine in Pakistan.
Pakistan has launched a nationwide security crackdown, officials said, after a bomb ripped through a crowded Sufi shrine killing at least 70 people including 20...
Afghan officials say Pakistan has launched an assault on an eastern province of the country, following an IS attack on a shrine in southern Pakistan.
An asylum seeker being held in immigration detention on Manus Island who doctors feared would die without immediate medical care has been flown to Australia.
The new continent has been tentatively named Zealandia, and it's right next door to Australia.
Contemporary art and traditional culture have merged to provide Melbourne's Indigenous community its first culturally-sensitive birthing centre.
South Korea's special prosecutor's office says it is planning to widen charges against Samsung Group chief Jay Y Lee.
The New Zealand and Australian prime ministers have discussed immigration policy as they continue to push ahead with Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations.
For the first time family and friends of the Australian nurses who were killed on Bangka Island have gathered at the spot of the massacre.

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The residents of Tingha, a tiny town in regional New South Wales, are hoping a boxing program for disaffected youth will curb rising crime rates.
A study of sex trafficking in Las Vegas has found that behind the glitz and glamour of sin city that sex-trafficking of underage girls is rife.
Leaders in the NSW regional town of Armidale say the government has missed an opportunity for the development of their community after its application to be a...
Firebrand Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders launched his election campaign Saturday with a stinging attack on the country's Moroccan population, calling some ...
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Former Australia lock Dan Vickerman died at home in Sydney on Saturday night, the Australian Rugby Union (ARU) said on Sunday. He was 37.
Sunday marks the 75th anniversary of the Japanese bombing of Darwin, and evacuee Wendy James remembers fleeing at age six before war came to Australian soil.
As the federal government releases figures showing an increase in childhood immunisation rates, a paediatrician believes the 'No Jab, No Pay' policy targets the...